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gamingeek (39s)
Having used chain attacks last night in XB Wii, it works in the same way, use arts of the same colour to chain together attacks. In XCX it even highlights the art you should use when the characters use soul voices. You don't have to do this simon says as you say but if you want to keep the chain going in both games you use same colour attacks. Regardless of the combat the whole game is mechanically and technically better. With far more features too.
I agree. Also the music was better in XB Wii.
Uhh, uhh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Wow. Getting kind of worried about this game.
I disagree. Xenoblade has better map design, exploration, and music. The only thing I felt Xenoblade X did better is the combat and even then in some respects the original is superior.
One of the site's forefathers.
Hmmmm. I haven't really noticed the soul voices chaining together yet. Someone screams something in a colour, I reply by using the similarly coloured attack. It all seems very random.
Mighty NO9 is such a disaster.
Punk that story is nuts, that is horrible.
Holy shit, The Witness looks like a must buy!
Did you read my explanation of Soul Voices in the thread?
Overall the music in xcx is great, there's just a couple of duds that unfortunately get repeated in areas you visit a lot.
I'm not feeling it. Eryth sea, Alcamoth even that snowy mountain are just sort of..... there.
Oh yeah there's some great music in XCX but I think overall I enjoyed the music in XB more.
Yeah I saw the GameSpot video review and it looks very good. They gave it an 8.8.
Just kidding. They gave it a 9.
Not sure. I did read something about it, but I stopped reading the thread alltogether once it was clear I was far behind you guys. I didn't want to risk reading any spoilers. Could you give me the short version?
Eh. Eurogamer only gave it a 'recommended'.
Thanks for the help.
I skimmed all of it up to the point where I was pretty sure I stopped reading last time. I'm not going to risk it. I'll just google it.
Yeah, all I can find that I didn't know is the 'overdrive' thing, but I don't think I'm far enough in to be able to use that. Still seems like simon says to me.
GG Man at Arms Reforged made Erza Scarlet's sword and armor in the latest episode
So more updates on my job:
The place has gotten out of control. For example today we had three kids refuse to go to school. To be fair one of them stated he was sick (even though he didn't look it) and has never called off before. Due to the first shift staff being out of ratio, I had to stay over time. Now since it was first shift I and the first shift staff member (yes she is a woman) we are the only people on the whole campus. Yes there are people at the school but they are a five minute walk away. The kids were doing what ever they hell they wanted to. When one of the kids went to take a shower, another kid got shaving cream and went in his room began to vandalize everything while staff wasn't looking. They even crouched on the window and began to pee outside. When the kid in the shower got back, he didn't know who to blame. He thought it was some other kid so he went in his room and began to vandalize it. I had to go in there and take the kid back to his room. I would like to point out that this kid, the one who's room was vandalized and attempted to vandalize another kids room, has been here for two weeks. It is pretty obvious that the kid is flatout insane. He clearly belongs in a mental health ward. He's always extremely hyper and completely out of it. This event is a perfect example. He was 100% certain that the kid's room he vandalized screwed up his room. However, the kid he accused in question already left the house for school before he even got out of bed. Yet he is so adament that he as the one who vandalized his room as he somehow teleported from school to his room and then teleported back like Star Trek. Yet they keep him across the room from a kid that just bullies him the whole time. Last night he was freaking out because the kid kept threatening to stab him with some type of "broken plate". It turns out it was just a pen, and despite me looking right at it the kid was assured that the pen was a broken piece plate despite clearly being a pen.
Anyway during the time I was there the kids did whatever they wanted. They all went into one room with one another. We were worried because on kid kept mooning another kid. They teased him and called him gay, but we know that there have been rumors of the two kids (the bully and the kid that belongs in a metal hospital) having sex with one another. Oh, this is something I forgot to mention. The stereotype of males being gay in correctional facilities is 100% fact. If anything media severely underexaggerates the problem. I would say at least half of the kids here show signs of gay activity. Anything from constant jokes about dicks to sexual stares to being found in "compromising positions". The funny thing is that it is always the homophobic kids who are the ones that display these activities. The one's who don't really care and even support LGBT movements tend to go to public school and have girlfriends.
So yeah the kids refused to go to school. Someone from the school went to attempt to get them to school, but I just uped and left once they got there. I told them I refused to say an extra minute and headed home.
This is just one single shift by the way.
To each his own.
One of the site's forefathers.
I second this. When I first came here people specifically told me I should stick with GG weekly first and foremost.
I also don't want to dig through 15 pages worh of potential spoilers.
Seems like Bungie is losing a lot of goodwill due to issues with the current build of Destiny and the lack of any schedule considering the release of upcoming DLC. Sad to see them making such a mess of it. They brought it onto themselves though, with the whole 10-year journey thing and how Destiny would be different and whatnot... They should have just said 'we'll bring you five games (quintology, pentalogy?) in the span of a decade' and no one would be moaning. Now they're failing to keep people playing through the first 18 months of their 120 month 'journey', while they themselves can't stick to their own schedules due to the higher ups constantly upending the table. I'm sure it doesn't help that they're not generating any income between DLC releases either.
Either Bungie/Activision get their act together, or this could end very badly for Bungie.
Detective Pikachu game revealed
ok this hard
lazy ass screengrabs
Is it just me, or is that an especially chubby Pikachu?
Also, pretty sure the trailer is better than the game will be.