GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Aliens on Wii U will Not be Playable at E3 2012 gamingeek
[] Sony to have a Gross E3 2012 Suprise? That's right, Grosse. Or like Groose in Zelda gamingeek
[] Castlevania: Mirror of Faith coming to 3DS - report Lords of Shadow producer involved gamingeek
Music Monday: Banjo-Kazooie Get a dose of whimsy editorial Uncl3Fac3
[] Eurogamer review PSMove game Sorcery 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Dragons Dogma 7/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Aliens: Colonial Marines delayed to 2013 New trailer released media gamingeek
[] 14 Unreal Engine 4 screens in one click Are you impressed? media gamingeek
[] Beyond Good and Evil 2: three screens Kinda jaggy media gamingeek
[] 007 Legends: First trailer Moonraker level showcased media gamingeek
Capcom to re-evaluate on disc DLC gamingeek
[] Capcom Has No Playable Wii U games at E3 gamingeek
[] Monolith Making Project X Zone gamingeek
[] RUMOR - 'Acid Ghost' , a supposed Wii U game Made by Kuji - sounds like Geist? gamingeek
[] RUMOR - Details on Wii U OS? Wii U OS has an element that is 'huge, surely never seen before on a normal home system gamingeek
[] Randy Pitchford, offers very high praise for Wii U In this general Aliens interview gamingeek
Retro working on StarFox/Metroid crossover for Wii U? RUMOR gamingeek
[] Can Nintendo Win E3 2012? (Pachter predictions) GTTV Bonus round talk gamingeek
[] Just Cause 4 Registered by SquareEnix I guess they are skipping 3? news aspro
[] US New Retail Releases Week of May 20, 2012 Ghost Recon, MIB, Mario Tennis, Alan Wake PC... news aspro
[] SEGA: Ahead of its Time History repeats, and SEGA did it first. (Seriously.) editorial Ravenprose
Rage Quit Scene From Kazesama's Gaming Adventure First the KOFXIII loss and now this...*sigh* one of these days I'll come out a winner. Kazesama777
[] X-Com FPS MASSIVELY Delayed ETA sometime between 4/1/13 and 3/31/14. Just cancel it already. news phantom_leo
[] Jett Rocket Super Surf 3DS info gamingeek
Tell Em Why You Mad Tuesday: Tournament Training How much work should you put in to be good at a game? editorial Uncl3Fac3
[] Witness the worlds most accurate motion control device Leap Motion is 200X more accurate than Move/Kinect gamingeek
Free Mighty Switch Force DLC hits in 2 days time Bugs Bugs Bugs Bugs gamingeek
[] Polyphony Digital taking measurements of some track for GT6. GT6 is due out in 2020 news Dvader
[] Geoff teases an E3 reveal no one will see coming. Any third party game for the Wii U? :P news Dvader
Castlevania: Mirror of Fate/Lords of Shadow II - details RUMOR: Mirror of Fate's Wii U connection gamingeek
[] Nintendo details it's E3 show plans A million ways to watch their conference. news Dvader
[] X-Com coming Oct. 9 US and Oct. 12 Worldwide I guess I can beat RE6 about 4 times by then. news Dvader
[] Silicon Knights Eligible for $1 From Unreal *If* they win their suit. news aspro
[] MS Refunding Minecraft Money to Some Users No HDTV? Game is free. news aspro
Devil May Cry Dated Another game for 2013. news aspro
[] Eurogamer Reviews Diablo 3 9/10 "a turbo-charged romp through the conventions of action, role-playing and online games". impressions aspro
[] New Bungie Game Details Leak Plans for Bungie's Sci-Fi shooter Destiny Revealed. news Ravenprose
Culture Clash: Japanese and Western Gaming A look at why everyone's different. Hosted by Big Bird. editorial isntchrisl
Conspiracy Wednesday: "Life After Failure" What happens after Mario villains fail? editorial Lukky
[] Guild 02 screens Whoa, mini tanks versus giant ants media gamingeek
[] Ubisoft showing off Wii U games and more on June 4th More NERF games? gamingeek
[] Wii U Darksiders 2 graphics discussed by THQ Same as other versions gamingeek
[] Spiffy Dragonquest 10 screens gamingeek
[] 2K Likely Won't Extend MLB Exclusivity Visual concepts would be down to just NBA2K. news aspro
[] Rayman Legends is Real, Will be at E3 Also, Assassin’s Creed III, Far Cry 3 and Rocksmith. news aspro
[] Diablo III Sold 6.3 Million So Far Fastest selling PC game in history. news aspro
[] Last Week's Japanese Charts New PSP game takes top spot. news aspro
[] Lost Planet 3 gameplay video looks very Dead Space gamingeek
[] Far Cry 3 Insane Edition has 2 hours of extra gameplay gamingeek
[] Eurogamer Reviews Ghost Recon Future Soldier 8/10 "borrows its elements wisely, serves them up with style and polish". impressions aspro
[] Hope for Ace Prosecutor 2 release? gamingeek
[] Bravely Default takes 60-70 hours to complete Epiiiic gamingeek
Crimson Dragon Screenshots gamingeek
Sega Using New Game Engine For Yakuza 5 gamingeek
