GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Trine 2: Complete Story announced for PS4 1080p news gamingeek
[] Euro downloads - October 31 (Wii Fit U, sales and more) Massive Ubisoft sale, big games little price gamingeek
[] The Pokemon Company prepping a detective game Partner up with Pikachu gamingeek
[] Batman: Arkham Origins apparently runs best on Wii U With fewer framerate drops than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. There’s also no screen tearing, fewer glitches, and apparently better lighting as well. gamingeek
[] Capcom Really Needs To Hire More Proofreaders Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies Proves That gamingeek
[] Call of Duty: Ghosts only supports 12 players on 360 Requires 3GB install gamingeek
[] Namco Bandai to distribute The Witcher 3 in Europe Tales of the Bitcher 3 gamingeek
[] Shin'en announce FAST Racing Neo Wii U 2014 news gamingeek
[] X1's limited range HDMI output affecting Digital Foundry Comparisons hit gamingeek
[] Star Wars 1313 new artworks gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag review round-up Lies, remember AC3? impressions gamingeek
[] Review: Assassin's Creed IV 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Review: Battlefield 4 9/10 gamingeek
[] Battlefield 4 review 8/10 for multiplayer impressions gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag review 9/10.... dubious impressions gamingeek
[] EA Sports ends partnership with Tiger Woods Announces PS4/Xbox One golf game news gamingeek
[] Battlefield 4: Which is better - Xbox One or PS4? X1 image quality is perceptibly worse, sporting a softer, jaggier look that carries all the hallmarks of a game upscaling from a sub full-HD resolution gamingeek
[] Battlefield 4 Review 9/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag - What Needs To Change? "4's mechanics are as out of time as its settings, and the graphical upgrade of the next-generation versions isn't enough to distract from that" gamingeek
[] Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Review 7/10 - "There's only so many times, however, that you can tolerate the poorly-defined stealth and terrible AI" impressions gamingeek
[] Battlefield 4 PS4 install size is 34.9GB PLEASE GOD DO NOT ALLOW A DIGITAL ONLY FUTURE gamingeek
[] Première image, Next-Gen Tiger Woods The whores look so real gamingeek
[] Reggie takes over NoA Twitter account gamingeek
[] Wii Sports Club - Iwata Asks footage gamingeek
Pachter's full statement on Nintendo Q2 incoming results Optimism, mixed with a bleak outlook gamingeek
[] Wii Fit U - five gameplay videos gamingeek
[] Iwata stands firm on profit forecast, no change in strategy Holiday sales will shape future action gamingeek
[] New Pokemon/Pikachu detective game detailed Wtf? Wth? Wut? Pikachu talks in English? Hard boiled dialogue? A Huge project? gamingeek
[] If you haven't downloaded Wii Street U do it now If you have it you can keep it for free. Soon it won't be gamingeek
Heavenly Sword Movie - The Official Movie Trailer starring Anna Torv, Alfred Molina and Thomas Jane. media gamingeek
[] Killer app: Killzone aims to justify your PS4 purchase gamingeek
[] Face-Off: Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag The state of play on current-gen consoles - PS3 vs 360 gamingeek
[] Wii U to get F1 Race Stars: Powered Up Edition eShop only gamingeek
[] Zelda: A Link Between Worlds – loads of spoiler-filled details Ganon has a son - he wants to be an IT consultant gamingeek
[] Getting Wii Sports Club online was "a challenge” Due to the complexity of gyroscopes vs. buttons gamingeek
[] Xbox One situation not 'dire or dramatic' Penello gamingeek
[] EA posts $273m loss for the quarter gamingeek
[] Wii U sales increase 87 per cent on last quarter gamingeek
[] Wii and Wii U account for 3% of EA sales It's hard to make money when you don't release games gamingeek
[] News: Nintendo Financial Reports Bring Minor Profit 3DS Success and More Wii U Struggles gamingeek
[] EA expects 10m PS4/Xbox One hardware sales by March Your estimates? gamingeek
[] Séquence vidéo next-gen PlayStation 4 ! Dying Light gamingeek
[] Vidéo (gameplay) Typing of the Dead Overkill Write motherfucker! Punctuate! gamingeek
