True Crime: Hong Kong May Be Released
Square picked up the rights to the game, but not the name. news
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet 6/10 Review
No surprise here: Jim Sterling rates everything lower! impressions
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (8.0) Great! Review
Anyone itching for a Metroid-style adventure will want to dive into Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. impressions
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (B+) Review
This new Summer of Arcade release adds devious puzzles and abstract art to the Metroid formula. impressions
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Reviews Incoming!
Was that a 10/10 I just saw? Why yes, yes it was! impressions
MUST WATCH Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Video
See the Strengths, See the Weaknesses. Buy it anyway! impressions media
15 Things Videogames can Learn from Bastion
Should become part of the game-maker's manual! editorial
NWR Xenoblade impressions
The world areas are simply enormous, with intricate details like tufts of grass flowing in the breeze and city streets littered with objects stacked haphazardly against the walls impressions
Vooks Xenoblade preview
Xenoblade Chronicle's inspiration seems to have been taken from both Square Enix's Final Fantasy and Capcom's Monster Hunter series with the high production value and an over-the-top storyline. impressions
WB Games To Bring Lollipop Chainsaw Outside of Japan
Grasshopper Manufactures Latest Game Coming in 2012. news
Grandia Creator Dead at 45
Miyaji is known for his work at Gamearts, a company that he founded at the age of 19. news
Iwata's Letter to Fans on 3DS
"those of you who supported us by purchasing the 3DS in the beginning may feel betrayed" news
Another RAGE Hands-On
"The controls in RAGE are damn near perfect" Graphics: "un-f**king-believable" impressions
Hard Reset: A PC Exclusive FPS
With it's own engine and focus on single player. impressions
Halo Anniversary's Kinect features 'not exciting'
Microsoft says Kinect integration "is not something you'd put on the front of the box" news
Ubisoft had plans for Far Cry 2 on Wii
They ported everything else LOL news
Ubisoft - Wii U solves some FPS control issues
" With these new controls it's a thing of the past." news
BioWare interested in Wii U
Need to think about it and spend more time with hardware news
Capcom to Release Final Street Fighter 4 Update
We can relax, it's just a balancing patch news
Carmack says violent games reduce real-world aggression
Shut up and go make more games before I shoot you! news
Ars Guide: How to ruin your PC port in five easy steps
Call out to Diablo 3 editorial
Two More GBA Games Revealed for 3DS Ambassadors
Super MarioAdvance 4 and ... news
Modern Warfare 3 Confirmed for Wii
"the company cleared up what had previously been a murky issue" news
Editorial:When Journalism Happens in Games, it's News
A look a the Borderlands 2 leak/announcement. editorial news
DICE: No Annual Releases for Battlefield
"we need the time to be able to create the next game" news
XBLA Getting Monthly Kinect Releases
"there is going to be a marked increase in Live integration" news
Warner Profits Up on Higher Game Sales
MK9, Lego Pirates drove higher profits overall. news
MS Boss: 343 Holds the Future of 360 in Their Hands
No pressure or anything... news
Feature: Analysis of Iwata's Investor Calls
The five take-aways that reveal his outlook. editorial news
Blizzard Still Hoping to Release Diablo 3 in 2011
"This is just a hope, though." news
Analysts talk Nintendo as an acquisition target
Apple, Google or Microsoft to buy? news
Miyamoto: Starfox will be reborn if people buy SF64
Everyone buy this now, I want Starfox Wii U news
Kid Icarus: Uprising - More exciting than Mario and Zelda?
