The World Ends With You is getting a proper sequel in 2021
Neo: The World Ends With You news
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You don't need to be online to make accounts for everybody, but allows them to use the online features with their account. My kids use it for Minecraft. My wife uses it for Animal Crossing. Plus we all enjoy the Nintendo and Super Nintendo games.
Of course it's for Splatoon as well.
I know. I browsed eBay and audibly said "Why?"
Be sure to search and make sure it says family subscription. The single subscription is the same price.
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R.I.P. David Prowse.
It's FOMO. There are people who absolutely NEED to play anything that's new. If they're unlucky enough to miss a pre-order, and have the means to, will pay anything to get one of the NEW THING so they won't be left out.
She had gotten to the convention hotel kind of early, and was sitting at a table by the hotel bar waiting for her roommates to arrive. Lo and behold, David Prowse checks in shortly thereafter. The management knew he was one of the special guests, so they opened up the bar for him so he could have an early afternoon drink, and my wife is sitting right there. So he asks if he can sit down and offers to buy her a drink, which she accepted. At this point she just thought he was a nice old man.
After about 10 minutes of conversation he asks if she wants to go up to his room. She declined, but this is where things get funny. Prowse is more or less a pussy fiend, and does not give up. For every rejection she gives him, he has a new follow-up for it.
"Sorry David, I'm married." - so am I, come on up anyway.
"I have to wait for my roommates, they're going to be here shortly." - Don't worry it won't take long.
This went on for a while until he finally decided to go to his room, but he asked her to drop by his table later and they would have dinner. so for the rest of the weekend, she wouldn't let her roommates leave her side out of fear that she'd have to keep fighting off this old man.
unfortunately, it wasn't quite as flattering as it could have been. Apparently he had a reputation for doing this at most of the conventions and signings he would go to. Find a woman, and try to convince her to fuck Darth Vader.