[] Titanfall never coming to PS4 Now a lifetime exclusive for Xbox and PC. news Dvader
South Park Delayed Delayed a lot. Plus new gameplay footage. media news aspro
Ubi Drops Online Passes “What’s more, Uplay Passport will not be a part of any future Ubisoft games.” news aspro
[] GTAV shipped 29 million units. Outsold every GTA and CoD game already. news Dvader
[] Zelda and Pikmin Headline Entertaining New Video shows Well excuuuuuse me. gamingeek
[] Mario and Sonic Sochi 2014 Sonic Colours video  Sweets level! gamingeek
[] In praise of the magnificent COD: Ghosts resolution wars A slight difference between two versions of the same game is all NeoGAF needs – there are countless threads on the web’s biggest games forum editorial gamingeek
[] North American October 31 Wii Fit U, LEGO Marvel and more gamingeek
[] Zelda: ALBW gameplay trailer! Those new dungeons!!! media Dvader
[] Castlevania LoS 2story trailer. Alucard is Trevor? media Dvader
[] Trailer: Forza 5 is “only possible on Xbox One” Dat cloud media gamingeek
[] New Dark Souls 2 Screenshots gamingeek
[] Sony responds to PS4 MP3-gate gamingeek
[] Details covering Dragon Quest X’s upcoming expansion Nice pics media gamingeek
[] PlayStation hardware sales decline in Q2 Vita price cut and PS4 costs pulls PlayStation into the red gamingeek
[] Sony loses $8m on games As overall business cuts forecast by 40% gamingeek
[] Pokemon greatly boosted 3DS sales in Japan and Europe gamingeek
[] DICE: Second screen not a fad Will play a role in studio's future games gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Frontier G - more screenshots U version media gamingeek
[] Iwata compares 3DS momentum to Wii/GBA Says maintaining momentum is key gamingeek
[] Nintendo says holiday season is a chance to turn Wii U around Super Mario 3D World a 'central pillar' gamingeek
[] Multiple Wii U bundles/games to help widen appeal 3DS marketing took away from Wii U, says Iwata gamingeek
[] Capcom updates million seller list gamingeek
[] Steam: Now Serving 65 Million Now in its 10th year. news aspro
[] Controversial Scenes Cut From Stanley Parable "a white business man burning a young black child's face with a cigarette" news aspro
[] PC Gamer Review Nvidia Sheild 86/100 Great hardware but, "compatibility and PC streaming have a ways to go" impressions aspro
[] SEGA 3D Classics Series dated for US and Europe Sonic, Shinobi, Streets of Rage and more! news phantom_leo
[] Japan getting Advance Wars: Days of Ruin for 3DS Sorta. Signs of series revival? news phantom_leo
[] Ubi Sale At Hobo prices on classics and current gen. news aspro
[] Xbox One, PS4 and the elusive dream of "good enough" editorial gamingeek
[] Offensive material forces Nintendo to suspend Swapnote some users, including minors, have been exchanging friend codes on the Internet and then using the app's photo sharing feature to send and receive inappropriate images. media gamingeek
[] Donkey Kong Country being sold illegally on Google Play store A company called RetroStudio is selling Donkey Kong Country as Donkey Kong Country HD on the Google Play Store. gamingeek
[] The version of Red Steel 2 we never got Did you know that there was a version of Red Steel 2 in development that was cancelled? gamingeek
[] Gaming Media Defend X1 Higher Price, Lower Resolution "Gaming sites have been cropping up apologists articles left and right to dissuade on-the-fence gamers from canceling their X1 pre-orders" editorial gamingeek
[] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies Review As close as the series has come to the greatness of the original trilogy. impressions gamingeek
Nintendo portable systems dominate Japan's sales charts for the 21st century gamingeek
[] Call of Duty: Ghosts - Wii U details - uses Wiimote, offscreen play, Resolution appears to be at 880x720 gamingeek
[] Game Under Podcast Ep. 28 Stanley Parable, Saints 4, BTTF, News and tangents. editorial impressions media news aspro
[] Small Dev Wadjet Eye Gets Pillaged They offered free games, someone stole 30,000 copies. news aspro
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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 02:29:18
robio said:

It hasn't been announced, but I doubt it. the theory was once the first expansion was released in Japan they would bundle it together with the main version and then announce it for the west. Hasn't happened yet

Wow that sucks.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 02:46:06
phantom_leo said:

Wow. It's nearly the holiday season. There's new systems right around the corner... and the news is deader and duller than a typical week in July. All I see is sequel, sequel, sequel of all the usual suspects and really nothing else of note. This generation is dead, but, problem is, next gen isn't looking too promising either.

I am bored right now in terms of gaming as well. Nothing interests me outside Mario and Zelda. I dont want to buy anything, Batman, meh, AC, meh, shooters, meh. I got sonic out of some obligation I have. I will get PS4 launch games cause that is what you do.  I thinK GTA took all my hype for the rest of the year. Its weird for me.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:42:04

The titanfall news is huge, it was supposed to be a limited timed exclusive, now Titanfall will never come out to PS4. The sequels probably will though, still this is a huge boost next year for Xbox.

Respawn is not too happy about it.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:09:14
Edited: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:14:16
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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:24:34

Yay, new FAST racing league game from Shin'en!  Grinning

It's not much, but with WipeOut and F-Zero all but dead, one can't be picky.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:07:59

Titanfall on PC it is!


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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:54:02


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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:21:11
Dvader said:

Awesome AC4 reviews. The GS review has me all giddy, it talks about how amazing exploring the open seas is.

If you played 3, you wouldn't be giddy.

Dvader said:

Target doing Buy 2 get 1 free on PS4 launch day. ALL PS4 GAMES are B2G1!!!! You can get any game on any system if you want as well.

So now I am getting KZ, NBA and um... who knows.

LOL What? AC4, Ghosts maybe? Knack....

Dvader said:


Dvader said:

Wii U retail report. I went to buy Sonic Lost World at Best Buy and they didnt have the game out on the shelves. Meanwhile there are a million AC4 and BF4 for the big two, no AC4 Wii U. I had to ask for them to find Sonic, it took them 10 minutes to realize they have it in a cage in the front, only two copies. This is not a rare event, most of the time you cant find new Wii U games on shelves, they just dont care to put them up. Oh and the Skylanders section is about 3x as big as the Wii U section in the store.

This is not just happening locally, I am right now out of town and see the same thing. I see it at BB, at Kmart, at Target, Wii U is practically dead.

It's been like that since day 1 here, which is why I bring it up when sales of games are mentioned, they aren't even in most stores. Publishers also low ball shipments. A major UK chain received 12 copies of NFS Most Wanted for nationwide distribution.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:28:15

That Luigi in Sonic Generations is rad  Grinning  That's how you celebrate the year of Luigi!

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:37:39

Some insight into why Wii Sports on Wii wasn't online?

“When we thought about how we want people to have fun with Wii Sports on the new hardware, the Wii U console, there was no way, given the expectations, that we couldn’t prepare online gaming. So as we began development, we set online gameplay of Tennis — the representative sport of Wii Sports — as our first goal. [We wanted to] pour our energy into how we could make [online gaming] fun.”

“In a typical online game, the information of the button presses are sent to your opponent, and the inputs are synchronized between the players, but for this game you have to send complex information from the gyro sensor and accelerometer of the Wii Remote Plus controllers, in addition to information from the buttons, which was a brand new challenge.”

- Nintendo EAD Takayuki Shimamura

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:41:55

Wonder what FAST Neo will look like?

Edited: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:37:22

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:09:17

So I played more LA Noire last night, didn't really take to it.

Virtually empty pointless city with nothing to do, awkward controls, half decentish stories. Solved a case. Don't really like the interrogations that much, press X for doubt, Y for lie etc. It's sort of like Phoenix Wright but unlike those games you cannot re-read the whole testimony before deciding where to press or not. You have one chance. Fail and you fail the interogation and get kicked back into it for another go or the story just moves on. So it either feels like trial and error or you feel like you've missed something. So it feels like the game is sometimes using obtuse logic and bypassing you.

So I moved onto Sleeping Dogs. Makes a good first impression, great graphics.

Fights are pretty decent, works like Batman a lot but more involved it feels. Love ramming someones head into a wall or using the context sensitive situations. But they have spamed me with four or 5 mass brawls in a row within the first hour, I hope the game isn't padded out with this shit?

It just feels nice to play a game in a conteporary setting not set in America or Europe. Although the US voice actors are irking me. They have actors speaking Cantonese, they have people with asian/east asian accents. And yet the main two characters sound like they just stepped out of GTA. If I were an American I would feel mildly insulted that game makers think the market is so shallow that they would refuse to play a game if it didn't feature US accents or characters.