Heaven's more exhilarating than we thought... impressions
Nintendo on marketing Wii U, devs 'blown away'
Wii controller support impressions
Feature: The XBOX Creation Story Part 2
“Your cost is going to be $200 more than that. I think you guys need to go back and think about this a little more.” news
Peter Moore Now COO of EA
Frank Gibeau will serve as President of all the EA labels. news
Treyarch Making WM3 for Wii
From the people who brought you Reflex and Black Ops Wii. news
From Dust Sets Ubisoft XBLA Sales Record
From Dust is tracking 45% higher than the previous best-selling title. news
Over 6,000 Japanese Polled on 3DS Price Drop
"the upcoming free games apology would pacify them very little" news
Starcraft II Demo Replaced with Starter Edition
Trying to increase the base before the second expansion no doubt. news
Bethesda's Dishonoured
Introducing Arkane Studios' first-person RPG media news
Games are too expensive (but Skyrim isn't), argues lead
Industry would benefit from $19 price point, says Bethesda's Howard
Resistance 3 New York trailer
Is it bland, boring or drab guys? media
What Devs Want from the Next Gen - Article
Crysis developer Crytek is rumoured to be creating TimeSplitters 4 using DirectX 11 as a visual benchmark. In short, the future is around the corner. editorial
Zelda London Concert confirmed for October
£33? I thought we were suppossed to get free tickets? news
Nintendo backpeddle on GBA 3DS ambassoder games
Kirby and SMB3? Maybe not news
Feature: Birth of Xbox, Part 3
“We knew there was a lot of skepticism out there about Microsoft getting into the games business. Everyone thought it was just going to be PC games.” news
World of Warcraft Subscriptions Continue to Drop
Has been dropping over the last 8 months. news
Edited Heavy Rain Re-Releasing in Europe
Game has been edited to get T rating. news
Twisted Metal Pushed Into 2012
“It sucks bad when games miss their announced launch dates” news
North Korea Making Money Off Gold Mining
They hack South Korean computers and use them to make gold. news
Used 3DS Sales Double Following Price Drop
Looks like people want their free VC games news
Dementium Dev surprised that people think 3DS is a failure
"The 3DS has sold nearly 5 million units in about 6 months – the same amount the Nintendo DS sold in its’ first 6 months of release." news
Team Ninja chief appeals to fans to support Metroid
Metroid: Other M developer wants to make Metroid even more successful
Wii U: Why Ubisoft's is Nintendo's biggest supporter
Ubisoft throws its support behind Nintendo's new console impressions
N-Space says 3DS COD version isn't their chioce
"You guys all need to understand that we make the games we are hired to make. It is not our call to decide which platforms to support." news
Nintendo Updates Best Seller List
Twilight Princess lower than you may think. news
Study: Pirates Have Good Taste
"a torrent's popularity was directly correlated to its review scores" impressions news
Ginat Bomb Finally Reviews Yakuza 4
"3/5" "exactly the kind of ridiculous Japanese drama you’ve been looking for" impressions
Ono Says Marvel vs. DC is Something he Wants to Do
Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat... not so much! news
The future of video game graphics - or old nonsense?
Euclideon says games won't be the same again; Notch accuses Aussies of selling a "scam"
Digital Foundry vs. Unlimited Detail
Without a doubt, the technology story of the week is Euclideon's Unlimited Detail demo: an apparently revolutionary approach to graphics rendering editorial
Epic Games working on new IP
Taking bets here: Space Marine game or Medievil game? news
EDGE mag feature: Wii U: The future starts here
How Nintendo is tackling the task of reinventing its world-beating Wii. editorial
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travo (6m)
Iwata probably wishes Nintendo had dropped the price of the Gamecube to $150 or even lower, at the time Microsoft dropped the price of Xbox from $300 down to match the Gamecube at $200. At that time, it was something that really hammered home just what a great deal the Xbox was compared to the other machines. You had a super powerful system with more built in memory than you would ever need, with all the best multi-platform games and an upcoming online service. Nintendo did not end up dropping the price of the Gamecube until mid which point both Sony and Microsoft built up so much momentum that it was too late.
Sure, the Gamecube didn't do that much worse than the Xbox sales-wise, but given Nintendo's history and understanding of the market, Gamecube should have crushed the Xbox.
As I said the other day, I think they made a big mistake not dropping the Wii down to $99 last year as well, and releasing Wii 2 this year. They would have had such a head start on the other guys that Wii 2 would have been a guaranteed success. Its not like they have all this great software coming out on the Wii that would have got pushed aside by the Wii 2...that's for sure.
What are you boyos (and girl lurkers) playing? Me? I've been away at the beach this past week, so I downloaded Mirror's Edge and Myst on my iPhone.
Mirror's Edge is great, very similar to it's console counterpart, except it scroll horizontally like a side scroller. It's plenty of fun and worth all 99 pennies I spent on it. My nephew is also addicted as well. Graphics are certainly on par with the DS, actually better at times. This is great on the go gaming that is freakin dirt cheap for all the gameplay value you get out of this game. Seriously, EA could have sold this as a DS game for $30.
I've always wanted to play Myst and could only find it on the DS for about $20. I vowed to picked it up after my backlog cleared...till I found it on the iPhone for about $5. I've only spent about an hour playing it while riding home from the beach. I played long enough to get confused as hell and decided to finish Mirror's Edge before devoting more time with this game.
