Sooo my grandpa died yesterday. Not saying for sympathy, it hasn't really affected me at all yet. I just need to post a rant here and sound off though, or otherwise I am going to start doing it on family member's Facebook status updates.
What is affecting me is the frustratingly dumb and hypocritical things people are saying, like “It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had” Mostly because I've heard this said time and time again, and each time the person just goes back to taking life for granted and saying fml over the smallest thing within a week. I've done it myself.
Seriously for religious people, what's with the disconnect? Really if you believe in a heaven-like afterlife this should be the opposite and you should look forward to dying, as this life is short and painful in comparison to the eternal one that awaits you in a magical golden castle in the sky. This puzzles me as to why there is so much sorrow surrounding Christian funerals. Shouldn't it be a joyous thing for that person... their suffering is done and you truly believe they are in a better place? In which case, all the crying done at funerals is selfish really and people are saying they'd rather keep someone dying in a hospital bed a bit longer than letting them go be happy forever and re-joining them in 30 years.
The next few days are going to go very badly if I don't keep my mouth shut