An American in Melbourne
Kuchera has a look at gaming in Australia, and gets most of it right. editorial impressions
Nowgamer Pikmin 3 review - 9/10
"This is Nintendo. This is what we want to see. Brilliant ideas, well executed. Give Mario and co a well-deserved rest, Nintendo, it's time to let that brilliance shine again" impressions
Pikmin 3 Meristation review 91/100
"Pikmin 3 is the best Wii U game at the moment for its deep and accessible gameplay, its variety of situations and the brilliant visuals and sounds" impressions
Eidos Montreal founder: Square-Enix has great games
But doesn't know how to sell them- "Last year was supposed to be a home-run season, but we didn't hit a single home run"
Ace Attorney DD additional episodes confirmed for the West
and Costume Pack
Deus Ex movie adaptation - first details
- directed by Scott Derrickson (Sinister, Exorcism of Emily Rose) - co-writer C. Robert Cargill
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And to give you a little historical reference regarding something you wrote about the Larry series, the original was never that hard. There were one or two parts of the game that were tough to figure out, but the original was never as tough as other adventure games of the time. That dramatically changed in the 2nd and 3rd installments which were insanely and stupidly hard, but once it migrated to the point-and-click format the whole series became much easier to play (aside from the annoyances created by the zipper and taste/smell icons).
Anyway good review. The game doesn't sound as unpleasant as IGN made it out to be, but I think I'm still good with never needing to play it again.
Thanks for reading it mate, and the info on the difficulty of the original. I think unless you are a huge fan, there's probably not much point in playing the remake. Especially at the ridiculous $20 (I certainly wouldn't have paid that much). I think there's more appeal for people like me who have never played it before.
What better way to sell risky hardware than with established and proven franchises which they can innovate within? They turned Donkey Kong into a game played by drums then made a touch screen controlled Zelda. Look what they did with Mario Galaxy. It's not like they don't take risks.
You're kind of making my point. Where is the innovation or risk with the big name titles? There's nothing innovative with NSMB Wii U, the new 3D Mario, DK Tropical Freeze, or Pikmin 3. Nintendo took a big risk with the touchscreen, but aside from 2 mini game collections they haven't shown that they're doing anything with the tablet. Ubisoft and Platinum are doing more with than the controller than Nintendo is.
Platinum is taking zero risks, ZERO. Nintendo is paying for Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101. Both games will probably bomb hard, so that is a big risk right there.
3D world is to my knowledge the first 3D Mario that has 4 player co-op. Are there any other 3D-platformers that have 4-player co-op? Also you have 4 characters that control differently, last time they did that was in Mario Bros 2! But that game kinda looks shitty to be honest!
And Pikmin really? The fact that they are releasing it, is a risk. I mean the previous two did not sell that well. I don't think this one will sell well either. I guess 1,5 million world wide when all is said done.
And are we supposed to forget Xenoblade, Last Story, Sin and Punishment 2 and to be released next year X?!
It is simple, if you want more original games, buy more original games. How many here have bought Sin and Punishment 2 for full price? Stand up and be counted!
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
PLATFORM GAME! Learn to read, rodent!
It is a platform game, ya dumb robot!
"Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One is a multiplayer Action-Adventure-Platforming game that continues the popular Ratchet & Clank franchise on PlayStation 3."
Again, peeps are ignoring the original risky, new IP than Nintendo have made, Brain Training, Pushmo, Wii Music, Wii Sports, Nintendogs, Disaster Day of Crisis, Xenoblade, X, Kid Icarus revival, Wii Fit, Sakura Samurai, and even NINTENDOLAND yes this just launched and once again people are saying "where are the new titles" as if it doesn't exist.
So you're specifically saying that they aren't innovative (with Wii U) which is different from the point you were making before: saying that Nintendo is flat out safe with their software.
Mario 3DWorld is a 3D multiplayer mario platformer, there has never been one before. And the ways players interact with each other is unique and innovative. But please don't forget that we are not even 1 year into Wii Us' lifespan. I'm sure future titles will do more. Was Metroid Prime 3 that innovative next to Prime 2? Was Twilight Princess that different than a roided up Ocarina of Time?