[] Judge recommends Xbox 360 ban in US International Trade Commission has recommended that the machine should no longer be imported into the US and all sales of unsold stock to be blocked. gamingeek
[] Nintendo open E3 site Dates and times two presentations gamingeek
[] Babel Rising Kinect  video gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 3 images found gamingeek
Guild 02 announced, Inafune on board gamingeek
[] Max Payne 3 Dated for PC June 2012 news aspro
[] Giantbomb Reviews Diablo III 5/5 "one of the most insidiously satisfying loot treadmills". impressions aspro
[] All Uncharted 2 DLC Now Free Hope this starts a trend. news aspro
[] Star Wars: Old Republic Layoffs Confirmed "We still have a very substantial development team..." news aspro
[] Six Things Torchlight II does Better than Diablo 3 Hopefully headed to 360 some day! editorial phantom_leo
[] Schilling's 38 Studies lays off everyone, Big Huge Games How horrible and RI tax payers are screwed. news Dvader
[] RUMOR: Wii U specs, price and release date 'leak' From a forum post (translated from Italian) on a Nintendo fan site, from a user claiming to be a Ubisoft Milan developer gamingeek
[] New Eidos Montreal Explorer Game Leaked? Focuses On An Explorer Searching For A Way To Save His Love gamingeek
Throwback Thursday: Space Ace  "I have no idea what I am doing" editorial Uncl3Fac3
[] CNN: How video games and porn are ruining a generation Well, I'm done. *grabs tissue* editorial gamingeek
[] Capcom aims to shorten dev cycles for top franchises Publisher wants new Devil May Cry and Lost Planet games every 2.5 years gamingeek
[] Lost Planet 3: E3 demo hands-on raises our eyebrows gamingeek
[] UK PM spends 'crazy, scary' amount of time on Fruit This is why we are in recession gamingeek
The Nintendo Play Station: A Retrospective editorial gamingeek
[] Vigil would love to talk about Darksiders II Wii U details But Nintendo wants info held until E3 gamingeek
[] Darksiders 2 video preview from IGN gamingeek
The Press Room Episode #114 Torchlight 2 impressions, as well as RAGE, LA Noire, Awesomenauts and more... editorial impressions media news aspro
First Yakuza 5 Screens Looking good, very good indeed. media news aspro
Anarchy Reigns Launch Trailer Platinum's next big. media news aspro
[] THPS HD Soundtrack Revealed No Dead Kennedies! *ack* news aspro
[] Giantbomb Reviews Game of Thrones 2/5 "healthy dollops of bloated dialogue". impressions aspro
[] Sony Developing Shadow of the Colossus Movie Trank to direct. news aspro
[] Tomba! Comes to PSN this Summer! AWESOME! news phantom_leo
[] Are Porn and Games Basically the Same Thing? lol editorial Ravenprose
[] The All-Female Phoenix Wright Musical  'Better Than the Game' gamingeek
[] Diablo 3 already sold 6.3 million copies HOLY SHIT! news Dvader
[] The reasons Street Fighter X Tekken sold less than expected 'The game is one of the sloppiest games Capcom has ever put out.' editorial gamingeek
[] Aliens Wii U will have some 'special stuff' 'Because you have an awesome controller' gamingeek
[] 11 Dead or Alive 5 screens gamingeek
[] Rockstar to push Max Payne 3 "to its limits" on PC Scalable textures gamingeek
[] New 007 Legends screens Jaws media gamingeek
[] WB announces Harry Potter Kinect developed by Eurocom. Poor Eurocom. news Dvader
[] PlayStation 'poised for cloud gaming push' gamingeek
[] Sega delays 'finished' Anarchy Reigns in the West Vader is surely sad about this gamingeek
[] Wii U Developers Have Received Final Dev Kits Rumor: The final update may include increased system power. gamingeek
[] Vidéo Lollipop Chainsaw (trailer) gamingeek
[] Jet Set Radio HD port coming to Vita gamingeek
[] WayForward explains the 'enhanced 3D'  With Mighty Switch Force's update gamingeek
[] Gaikai streaming games service has major announcement at E3. Says it will change gaming forever. Partnership with Sony confrimed news Dvader
[] Skyrim update adds mounted combat! Sweet!! news Dvader
[] Aliens Wii U will 'be better' than the PS3/360  Gearbox describe Wii U as a 'Powerful, powerful machine' gamingeek
RUMOR: Sony to announce partnership with streaming game serv Either Onlive or Gaikai. All signs point to true. news Dvader
The Wii U Controller and Gamers' Resistance to Change "I just want a normal controller." editorial isntchrisl
[] Revisiting the Resident Evil Remake editorial Ravenprose
[] Amazing Spiderman PSMove trailer gamingeek
New Epic Mickey 3DS screens gamingeek
[] The Big Role-Playing Games of 2012 Highlighting our most anticipated RPGs set to launch by the end of this year editorial Ravenprose
[] Halo 4 Premium Themes media Ravenprose
[] Another Code: R (Dolphin Gameplay) media gamingeek
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Tue, 22 May 2012 15:44:10




