Gunman shot by Pokemon GO player he tried to rob
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Darksiders: Warmastered Edition - details, screens
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robio (2m)
No one did. I'm just assuming that Nintendo would follow the same logic as Sony and Ms, demanding parity in everything but resolution and effects when playing at home or on the go. But by doing so, you're limiting the use of the CPU to a fraction of its potential. You seem to think that it's a matter of resolution, but things like amount of NPC's and AI would benefit from more CPU. incremental CPU increases is why this gen has felt so similar to last.
I simply can not imagine a nintendo console where 1st party games don't run buttery smooth. But if this NX thing allows for upgrades seemingly à la carte, I don't see Nintendo being able to optimize their games for all possible configurations as they can do now.
Look at the schematics you posted yourself. Some of those show multiple D-pads. Nintendo isn't going to develop such an iffy thing just to allow people to swap out buttons and sticks for right or left handed play. Unless it's not electronical stuff, but just mechanical, like the Xbone Elite controller. And seeing the large amount of plastic tat Nintendo themselves created to clip the Wiimotes into, I don't think it's beyond them to release multiple modulat UI's to suit different types of games. I still don't believe any of this though.
WiiU was limited to one Gamepad. Think down the lines of having 4 Ipads (but cheaper) in your house that can all work together through the home console to play local multiplayer games on your telly, but can also work individually or on the go.
I don't care how powerfull the chip is, fact is that if you're downclocking your SoC for mobile play, you're not only downclocking the GPU, but also the CPU. Think about Pikmin 4. Say the SoC can have 300 Pikmin running around in home console mode. On the go it downclocks by 3 quarters. That means that on the go you can only have 75 Pikmin running around. What will happen? The whole game will be limited to having 75 Pikmin, no matter if you're playing on the go or at home. It's a crude example, and things are much more nuanced than that, but I'm just trying to show you that downclocking impacts more than the resolution of your games.
edit: unless the game significantly changes when on the go, where each game has a limited amount of things you can do while on the go. That could work, but would require a huge effort from developers.
As for battery life: you accept 3 hours of internet on your phone because you realize that that is not normal use. If you're just keeping your phone in your pocket and making occasional calls, perhaps your battery will last you 2 days. But for a portable console, playing games IS the norm, so saying people will accept that the battery only lasts 2 hours is in my opinion just not true.
Feel free to reply whenever you get back to a keyboard.
I'll be at Mohegan Sun Arena in Connecticut this October to see Megadeth, Amon Amarth, and Suicidal Tendencies. Feel free to stop by and say hello.
Sup NKNR (No keyboard, no reply)
Okay, that was no fun. My nephews aren't even co-ordinated enough to play Wii Sports resort. There's something seriously wrong here. Can't even serve in table tennis. Can't do anything other than swordfighting. Can't even point the IR at an icon on the screen and press A. When playing games in Nintendoland they struggle to even keep the remote horizontal, literally try to use the dpad with the remote vertical and fail so hard. One kid is 7 and a half, the other 5.
Is this normal?
Their parents won't let them play games.
Wii U is getting a major release this November. The original Darksiders. Ain't dead yet.
That was a fun game
Darksiders was a really cool game. I'll be picking up the Xbox One version to play through again. I think the only thing left that I want to buy on the Wii U is Pikmin 3.
If I have read correctly though it is a downgraded version. It will only be at 30fps whereas the other systems will get the same game at 60fps.
1080p on U for a third party game is noteworthy. At least.
Buy Splatoon already.
Its improved, Darksiders 2 wasn't even 1080p on consoles. Darksiders 1 certainly wasn't.
The Warmastered U version may only be 30fps, but what other AAA game port was 1080p on U?
Eww. No thanks.
Of course, if they have zero experience.
Indeed! Darksiders 2?
Robio, how far in are you in MH4? We should try and arrange a time to play together some.
They've played here, Nintendoland was about the only thing they could sorta do. I don't get how they can't point the remote at the screen to press A. Despite being repeatedly shown how. Or how many times you can tell them to turn the remote on it's side only to have them put the dpad on the wrong side - or worse control using it vertically. I can't have been this bad at their age and I remember playing the first tmnt nes game.
I think I am getting pretty close to the end of the main storyline. I just defeated the Tigrex, and I have been approved to fight in the sealed-off shrine area I think.
I am available pretty much anytime tomorrow.
I'm about to do the urgent quest at the end of the level 5 quests. Not sure how far in that is, but it's probably way behind where you are. Have you done any online quests so far? I've done one online quests against a Narjala, but that's it. As for tomorrow (Sunday), I could probably make it on somewhere between 18:00 and 21:00 UTC.
You shouldn't be too harsh on them. I remember when my wife first played a videogame. It was Harvest Moon on the GC and she couldn't walk in a straight line, it was like her character was constantly drunk.
You've got to remember that back in your day, all you had to do was put the controller in your lap, press the d pad and two buttons. The Wiimote is a good bit more complex, especially when dealing with a finicky sensor bar that barely picks up your movements. It's going to take them some time.
Btw, did anyone else do any body steering while playing the NES?
I used to thrust my hands upwards while trying to make Mario jump.
We should be harsher on GG for having them play Wii Sports Resort when the superior Go Vacation is available.