How exactly would they innovate in NSMB Wii U? The whole series of games is based on the premise than people still want to hark back to the old 80s original - it's the personification of a retro fan service throwback. It is what it is and never pretended to be some super innovative overhaul with each title - it's not even the mainline of Mario games which has progressed steadily in different directions. All they could do is make new backdrops. People always pick on NSMB as if it's somehow emblematic of the lack off innovation from the whole company, when the NSMB games are just like going to your regular hamburger joint and expecting a exotic asian meal you've never seen before. It's wrong to even expect it.
The U game has touch screen controls, 5 player support, Miiverse Integration and offscreen play. DKTP was probably originally planned as a Wii game and brought over, we had this with early Wii titles like Radiant Dawn and Super Paper Mario and the gen before when GC got N64 reimaginings of Dinosaur Planet and Eternal Darkness. Even the 360 got GC era carry overs like Kameo and Perfect Dark. There are some genres which are harder to innovate in, 2D platformers, Fighting games and racers for instance.
Pikmin 3? This is kinda annoying. For years people bitch about there not being a new Pikmin, then they make a new Pikmin and it's like... oh just another Pikmin. What the heck did people expect, Pikmin action game? Pikmin RPG?
Again, this was a Wii game and seems to have a lot of decent touch screen mechanics to it. How do you innovate with a top down game like that? They've added various multiplayer modes, IR motion control support, touch screen maps and menu navigation but the Pikmin template is hardly something condusive to radical overhaul unless you completely change the genre. If you have some good ideas throw them this way, my ears are open. Have you read the previews and reviews, have you played the finished game? Maybe it is lacking in innovation, maybe it isn't but watching a couple of trailers and labelling it safe is fairly cursory. And even if it is, it's the return of a well loved franchise that has been brought back from the dead - if anything I'm grateful just to see it. And the quality looks really high.
What's with this "aside from 2 mini game collections" business about? Whenever I see someone trying to make a point on a forum they always throw in caveats, aside from this, aside from that. Let's not aside, why don't we instead look at all that Nintendoland and Game and Wario does do with the Wii U tablet, because it's a heck of a lot for their premier launch title. And who's to say that kind of functionality wont be integrated into future titles? Platinum games U-pad use is fairly tame, draw a shape to initialise a combat stance, provide a secondary view when inside a building. Touch screen combat in Bayonetta 2.
Ubisofts U-pad use is decent but still pales in comparison to Nintendolands use.
Please, please hold other companies to this highly innovative expectation, because there are a heck of a lot of other companies and developers making safe sequels again and again. I hear gamers say that they do get the same flack but honestly I hardly ever see it. When the new COD or Battlefield, Assasins Creed get announced all I see is the occasional meh or lol because it's almost expected that that is what they will do. I get that some people hold Nintendo to higher standards but that makes little sense to me. It's like they've made some totally amazing games so your expection is that they have to be totally amazing 100% of the time. I look at the industry and see most publishers and developers making extensions of their existing franchises and it feels about right to me because it's exactly in line with my expectations. Let's have a lengthy discussion about how innovative IOs' fifth Hitman game was, or how the 6th Halo game was so edgy? Or about how innovative Assassins Creed 6 is going to be? Seriously I want to see these discussions here. There is enough Nintendo negatively to fill an Everest sized cup on the internet at large and I am sick of reading it and now having it permeating here too, only 8 months into Us' life cycle.
Also, how is a bad thing that other companies are doing more with the U controller than Nintendo is? It's the same platform and as an owner you still get to play those games. You almost make it sound like it's a bad thing that a 3rd party is innovating with the U pad. Nintendo wasn't the best or most innovative with the Wii controller, why would this be any different? People with great ideas don't only work at Nintendo.
Pikmin 3 Euro reviews are coming in.
It's out this Friday.
I just want Nintendo to make a game, aside from 2 mini game collections, on the Wii U that justifies the need for the tablet and/or dual screens.
P.S. This took me 20 minutes to write because touch screen phones and I don't get along.
It's Kakariko Village. Now hang your head in shame.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAs much as I like Sin & Punishment 2, imo its not a game that's worth $50. But I have no problem paying full price for original games that I feel are worth the price. Like Xenoblade.
Clearly you know nothing about synaesthesia.
Halo game review from eurogamer, "pretty entertaining stuff. Here's hoping it eventually gets ported". Seems to be the consensus. The developers must feel like the people who made exclusives for the Ouya.
Great f-zero cover.
Have it, haven't played it. Is it multiplayer? Could install and give it a go if it is.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah it has online multiplayer. The gameplay is third-person shooting with god-of-war like melee combat. Campaign is about 8 hours long.