My understanding is that men need to get one starting at age 45, and then every 10 years afterwards.
Yup. Unless they find polyps, then it's every 5 years. If they don't find any this time, then I won't have to do it for another 10 years. *Crosses fingers*
Well I'm scheduled for that special procedure that 50+ year olds get every 5 years or so on March 28th.
This isn't my first time. And while it wasn't nearly as bad I had expected, I'm still dreading this one nonetheless. They're giving me pills instead of that grape cough syrup tasting stuff I had last time, so that part might be a bit easier.
My understanding is that men need to get one starting at age 45, and then every 10 years afterwards.
Yup. Unless they find polyps, then it's every 5 years. If they don't find any this time, then I won't have to do it for another 10 years. *Crosses fingers*
That’s right on my birthday.