Splatoon 2 - Version 4.1.0 arrives tonight
(Skipper Pavilion footage, Kensa weapons detailed)
japanesenintendo.com media
Nintendo is working on a new version of the Switch
due out second-half 2019 says WSJ
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So what did you all think of the Banksy auction stunt? Personally I thought it was brilliant. Some very nice criticism on the state, and perceived worth, of art in modern day.
I am absolutely amazed at the stunt. How did he get a shredder there?
It was amusing. His art jokes are much better than his political jokes (they're not bad, though).
Definitely shit in a can or urinal-level significance. Blows Piss Christ out of its own..water.
So I’m still web slinging in Spider Man ( Thanks to having no time whatsoever to finish the game). What are you playing this weekend?
I’ve been playing lots of Breath of the Wild on the Switch.
Yeah that Banksy stunt was really something. Didn’t anyone wonder why it was in such a large frame though?
Persona 5. Took some time away from it, now I'm right back in the thick. Little more than halfway done. Great RPG, and to me it's the best Persona by far. Should be...they took what, 10 years to make it?
Lords of Shadow 2. Never gave this one a shake beyond the opening area until now. AWas playing the PS3 version, but switched to the PC build because it looks a ton better. The game though is nowhere near as good as the first LOS was. This one feels really weird...I don't know what they were going for....almost like an Arkham City but broken as fuck vibe. I'm going to try to power through it.
Angel of Darkness. What a hot mess this game is. After doing some research on it, I've come to the conclusion that the folks defending this game as "not that bad" or white knighting for Core Design, are delusional. This game is one of the biggest flops of all time. The only way I could see someone being impressed at all, is if you went from the PS1 to the PS2 and this was the first game you played. Even then...the PS1 TR games blow this away, so you STILL shouldn't be anything but disappointed.
Little bits of Black Ops 3, Titanfall 2, and a bunch of other stuff too.
I like ‘em thicc.