Developers of the Bit.Trip series are updating Atari's Breakout
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The game was cool, I liked the perspective shifts and pace of movement.
That game is a ton of fun and will open for you soon.
The racist slurs are certainly unique lol
Take Two: We fully expect to support the Nintendo Switch 2, Nintendo hardware can support any audience
"We've had a longstanding relationship with Nintendo and we've supported the platform when it made sense for the individual release. There was a time when Nintendo platforms were really geared at younger audiences and that was reflected in our release schedule. Now with today Switch and potentially Switch 2, the Switch device can support any audience. As you may have noticed, Civilization 7 is now available on Switch. While we have nothing specific to report, we actually would fully expect to support Switch 2."
So the wording sounds like before they would only release select titles, when it made sense, but now the plan is full support?
I really think GTA 6 would be an incredible get, if it's possible. That would be a signal to other developers, like throwing down the gauntlet.
It might have to be a miracle port situation.
He can really run.
Is the main characters voice actor the same as the narrator from Bastion?
It's a bit cheesy and annoying.
Don’t want to spoil anything but that guy goes through the freaking ringer.
It's very low resolution, unnecessarily so. The levels so far aren't that big either. Probably smaller areas and rooms than Crysis 2, which looked awesome on Switch.
The gameplay is fun though.
I find this game quite interesting, yet somewhat strange to experience.
It can feel quite disjointed as it doesn't plough forward in action like a normal fps. You have levels broken up with long meandering ship sections where not much happens.
There are overlong cutscenes (for a fps) in the 3rd person. The story is like they wanted to ape Inglorious Bastards. Then you have some first person wandering bits which are like a walking Simulator.
Part of me is more interested in the world concept over the game itself. There's this bit during an American parade and I just wanted the game to be like a Bethesda rpg more than what it is. I just wanted to explore.
Regarding the stealth, it doesn't work that well. Could use a radar.