Switch 2 So Capable That a Lot of Players Will Be Surprised
Dev comments, Matt from Resetera
Game Under Podcast Christmas Special
A short compendium of some of our quiz segments.
gameunder.net news
SEGA Has no Plans for Additional Mini Consoles
"I’m not going for the Mini direction. It’s not me. "
vgchartz.com news
Massive Halo Development Leak
Over 25 years of Halo material leaked.
videogameschronicle.com news
Analyst: Nintendo Under Pressure For Earlier Announcement
"It is actually getting so bad with those leaks that they might cause Nintendo to release information earlier than planned."
eurogamer.net editorial
EA Knocked Back Plans for Dead Space 4
"They just said, no, we're not interested right now, we appreciate it, blah blah blah"
eurogamer.net news
Order by:
Doom 3 was fantastic. Give that one a try.
Here's a last minute Christmas gift guide:
View on YouTube
Something for everyone.
It does everything!
Lol the days when you could rent physical games at a store.
Merry Christmas from Australia.
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!
Those are smooth ballz.
Still a little over 5 hours to go before it’s officially Christmas here but Merry Christmas everybody!
Everyone is tripping this Christmas.
Happy Christmas, and try not to OD.
I came in here to post the same. Good to see halucinogens are freely available in the northern hemisphere. If you guys want to taste a good podcast: Game Under Podcast 165 — Game Under Podcast
I got my Steamdeck today. Downside, Daughter thinks it's a Switch and wants to play with it. Having a hard time telling her "It's not a fucking toy, get you kid hands off it"
Merry Christmas everyone. I have a cold 🥶
But it is a toy!
I'm going to rent a bunch of games from Blockbuster.
I've got my Sega Channel hooked up but it's taking a little longer than normal to connect... 🤔