Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure - The Musical
Epic Live action youtube video
Japanese Trademark Filing Updates
Ogre Battle, SEGA Chibi Kart game and more.
andriasang.com news
Female Models of Yakuza 5 Selected
Five were chosen from fifteen finalists.
andriasang.com news
Off the Wall Wednesday: Can Beating Tough Video Games Make y
I'm sure we'd probably say "yes"
vglounge.com editorial
Shinen talk Wii U: It's Very easy to develop 4
'I think we currently only tapped 20% of its potential and our first game already looks and plays brilliant.'
The Press Room Episode #121
Yoda and Aspro go over Ouya, Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts and more...
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
1UP Reviews Skyrim: Dawnguard
A review so half-assed it has to be seen to be believed.
1up.com impressions
ONM Editor: Loads of third party stuff coming to Wii U
'My favourite bit of E3 was finding out about all the cool third party stuff that’s coming for the Wii U, which they decided not to talk about, which was awesome. '
New Medal of Honor Warfighter Multiplayer trailer
It's got guns in it.
laserlemming.com media news
1up: Every Game is Hayao Miyazaki
Japan's most beloved animator is also one of gaming's biggest inspirations.
1up.com editorial
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travo (3m)
New podcast. In case you have sigs turned off and missed the buried story Yoda and I recorded a new cast yesterday. Most relevant game was Dragon's Dogma, though we also talked about Skyrim (some original impresions from me), Tribes: Ascend, Team Fortress 2, and I give an update on Kingdom Hearts (I've come around on it, now that I'mm 22-23 hours into it).
Anyway, listen, download or subscribe here.
What Edge is playing:
Japanese sales last week.
Anarchy Reigns (Sega, PS3): 21,199 - NEW
How many hits has Platinum Games had really? I hate to say it, but they've been pretty niche. They need Capcom's marketing.
I'm on second last level of Kingdom Hearts. Goth Sora needs his own game... oh wait TWEWY.
Thus far I think they've had two big successes with Bayonetta which did awesome and Vanquish that did respectable sales. I'm not sure even Capcom's marketing can sell their games though. Neither Okami or God Hand set the world afire and those were done by the Clover Studio guys that went on to become Platinum. It's a pity. Their games deserve to do better than what they do.
I'm not entirely sure Sega didn't sandbag Anarchy Reigns though. They did it to the Western release, so I wouldn't be shocked to learn they did something similar in Japan.
Has anyone been watching Rainbow Moon or shown any interest in it? I'm debating it, but I'd love some user feedback first.
I was interested on it until I found out it was a very long game, like 60-80 hours long. Right now I'm more in the mood for shorter games so I got I Am Alive which is pretty good.
What is it about Borderlands that I can't pull the trigger and buy it? I've heard nothing but good things about it, I've had a dozen friends recommend it and yet everytime I'm at the store I get something else?
I know what you mean. I keep telling myself I want to play a long game but it doesn't work out. I just had to shelf Persona 3 after 35 hours because I needed to play something different.
Well that's a good endorsement but.... I dunno. I'm going to have to force myself to play it soon I guess.
I didn't get it when it was $5 on Steam... there's just something about it that i can't attach myself to for some reason.
I bought it. I'll let you know when I actually try it.
It's a great game if you play online. If not... get ready for the most boring 20 hours of your life.