Star Fox Zero devs – origins, co-op, amiibo, not a remake
GamePad importance, and more
Cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force immediately!!!!
Disney Infinity devs say nothing's off the table
including Howard the Duck, Monkey Island & more
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival amiibo included in set
Isabelle and Digby
Miiverse to undergo extensive changes later this summer
Screenshot Album will hold all of your screenshots, up to 100 media
Tom Towers Reviews Witcher III
"The dogs are already salivating." editorial impressions
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I have noticed this.
They seem to pick up on one game and do multiple stories/articles about it. Other stories and games get shunted down the news page in the nether regions where no one sees them or cares. They pick up on news pretty late these days too. With CVG dead I think VG24/7 is probably the site that updates the news pretty well.
"Absolutely sure of that now"
...and in other news, Playstation Network is expected to have some outages sometime in the near future!
^ Hamster bait!!
Pokken Tournament - release date trailer
Whoa..... this is just two weeks away in Japan. Roster seems a little slim though. I wonder if they have any mor characters ready at launch.
It's a Namco made fighter!!
There will be at least half the roster locked out to start...
There will be DLC...
...Time released secret guys...
Heihachi will be released if you get a high score in Galaga at the games load screen...
Pokken Tournament 2 announced upon the release.
I don't think we'll have anything to worry about!
This sounds like a Wii/GameCube scenario all over again. I think I'll steer well clear of this thing at launch.
The quoted guy won't clarify if it's a handheld
If it were only a console I'd agree. But since it'll be a handheld I'm still in.
Ahhhh yes. It's been a while since I followed how Tekken games go about their business. I'd almost forgotten.
Hamster is hung over. Too many rum & cokes last night. Pac-Mario? WTF? Am I still drunk?
Guess who just got The Borderlands Handsome Collection for PS4?! THAT'S RIGHT, BABY!! JACK IS BACK!!
This book is so good it makes my heart hurt at the way Mega Man is treated these days... The MM25 Official Complete Works book covers all Mega Man and Mega Man X games, capturing all concept art, sketches, all info on all the Robot Masters. It even touches a little on cameo appearances by the Blue Bomber and a few of the other games like Mega Man ZX. Check out one, single page out of this 400+ page monster:
If you're a Mega Man fan in the least: CLICK! You'll Thank me later!
Few things:
(1) Puzzle and Dragons has Final Fantasy summons in it: Ifrit, Leviathan, Tiamat, Carbunkle, and others! Kinda cool, they are Legendary Dragons!
(2) Borderlands: The Presequel, you can play as Claptrap. His Action Skill is to become one of the other Vault Hunters, depending on the situation; he'll double-wield guns like a Gunzerker, have a Turret like Axton, have elemental skills like a Siren... Totally funny and cool!
(3) I may be getting married. My fiance is descended from British Lord-ship and owns several estates across the Long Island area... I shall be called LORD_Leo from now on, Peasants!!

--That is all!

I'd LOVE to be PLAYING Borderlands right now, but it installs 9 gigs of content upon booting it up the first time!
I actually am having trouble playing Arkham Knight! Never played Origins, so the button combinations are foreign to me, the various enemy types have too much of an advantage over me because of it; I have rage quit on more than one occasion! Struggling getting used to it! I've been playing Puzzle and Dragons so much, it's almost too "Core" for me!!
LOVED the scene where you digitally recreate the scene where Batgirl crashed in the Knight's car! Such a simple concept, but done SO well! You are even more of a detective in this game than the others! BRAVO!
I don't own a Wii U at all at the moment. I'd like to be playing Splatoon, MAYBE, and I'd love the new content in Smash, but I have to wait and see what the story with the NX is before I commit to buying another Nintendo console. If it combines U and 3DS functionality, it will be a definite purchase for me. We'll see.
His last name is also hyphonated; one of his last names sounds suspiciously like Bowser. I have to keep myself from throwing fireballs his way or flinging him around by his tail...
...that sounds way more sexual than it should!
And I'm drunk again. Probably should not have bought a big bottle of rum yesterday. Benn playing streets of Rage 2 while drinking rum and cokes. so tired, atm. Wish I could sleep. BTW, I took a drink of rums traight from the bottle;. that was fucking nasty. Don't recommend doing that.