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It failed to meet half of the expected annual sales of one million.
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Ken Levine Speaks
"So, an orc comes to you and puts you on a quest to find X, right?"
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Team 17 Co-Founder Dies at 57
"he hid a plate full of fish goujons in my handbag "
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Digital Foundry on Switch 2 motherboard leak
Should we be concerned about the Samsung-produced processor?
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Dr. Vader us in the house. Yep, most likely from what I've read. Had the scan today and waiting for Doctor to review and call. Thanks to all for well wishes. An update:
- ER could not see me after 4 hours and I was in so much pain I had to leave. Travelled 2 hours to the next closest ER this morning through level 10 pain and had a great experience - saw doctor in ten minutes. Bottom line, I cannot sit for more than 2 minutes without insane pain. Leg is still numb. They think I won;t be able to run, lift or sit for 8 weeks, but waiting for final verdict on that. They at least gave me the good drugs, so back pain is releived as long as that lasts, but my leg is still a peice of Blu-Tak gettig jammed all over the place because I cannot feel anything Now I have to figure out how to use Steamdeck standing.
Also have to figure out how to not get additional injuries from standing all the time,
Mario Paint 2 Announced!
If custom PC builds were not a pain we would not get the satisfaction out of it.
The anger, adrenalin, dissapointment, panic, soft realisation that we may have been the problem, recovery then joy -- it's like Kubler-Ross' seven stages of loss. Actually, looking at that, that summarizes all relationship breakups I've gone through!
You need to sleep like full grown elephants. They shove themselves in between a V shaped tree to prop them up as they sleep.
Aspro, hoping you get relief soon.
Has anyone tried Huntdown yet?
Second thing, I was playing Doom 2016 on a 1080p tv last night and it looked pretty great. Usually you can't beat the small OLED screen or 2k on the big tv with Mclassic.
I got 2 new rifles.
I put off buying this game for so long because I thought it looked too blurry and I'd rather play it on a more powerful system. But a few minutes in and those thoughts melt away, it's smooth, the motion controls are great and it looks pretty great, albeit with a softer image quality compared to Crysis 2 remastered or Metroid Prime remastered.
Lights dynamically cast on the environment, materials look great, there are surface reflections everywhere and my favourite thing is mist.and steam hanging in the air. Very atmospheric.
How are you supposed to use the chainsaw? I've been shooting, then running in to finish with the chainsaw. Does anyone just run in with a chainsaw?
Usually in a square or rectangular room it locks you in. You can basically keep running in a circle, or square shape around the whole area. As long as you don't stop you rarely get hit and can run up to and point blank kill enemies.
Other fps would punish you for blindly running about.