Call of Duty is chump change compared to Mario. TP almost too OoT, that seems right.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 15:48:44

What is Star Fox - Metroid Fusion: Saga? LOL

So the 3DS Castlevania is 2D, oh thank you! And LoS 2 for Wii U, I will probably get it for that. Wow I just realized I will have a new console this year, creepy. This gen just feels like it will never end.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 16:03:37

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Tue, 22 May 2012 16:04:40
Dvader said:

What is Star Fox - Metroid Fusion: Saga? LOL

So the 3DS Castlevania is 2D, oh thank you! And LoS 2 for Wii U, I will probably get it for that. Wow I just realized I will have a new console this year, creepy. This gen just feels like it will never end.

I know....I really feel its time to move on at this point.


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Tue, 22 May 2012 16:32:31
Foolz said:

Maybe I played it as I shouldn't have, but a large proportion of RE4 was run and gun. It was just really intense run and gun.

Hrm You literally can't run and gun in RE4.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 22 May 2012 16:53:47

If the Star Fox/Metroid crossover is real, I'm not sure I hate the idea. Retro is a great developer and I've got faith in them. Just as long as it's not supposed to be canon for either franchises.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 18:42:01
aspro said:

Yeah, 8 years being mapped out if you are 343 would be hell, at least Bungie is working on something new. This will get several people to their retirement phase.

I doubt that would be hell for 343 either. 343 is made up of previous Bungie talent and new people so I'm sure all involved knew exactly what they were getting into and did so because they love the Halo franchise.


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Tue, 22 May 2012 18:45:33
gamingeek said:

You really like this game, you excited for Prometheus?

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Tue, 22 May 2012 18:50:15

Extraction done, really fucking cool game. It is like playing an Alien movie. I love how you are with a group of people just like in any horror/action movie and they start to drop. This kind of game has a future I think, you can tell some pretty awesome stories like this. Challenge mode is a blast, it finally allows the gameplay to shine. Its still a bit short and the bosses were crappy, plus only 3 of them. The RE games I give a slight edge too overall but as a story mode experience Extraction wins easily.

What a smart move by EA, that is how you maximize your profits from a project. This game basically takes you through all the areas of the first game, it has mostly all the same enemies. So most of the work is probably done. Its a cheaper game to make and they made a totally new kind of game so it doesnt fall into the cheap cash in sequel category. This gen devs need to find ways to make as much money from a project as possible, this way is way better than tons of DLC.

