Larian celebrated 100m downloaded mods
by officially curating undead big boobs mod. news
Nintendo Criticized for Not Crediting Devs on Re-masters
Retro Studios once again excluded from credits. Lame Nintendo. news
Tencent and Guillemot family considering new venture with Ubisoft
Sources close to the matter stating this is an attempt to give Ubisoft's value an overall boost. news
Switch 2 backwards compat inevitable
As Nintendo sold 1 Billion switch games, analyst says
Nintendo Responds to Snubbing Retro Studios
"We believe in giving proper credit" But then doesn't credit the makers of the game. news
Yoshida Speaks Out on Failed Sony Live Services Push
"Maybe that's one of the reasons they removed me from the first-party!" news
Kamiya: ‘They should be covered in sh*t’
Hideki Kamiya says Switch 2 leakers are ‘trash’ news
Analysts Explain Why "Switch 2" is a Good Name
"Thank god, Nintendo did not try to be creative with the name." news
Sony Confirms Cancellation of 2 Live Service Games
Affects Bend Studio and Bluepoint. news
Temco: Dead or Alive Characters are Like Daughters to Us
Insanely proportioned jiggly daughters in bikinis. news
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aspro (10m)
And I really didn't care for where thst storyline went.
Aspro, I wanna hear some Firewatch impressions. I really enjoyed it, for the story.
Tax season is coming up...yay? I'm debating whether to do my own or hire someone.
I hired someone to do my taxes one time. That was when I had started my ad agency and I thought the incorporation might make things more difficult. It did, but the reality is TurboTax did everything that the guy I hired did, and cost half the price.
The lady that used to fo ours charged about $80. How much is turbo tax these days?
Yeah, move on, be happy $80 is cheap.
I will settle on my impressions, probably in a podcast. For now I am unresolved on it. But here are some notes. SPOILERS AHEAD EVERYONE.
- I don't think they dwelt on the emotional drag of his wife's malady to give sufficient currency for his action to take the job.
- They undercut, then never resolved something that happened early on, when the friend on the radio did not realise she was still on and said."... no he has no idea about it at all"
- As a result I never trusted her, which took away any emotional link they were trying to develop between the characters.
- They built up the grand consiracy pretty well, then deflated it and sort of ended it by going "Oh well, I guess that's that" They set up so many opportunities for a grand let down -- a great end would have been she was in on the conspiracy (and that it existed) and that the helicopter was not coming back for him and he burnt up as fast as a Malibu holiday house.
- Then when you do go, well that was a waste of time, and at least hit on her to see if the relationship can go somewhere she's like "Nah I got shit to do, call me maybe"
So I guess in a nutshell that's my problem with the narrative. Then from a gameplay perspective -- it's a walking simulator.
So I felt like when you go to a fine restaurant, because it looked like a top notch meal with plenty of craft and thought, but when I was done I was like -- that's it? No desert?
How about discord? They make it easy and the way I see it it's the primary mode or game streaming? I'm not even a casual expert on the mater though.
There was a lot of stuff going wrong with gamespot by the time I left. I think when they blew up the Unions that was the final straw.
As a joke I tried to get us all to go and flood the GGD a few years ago and start posting actively as a troll, I think on AC helped out. Joke was on us, it was completely dead. Like tumbleweeds rolling thorugh, stray dogs and shoeless bloated children staggering around asking if we had seen a moderator, and surely the moderators were real and would come back...
Looking at today's gaming news I posted I wish I could build a tunnel back to the 90's for refuge.
That could be the pain meds and tequila talking.
I wandered onto internet fora somewhere between Star Wars the Phantom Menace showing in cinema's and the launch of the GameCube. I first started reading GamesRadar a year or two prior, but ended up at Gamespot and a Eurogamer a while later. I made an account at Gamespot back when posting something actually took what seemed like several minutes and a lot of people still used their actual names. I always stuck to the GGD, although I ended up with the Virtual Underground quite some time after they introduced Unions. I thought that the whole idea of user created boards was a bad idea as it would drain quality forumites from the main boards.
Yup. Now you made me check the place out again darnit. I'm too melancholic of a type to look back at such things! I looked at my user account and it says I joined 24/02/2003, but I was there before, only all of that data has been lost in time. Browsed through the list of users I followed or who followed me. Man it's really been a long time.
edit: I've also made more posts here at the VGPress than that are recorded at GS. Huzzah for commitment.
An Editorial Looking at the Best Handhelds of 2025 Nintendo enters a crowded field.
I don't think all these Steam Deck-like handheld pc's will put a dent in the succes of the next Switch. Those handhelds aim at a very specific niche of the market, being people who are big enough into PC gaming to want such a device and who aren't such snobs as to put up with the 'inferior' hardware for the benefit of portability. If anything, I think small form factor PC's with Valve's own operating system will pose more of a threat to actual home consoles. That and Nintendo could easily dominate for 20 more years on household name alone.
It looks like Square Enix is planning to brings the Final Fantasy 7 remake …
Nintendo Switch 2 Consoles Apparently Released Into the Wild Early
Gears Of War and Hellblade 2 among Xbox games coming to PS5 in 2025 says report
Welp. I will probably not have the patience for it.
They charge me like $200 these days.
That said, I don't see the switch 2 steamrolling everything like its predecessor did. I think it's going to do well, and outsell its competition, but it's not going to be contending for the best selling system of all time.
It'd be interesting to know the division of switch owners by age. I'm thinking that all adults who got one would be real gamers, so will eventually upgrade (unless they get a Steam Deck). There'll be an age bracket of kids who have now 'outgrown' gaming, but these should be replaced by kids who were too young during the Switch's lifespan. The only market I could see Nintendo really losing is that of parents who bought their kids a Switch and don't see the point of ever upgrading that.
It's actually not as difficult as I initially thought. I was playing it wrong. Once I raised a few levels and figured out the timing for blocking and getting the extra hits in battle, it became much easier.
This Thursday
The potential reveal date was leaked by industry insider Nate the Hate, and was backed up by Verge senior editor Tom Warren.