Still the atmoshphere is great even if it uses classic Chinese tropes like drumming sounds, lanterns, fireworks etc. Its true the Chinese do lighting better than anybody, they light up their streets like it's Christmas.

Visuals are pretty great, makes LA Noire look like a PS2 game. Back to LA Noire for a moment, I don't think the facial animation is that well done or ground breaking, if only because of the camera angle. It's filmed like a film in the 3rd person compared to other performace capture games like DSExtraction or Goldeneye those games are in the first person so you get a bigger more centralised view of a persons face. It's just easier to see and more immersive in first person.

BTW what is with the depth of field in Sleeping Dogs? It's some of the worst I've ever seen.

I was also playing more Deus Ex, great game, very glad I picked it up. I didn't play the original and no one seemed to be able to accurately describe how this game played so I just ignored it assuming it was unfriendly. It's like Splinter Cell crossed with a 1st person shooter with bits where you walk about and talk to people, so it's a mix of my favourite things. I was using the annotate maps feature for the first time - soooooo useful. Although it's been used in DS games before, famously Phantom Hourglass it's an epic feature and should be standard in U games I think.

Game is done really nicely on U, although it could use the features better in some areas most of the functionality is very well done and the gamepad feels like a proper in game gadget, a sometimes 4th wall breaking ebook reader, a useful annotated map sometimes, other times a brilliant real time map that is mega useful, as well as being an info log, you can easily use touch screen tick boxes to mark objectives for instance. Also inventory management and you can even make your own infologs with your own gyro controlled camera pics and voice recordings via the mic to share via Miiverse.

And it even has a full game guide and directors commentary built in as well as other stuff. Even the touchcreen hacking is fun. All in all seems like a great version of an already great game, think I would 9.3 it so far.

Edited: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:40:35

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:07:02

I posted some pics from my Animal Crossing Playthrough:

Over 100 pictures showing why Animal Crossing New Leaf is the best one yet

It does look better on U, phew, thought it was Ubishite bullshit but it does. Not by much but its hard to see on such small screens, I notice better colours and contrast (which is an achievement considering Wii U's ltd range HDMI and gamma pass issue early games suffered from) and slightly more detail on textures, faces, sand etc.

I saw the PS3 vs PS4 video before and the differences were similar.

Wii U image captured via actual user and uploaded^

It will be more noticeble to journos playing on big screens. PS4 ver is 1080p

Edited: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:42:57

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:52:54

Once you're done with Deus Ex, give Batman a shot, GG.  I'm surprised no one else on here is playing it yet.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:07:54
travo said:

Once you're done with Deus Ex, give Batman a shot, GG.  I'm surprised no one else on here is playing it yet.

Think I'll hobo it, way too many other stuff to get and a backlog to finish.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:14:26

Siliconera has posted a write-up of of NHK’s “Professional—Style of Work” program that aired earlier this week, where Pokemon president and CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara shared the first details about the new Pokemon game starring Pikachu as a detective partner. You can find a few more bits below, as well as images above.

- The new Pokemon game is a huge project

- Solve mysteries and use deductive reasoning

- Pokemon devs are working on new ideas to separate the game from other titles involving detectives and mystery solving

- Will be made so that a younger audience can enjoy

- As mentioned previously, Pikachu will talk

- First time Pikachu will speak

- Pikachu will have lines that are more suited for an adult

- Example of the above: “…Oh, they’re just beauties [girls]”

- Pikachu will also have other hard-boiled lines to fit a detective persona

- Example of the above: “If this keeps up, we’ll have a bag made from Pikachu…”

- Having Pikachu talk was a decision Ishihara and the other staff members spent a long time mulling over

- They first thought it would be impossible and a risky proposal

- Ater telling them “let’s make this happen,” Ishihara and the others decided to go with it

- The staff are surprised in the possibilities of all the different facial expressions motion-capture affords

- Motion-capture is being used to have Pikachu show more personality

Edited: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:24:47

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:22:22
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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:31:46
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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:48:40
travo said:

Once you're done with Deus Ex, give Batman a shot, GG.  I'm surprised no one else on here is playing it yet.

I want it but I want to get a new tv before the end of this year so I'm holding off on any gaming related purchases until then.


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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:17:16

Nintendo financials are in, they sold about 300k wii us worldwide in three months. Europe was at negative 20000 units, they are returning the consoles.  

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