While at the beach, I picked up the Resistance Dual Pack. I never played it and was excited to dive into this universe. I was somewhat underwhelmed last night, but the more I played, the more the first game grows on me. I know it's a launch game for the PS3, but I'm slightly surprised by how flat everything looks. I guess I had an image of the game built up in my mind that is different. I can't wait to try out co-op.
Finally, Outland! I am in love with this game after about two hours of gameplay. I just love games like this, they can do no wrong. It mimics the Metroid- style perfectly and that's not bad at all. I can't wait to see what in store for me next.
This game also has co-op.....
Not much, really. Couple U2 matches here and there, a few more levels in DQIX, dunno why since I have no reason to keep leveling my characters up. I did a couple grottoes but I'm certain i'll never be able to play in a legacy one, so what's the point. I'm getting ready to head back home tonight.
You're still on vacation?
Until tonight. My wife and kids will still hang around here for a couple more weeks, but I have to return to work tomorrow.
Home alone? No plans?
besides work.
Yeah, I get to hang by my own for a good couple of weeks. Sounds better than it actually is, unfortunately.
That Mirror's Edge iOS thing looks more like a more complex (and of course less precision and high score based) Canabalt, Robot Unicorn Attack or Bit.Trip.Runner than a proper platform game but I guess you can't do much more with just having touch based controls. I think it would have been better if they had just added a proper campaign and such (like adding ways to fight better enemies and being more than a collectathon) to this little free flash Mirror's Edge 2D game rather than make that from scratch. Oh well.
Myst: Masterpiece Edition has been super cheap ($6 atm, with discounts in the past) for ages on PC. The same for Real Myst (full 3D with first person shooter type controls) and Riven. I wouldn't say they're portable friendly, beyond the beginning you can't just solve a riddle in 10 minutes then turn it off and play again the next day. There are simpler adventure games (well, every other adventure game is simpler) if that's what you want. I assume the Monkey Islands and Broken Swords are also on iOS for similar prices. You can get classics like Beneath a Steel Sky and Dragonsphere for free on PC too. Any PC can run these and many more.
Anyway, I just finished up Amnesia as said, then played some Scratches: Director's Cut which is another not too old point & click adventure. It seems pretty good and people say it's really scary also. So far it holds up pretty well outside certain quirks in windowed mode and of course the limited resolution. It's like Dracula (but not nearly as good looking, it was a low budget title) in that you can view most screens (except when looking at particular objects and such) in 360 degrees though it's of course not real polygonal 3D. The inventory is intuitive enough, I don't know about the puzzles yet, I just did some slight exploration of the house.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
I finished Costume Quest yesterday (great game, heartily recommend it), and just started playing The Saboteur. The Saboteur isn't half bad. It's sort of like the love child of GTA and Assassin's Creed that got dropped on its' head and then thought it was French.
I've been playing Morrowind and New Super Mario Bros. (DS).
Yesteday I played Crazy Taxi (DC), Virtua Athlete 2000 (DC), MLB The Show 09 (PS3), Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC), Burnout 2 (XB) and Hot Shots Golf FORE! (PS2).
I think your first response to my post, "Fuck all that", is about as an approprite response as any. Who cares what I think? Certainly not I.
Fallout New Vegas... now that its become glitchy I just want it to end. But i must get platinum.
I got to go to a shooting range today with my dad and some friends got to shoot all sorts of cool stuff. I got to see what a suppressor actually sounds like, its not like the movies obviously but it does make it much quieter and it reduces the recoil. It was my first time shooting a rifle, an AR15. My dad has an EO tech sight on it which creates a holographic target sight for you to aim with. Its crazy accurate, you just aim the target at something, much like a video game cursor and shoot. My aim is sucky though, I need to work on that. It was pretty cool shooting a bunch of these guns I only imagine shooting in games.
Sooo... What do you think?
Oops! Nevermind! I should have read farther ahead!
I just got back from my little weekend jaunt.
Only had my 3DS with me so (of course) I played a DS Game!
It's 2:15AM where I am now. Gonna hit the sack soon, but was reading thru the site a bit... Where has everyone been? Why was discussion at such a low? Is everyone away?
I've been playing games all day, and now its time for sleep.
Gaming news is thin on the ground, the site was down for a bit, there hasn't been much to talk about. Nintendo took the oxygen out of the room with their announcements.
_bear is AWOL too.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.