Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure - The Musical
Epic Live action youtube video
Japanese Trademark Filing Updates
Ogre Battle, SEGA Chibi Kart game and more.
andriasang.com news
Female Models of Yakuza 5 Selected
Five were chosen from fifteen finalists.
andriasang.com news
Off the Wall Wednesday: Can Beating Tough Video Games Make y
I'm sure we'd probably say "yes"
vglounge.com editorial
Shinen talk Wii U: It's Very easy to develop 4
'I think we currently only tapped 20% of its potential and our first game already looks and plays brilliant.'
The Press Room Episode #121
Yoda and Aspro go over Ouya, Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts and more...
thepressroompodcast.com editorial impressions news
1UP Reviews Skyrim: Dawnguard
A review so half-assed it has to be seen to be believed.
1up.com impressions
ONM Editor: Loads of third party stuff coming to Wii U
'My favourite bit of E3 was finding out about all the cool third party stuff that’s coming for the Wii U, which they decided not to talk about, which was awesome. '
New Medal of Honor Warfighter Multiplayer trailer
It's got guns in it.
laserlemming.com media news
1up: Every Game is Hayao Miyazaki
Japan's most beloved animator is also one of gaming's biggest inspirations.
1up.com editorial
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Recently Spotted:
Oh shiiiiiiiit!!!! MGS4 trophy patch is actually happening! This is incredible, we have been waiting for this for years. Now that this finally comes true we should have hope for all the things we have been waiting years for. Versus may actually come out. Last Guardian may get released. This changes everything or nothing.
All three of you.
Well we are going to throw a party
There's something disturbingly erotic in the way that guy pours the bottle over himself.
Wow, MGS4 might actually be getting trophies. I'm glad I held off on replaying the game then.
I know I posted this yesterday. I can;t stop looking at it.
If I were a spiritual person I would have to create a religion around it.
Randon penis sightings is a new site feature:
^That's from the 1UP "review" of Skyrim Dawnguard for those who missed it.
You got to wonder why now? (Not complaining at all, just trying to figure what's what).
Woah. Impressive. Congrats dude.
No idea how significant that is, but it sounds great. Congrats!
I also look foward to replaying Metal Solid Gear 4.
Metal Solid Gear 4 is also my favorite PS3 game.
Put the crackpipe down.
Even people who are stuck working crappy REAL jobs should get to dump champagne all over ourselves at least once a year. It shouldn't be just an activity for rich spoiled athletes.
Famitsu reviews
Time Travelers (PSP, Level 5): 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (36/40)
igitize (PSP, Bandai Namco): 8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)
Rune Factory 4 (3DS, Marvelous): 8 / 9 / 8 / 9 - (34/40)
Rayman Origins (3DS, Ubisoft): 8 / 7 / 6 / 8 - (29/40)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2012 (PS3, Konami): 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 - (35/40)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2012 (PS Vita, Konami): 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (36/40)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2012 (PSP, Konami): 8 / 8 / 8 / 9 - (33/40)
Musou Orochi 2 Special (PSP, Koei Tecmo): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
Shin Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono.: Toki no Gakuen (PSP, Acquire): 7 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Ailu de Puzzle (PSP, Capcom): 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (29/40)
Agarest Senki Mariage (PSP, Compile Heart): 9 / 8 / 8 / 7 - (32/40)
Digimon World Re
Slow newsweek.
I've been skimming Fatal Frame 2 Wii Edition reviews.
Seems to be a really good game, quite engrossing and horrifying. It seems to be getting lots of 8.5's or 8/10s. Totally remade game engine and camera angles.,
I can't help but feel that if they had used IR for the torch it would be a better game and one I would consider getting.
"The remote is also used to direct your general view. The problem is, it relies on the accelerometer, which works as well as it's always done on Wii, i.e. not very. It can get extremely irritating in a tight battle when it's hard enough even to turn around and look the right way, let alone target and snap a ghost before it disappears again."
They did this in Fatal Frame 4 which people hated, then they go and use it again for this remake? It makes no fecking sense. We could have had some really good torch IR horror games, instead the only good one is Shattered Memories.
And some cackhanded directionless fools lambasted that game because they had no sense of direction in the chase scenes.