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robio (11s)
They don't sell powerful pre-built computers at a store? You'll be spending more money than building it yourself, but it's not true that you can't buy a gaming PC pre-built.
Not really. Trolling aside I wouldn't mind Episode 3 given that 2 ended on a cliffhanger.
Just beat Killzone 3, the ending is unbelieveable, not the good kind. Literally, it is ridiculous. The game has some really good moments and really crappy ones.
I heart Yvonne.
I didn't play one second of the campaign. I only played online with Travo and Yoda and some of the GS guys!
Foolz you beat Killzone 3, wtf was that. Without spoiling much what was the point of that clip post credits, it makes no sense. Am I supposed to know who is behind the door or some shit. The story is like a bad school play starring Malcom McDowell.
I need to get this all out so major spoiler warnings for the ending of Killzone 3:
Lets go back to the last few chapters. What is left of the ICA ground troops on Helgan (who somehow survived for 6 months alone in this hostile planet) mount an assult to board this thing that sends you to a space station. But the way is blocked by this massive AT-AT like thing with a super gun. So you and a bunch of troops first do a ground assult shooting missles at these cooling vents which they say will prevent the main gun from firing. You do this, the thing falls and everyone celebrates. But it is not done, it gets back up and starts using the main gun even more now, it kills almost the entire squad. So you get on flying vehicles and start to circle the thing to again shoot critical systems. Apparently this thing has a bunch of useless crap on it cause you destory every single major system it can posssibly have and it stays functioning.
Finally you take down the gun then the commander says "lets finish this thing and take out the bridge!" Wait what?! Why didnt we take out the fucking bridge in the first place! Its like a star destroyer bridge, it sticks out, totally defenseless. You simply fly around it and shoot through the glass and the entire thing blows up. OMG we could have done that sooner.
So Sev and what is left of the troops, like 10 dudes, go up to an entire space station. An entire space station of enemies where the Helgan leader just landed to meet with this asshole weapon maker dude (McDowell). They hate each other so they start to fight and a civil war breaks out between ships. So you fight through an entire station of guys and McDowell knows this so he is sending everyone to take out like 10 dudes, of course they fail. McDowell then wants to get to his spaceship to go to earth and use his new super weapon to blow us all up. He hops on a small fighter craft on the station and goes out to his ship. Your guys follow, they take two fighters.
So two fighters go out into space where a TON of crusiers and fighters are fighting. Now they all turn their attention to you so you fight the entire fleet while you chase McDowell's cruiser. Of course the entire Helgan fleet is no match for two fighters. He lands on his ship and prepares to jump to warp so you fly around the ship and take out the warp drive. McDowell even remarks "What the fuck are you doing, its TWO ships, kill them!" So you shut down the warp and the ship gets disabled and starts falling back to Helgan. Then McDowell runs to a random control panel and literally opens it up and does the cross the wires thing, like to jump start a car, which of course causes this giant captial ship to straighten up.
I am already at a lost for words at this point only to have Rico say "they are trying to land!" and then Sev goes" no way, lets fire the nuke!" WHAT?! How does this stupid little fighter have a fucking nuke! And why didn't you use the nuke to blow up the ship in the first place! So you shoot a nuke, it blows up the entire cruiser and its pieces fall into this giant green energy control pillar thing which then SENDS GREEN DEATH ENERGY WAVES ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLANET KILLING EVERYONE. It destroys everything on the planet and for some reason it also blows up all space cruisers till all that is left is your two ships. Sev then says "all communication has stopped... my god they are all dead. How many people were down there." CUT TO BLACK, credits. Then we get a bonus scene of two helgan soliders taking energy readings of the green energy shit that is all around them, and they see like a pod or something, a door opens and they say "welcome sir". Thats it. Huh?!
You know what maybe that is the most amazing ending ever.
Have fun and good luck LOL!
Gotta love that genocide, Vader.
Try to avoid being a vanilla Soldier. Playing as a Tech or Biotic class makes the game faaar more interesting. Really look at the available skills and invest your points wisely. Powering any skill up to level 4 gets you a stronger version of that skill. Try to anticipate which skill you'll be using more and try and focus on that --BUT-- also try to level up the specific Class skill as high as it will go as quickly as you can, meaning if you go Biotic, invest in the Biotic Experts skill (or whatever it is called) to the point where that will reach level 4 first. It gives bonus damage to all of your skills --AND-- Paragon or Renegade Bonus points as well. The game isn't difficult enough where you'll need things like Singularity and Warp maxed too early on. Putting more points in that bottom skill on the Level Up screen makes EVERYTHING stronger!
I also recommend getting --ALL-- the story related DLC immediately. Kasumi is very strong and very cool and --ALL-- the story missions are worthwhile. They will --ALSO-- have decisions in them that will come into play in ME3, so might as well play thru them too!
If you have any specific questions, ask away, I am mostly thru the game myself right now after playing all weekend and it is all still fresh in my mind!
Don't forget Foolz.
What better place to launch the "Snake Eater" than Hooters Japan?
It should be called Lack Of Hooters When in Japan
Anyway My MA3 and my Unit 13 shipped today already YES!
Good news early Vita adopters FREE MOTORSTORM RC for a limited time thanks to Sion! woo hoo I was all set to buy this too!
Hahahah KZ3 ending.
Reads like one of those Bollywood movies.
I did not know they had Hooters in Japan. That makes me hard.