Oh and the Move is perfect, I like holding it more than the Wii.

Edited: Tue, 22 May 2012 18:50:40
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Tue, 22 May 2012 18:57:11
Too bad more people did not get to play it. It was another case of a developer really thinking about how to use motion controls in new ways and being ignored by the massrs.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 18:59:51
aspro said:
Too bad more people did not get to play it. It was another case of a developer really thinking about how to use motion controls in new ways and being ignored by the massrs.

Yup, its really great. At least those with the limited edition of DS2 on PS3 got it free. I can only imagine the stuff they could do with a game like that if it were made on the HD consoles to begin with. How come Sony has not made one "light gun" game for the PS3, I know it sounds kind of dumb but an Uncharted game like this could be incredible. Sell it on PSN for like $25.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 19:03:42

Sorcery is going to be $10 in like a month. I will wait till then.

Well I think I am off to buy RE6 the demo pass. I hope that free game it comes with is any good.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 19:09:00
For whatever reason Sony doesn't push Move or any of its other stuff (like eyetoy). Probably internal politics. I can't figure out why they spend all that R&D money amd then don't promote it.

Great characters and voicework in Extraction too. I'd love to see Lexie in future games.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 19:12:39
aspro said:
For whatever reason Sony doesn't push Move or any of its other stuff (like eyetoy). Probably internal politics. I can't figure out why they spend all that R&D money amd then don't promote it.

That,s been Sony's M.O. for a while. EyeToy, Move, even the Xperia Play. Someone thinks they need to have it as an offering, but then fails to let their marketing department or anyone else for that matter know about it.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 19:22:14
Yeah I'd certainly love to see more lightgun-type games on the PS3. I loved playing the ones made by Namco on the PS2.


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Tue, 22 May 2012 19:22:35
robio said:

That,s been Sony's M.O. for a while. EyeToy, Move, even the Xperia Play. Someone thinks they need to have it as an offering, but then fails to let their marketing department or anyone else for that matter know about it.

It seems to me like if it is not a big hit at the start they just forget about it,

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Tue, 22 May 2012 19:23:13

Hey a new guy! Hello.

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Tue, 22 May 2012 20:48:52

I havent updated my backloggery in forever so I am doing that now. I took a side tour of Leo's page, amazing. I choose PS1 just to see what he beat, did your parents own a game store or something? Anyway I didnt even know King's FIeld games were on PS1, were they good? I see you did not beat Tomb Raider 2, what happened?

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Tue, 22 May 2012 21:03:38

Endless Ocean is unbeatable right? There is no ending to the game?

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Tue, 22 May 2012 21:07:58
isntchrisl said:

If the Star Fox/Metroid crossover is real, I'm not sure I hate the idea. Retro is a great developer and I've got faith in them. Just as long as it's not supposed to be canon for either franchises.

The idea is pretty nutzoid. I don't see it happening. It would be cool to see Starfox done like Rogue Squadron 2.

Dvader said:

You really like this game, you excited for Prometheus?

I don't really like it, I just like that Gearbox actually tells us something about Wii U whilst no one else does. I like Aliens, look forward to a game which can evoke the same feeling as the film - doubt Colonial marines will be that good. Prometheus looks good, I will rent it.

Dvader said:

Extraction done, really fucking cool game. It is like playing an Alien movie.

What a smart move by EA, that is how you maximize your profits from a project. This game basically takes you through all the areas of the first game, it has mostly all the same enemies. So most of the work is probably done. Its a cheaper game to make and they made a totally new kind of game so it doesnt fall into the cheap cash in sequel category.

Pro and me told you guys it was good. But not much replay value.

Not sure if it was cheap to make, I really doubt that they took 360/PS3 environments and hit a magic button to convert. There is a lot of new stuff and its a custom engine, made by Eurocom BTW, who also made Goldeneye. smiley Now you have played Goldeneye, imagine if Extraction hadn't been on rails. crying

Archangel3371 said:
Yeah I'd certainly love to see more lightgun-type games on the PS3. I loved playing the ones made by Namco on the PS2.

Did you get Overkill PS3? It has two new levels.

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