1up PS Vita Hands-On Editor Roundtable
What we like and dislike about Sony's new portable system (and games!)
1up.com impressions
New Keiji Inafune Is Not Keiji Inafune
This is going to get confusing - the PS3 RPG is not the real one
MTV Preview Skyward Sword
Skyward Sword seems to be one of the most fantastical settings for a game yet.
mtv.com impressions
Microsoft Acquires Twisted Pixel
Oh good. Perhaps they can drill game design into them.
bit.ly news
1up Review: Ace Combat Assault Horizon
D+ score "Tries Too Hard to be Call of Duty"
1up.com impressions
Guild 01 3DS Bound
Suda 51 x Matsuno x Saito x Level-5 = 4 in 1 3DS Compilation
RE Revelations Special Edition
In Japan offers a DVD with dev interviews and more
Go Vacation Wii Nintendo review - 4.5 out of 5
"If you’re looking for a relaxing game, with hours of exploration, rewards for your exploratory nature, several customization options and 50+ activities to participate in ..."
wiinintendo.net impressions
Go Vacation Gamer Dad review
"My brother Jeff, who mostly plays only mature popular titles like Call of Duty or World of Warcraft, really likes Go Vacation, too, so you know it has to be good"
gamesanityblog.com impressions
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I still need to finish Batman AA.
Best game ever.
Batman wishes it was half the game Go Vacation is.
You can do it in a day or two! Where'd you leave off?
I thought about buying it again for PS3. I really am in ther mood for some Batman action. Couldn't Rocksteady release a demo. ?
I don't remember.
I'll probably just start it over again next month when my work schedule isn't so crazy, and after I finish Portal 2.