The Examiner: Nintendo belongs in the toy aisle
Wii is merely a pathetic attempt to gain recognition and increase their net worth editorial
Tales Producer wants more Tales on 3DS
Needs to hit 250 k for that to happen news
Guide to Japanese Game Distribution
Interesting look at who distributes whoms games. news
Wiiware Ark of Sinners details and media
Trailer here for a Castlevania like platformer media
Galaga Legions DX Review: 4.5 out of 5
"Galaga Legions DX is like a John Woo movie, and you're Chow Yun-fat." impressions
Nomura on Final Fantasy Type-0
Reason or the game's delay, multiplayer and more. news
Australian Qualifiers for COD XP Announced
Not posted because I totally am involved in it. news
Iwata Asks Vol 3 - Xenoblade development
I’d say that some players might cry up to ten times! news
No More Heroes Red Zone pushes sexual content
NSFW video may result in the game being AO rated in the U.S? news
Disney's Epic Mickey getting a graphic novel collection
This graphic novel collects all of the Disney: Epic Mickey comics together for the first time! news
New Final Fantasy game announced for 3DS
And it's not what you think it would be... news
1Up Reviews Back to the Future: The Game
"B"Now that all the chapters are out, here is the review. impressions
Likely hardware partners for Next Gen Consoles?
Guess-timates made here, NVIDIA cries editorial
3DS Tales of the Abyss Tops the Charts
Major RPG port pushes 3DS back into the top hardware spot. news
Massive bunch of new Go Vacation videos
Gameplay of Horseriding, White Water rafting and more media
Carmack: Mobile tech to overtake PS3/360 soon
Mobile phones will in two years be more powerful than the current generation of consoles, programming legend John Carmack has said.
Xenoblade dev forms new Kyoto studio
In an effort to forge better relations with Nintendo news
Kojima announces a Snatcher radio play
He and SUDA need to stop f****** about news
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SupremeAC (3m)
Do want.
So I finally hooked ma wii back up just to check out the shop and Nintendo channel. Nothing new on the shop but I watched the NChannel trailers from E3. They put like 7 game trailers in one block so I find myself having to watch trailers for games I would normally skip past.
I should say that I hate Kirby as a character and I'm usually fairly non-plussed over his games, even critically acclaimed ones like Epic Yarn which I shun.
Anyway they had the trailer for the new Kirby Wii game and as I was saying I had to sit through and watch it because you can't skip past it.
It actually pretty awesome as a 2D platformer. Like on the level of something like DKC Returns only with Kirby instead. There are so many mechanics shown off in the trailer. Stick with it and you're rewarded.
What if someone hacked Xbox Live? I'll be in the same boat.
And further clarification:
Meh? Did we ever really need to walk in the Galaxy games, and was the analog run and walk change a godsent, or was it there as just a useless gimmick with people running everywhere the whole time anyway, much like any FPS that allows for such variable speeds yet also has a separate sprint button and everyone most always uses the top of the variable speed only and the extra fast sprint button when that is needed?
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
On SM 3DS, all I can say is that I would have to try it or read hands on previews before speculating. It would seem odd to not have the analogue nuance that has been in 3D mario gamers since 64. However the 3DS game does looks smaller scale and purpose built for 3D so these sprint button controls could work quite well.
If there is some sort of direct access to your save files for the purposes of uploading to the cloud at given events, doesn't that open your saves up for corruption?
I'm sure there's a way to exploit these things, like all web services. I'm approaching this kind of stuff with CAUTIOUS optimism. I'm excited about the chance of possibly freeing up the physical hardrive, surely somewhat a pipedream at the moment, but who knows.
There was a story I couldn't be bothered to post today, David Perry of Gaikai saying that latency is the Clouds biggest elephant in the room. For save data and small stuff it should be okay though unless you have an ass cheese connection like me.
Steelo, I just saw a Mexican cooking program. You SOBs have 4 ft high pork scratchings!
Here we get small crisp bag nibbles.
Yeah, I don't buy it. It's just a rumor.
I think it's been over a year since they announced it. FF13-2 is almost finished development. I understand the confusion though, when they rolled it out, they also announced 17 or so other FF related projects.
Chrono Trigger is awesome. I even have my own time machine.
I could give a more detailed impression, but no one would care anyways.
That's because the original artstyle of the game (cell shade) took care of any anti-aliasing. They do look similar, but yeah if you side by side them you can tell the difference. I'll post a random screen from Sly 2 below: (goes off to internet ... ) ... okay, here is one, selected at random:
This one is from the HD collection:
Full OXM Aliens preview here
Grab it now before its gone
Download this immediately, right click save as.
I'd like to hear. I'm a big fan of the game, and always like to hear what other people have to say about it.
It's happened Agnates:
Nintendo Game (Pokemon) Heading to iOS (story above)
EDIT: But seriously
WTF? Why would Nintendo do this?
I know this will mean nothing to those who haven't tried Rhythm Heaven, but OMG
More here
Okay, I will make a thread. Stay tuned.
Fuck Rhythm Paradise and all other Rhythm based games. I think Robio agrees!
You're damned right I agree.
"Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime says the company's upcoming Wii U will offer "a much more flexible system" for online gameplay"
In other words, PS2 Online. "publishers, it's up to you".