GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
Interview with Croteam's Co-Founder Talk about Serious Sam3 and more. news aspro
[] Bard's Tale Co-Creator Interview Funny story about Dragon Wars. news aspro
[] First BlazBlue PSP Screens From Famitsu. media aspro
[] Hydro Thunder 400 MS Points on XBLA Today "Arguably the best racing game on Xbox Live Arcade" news aspro
[] Ars technica Reviews FO: New Vegas:Dead Money "quite a bit of dull backtracking" editorial impressions aspro
The Last Story Presentation Sakaguchi and co's showing recorded for your belated convenience. Agnates
[] US Retailer GameStop Taking 3DS Pre-orders $25 or $50 depending on the store. news aspro
[] New US Releases Week of Dec. 26, 2010 Dead Rising:West, Exploding Fist, Ball Busters. news aspro
Ten Memorable Trends of this Generation Opines editorial aspro
The 10 Funniest Games of 2010 Meat Boy!!! ...and others! impressions phantom_leo
[] Catherine Will Be Getting Demo Atlus' HD debut will show more than trailers. media news aspro
Weekly Japanese Sales NSMBW breaks the 6 million mark. news aspro
New Uncharted 3 Videos media aspro
[] Uncharted3 Will NOT Be More Open-Worldish Naughty Dog clarifies desert doesn't mean more open. news aspro
APB Still Not Dead New owner's blog says re-launching in 2011. news aspro
[] Some Uncharted 3 footage from Joystiq. The Drake is good. media news travo
[] Nintendo World Playable Line-up Announced 3DS games take front and center news robio
Student Faces 3 Years in Prison For Modifying Xbox 360 That sounds reasonable news robio
[] Ubisoft bringing “sexy” dare game to Wii and PS3 Challenges Leisure Suit Larry for most pathetic news robio
[] Rumor: Epic Mickey heading to the PS3? Could be out in May if true - but most likely a prank? news robio
[] Amazon's Video Games Year-End Deals Begins Games up to 60% off news robio
[] Pokemon Black & White Trailer The debut English trailer. media aspro
[] Dynasty Warriors 7 Coming Stateside March 22 news aspro
Tactic's Ogre Director Interview Talks about new PSP game and Vagrant Story. news aspro
PS3 Private Keys cracked PS3 hacked beyond all recovery news Ellyoda
[] New Radiant Historia Screens Nice SNES vibe. media aspro
[] Sakaguchi Could Retire If Last Story Bombs "it would be meaningless to make games" news aspro
New Infamous 2 Footage Looks pretty good. media aspro
Black Ops Most Stolen Game of 2010 Pirated 4.2 Million times. news aspro
[] Glasses Free 3D Coming From Apple: World Splooges Nintendo says "hi" aspro
[] Resident Evil Barry Flashes His Weapon For Vader news aspro
[] Pokemon, Mario and FF Were Japan's Top Sellers 2010 Tomodachi Collection and God Eater were the best-selling new franchises for the year. news aspro
[] Duke Nukem Forever Gets Dated Feb.1, 2011 news aspro
[] New Screens From Tomb Raider Reboot media aspro
[] Ubisoftz Highest Selling Franchise It's not Assassin's, or Prince of Persia. news aspro
[] 3D Slider on 3DS Can Be Locked to Off Position Parental control for users under 6? news aspro
Dude Gets 2.5 Years for Pirating $700,000 in Games Used his work e-mail, got busted. news aspro
[] Gamasutra: Top 5 Under Rated Games of 2010 Sin and Punishment 2 is #1 editorial aspro
2010 in quotes “I make videogames for the so-so company Namco Bandai Games” editorial Foolz
[] Uncharted 3 Story Interview editorial media Foolz
[] Uncharted 3 Gameplay Evolution Interview editorial media Foolz
[] Robotics;Notes Japanese Debut Trailer Can has semi-colon. media Foolz
[] Star Wars: The Old Republic, Republic Trooper Trailer Tongue twister! media Foolz
[] Cthulu Saves the World Debut Trailer Independant as fuck media Foolz
[] World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Review 8.5 Cataclysm doesn't improve World of Warcraft as dramatically as the free update that preceded it did, but it's still a great expansion pack for anyone with high-level characters. impressions Foolz
[] Judge certifies EA football class-action suit Court gives gamers the go-ahead to join litigation surrounding alleged anticompetitive practices by Madden NFL publisher since January 1, 2005. news Foolz
[] Quake Beaten In Under One Hour No cheats used. news aspro
[] Scott Pilgram DLC Arrives Unfortunately, it's broken. news aspro
[] PSP Best Selling Console in Japan 2010 Are we even on the same planet? news aspro
[] Square Has Yet Another Final Fantasy Spin-Off "Final Fantasy Type Zero" news aspro
[] Nintendo: 3DS Harmful to Young Eyes Might be a bit of a marketing problem... news aspro
[] Galactus and Taskmaster in Marvel vs Capcom 3? Ummm... Robio? What's a Taskmaster? media phantom_leo
[] Man Hit by SUV While Playing Real-Life Frogger How to Thin the Stupidity Gene Pool. news phantom_leo
[] Marvel Trademarks "Secret Wars" for Gaming. Robio Take Note! phantom_leo
[] Xenogears and Vagrant Story Coming (Soon?) to US PSN! Haven't they been out in Europe for a while? news phantom_leo
[] Pachter Predicts: HD Wii With Better CPU Also goes on about "premium" multi-player. editorial aspro
[] Classic Game Room 2010 GOTY Awards editorial media Ravenprose
Tales of Xillia pics and art media gamingeek
[] MCV: The best Quotes of the Year editorial gamingeek
[] Eurogamers GOTY picks editorial gamingeek
[] Gamestop list Gears of War Ultimate news gamingeek
[] Animal Resort 3DS pics media gamingeek
Miyamoto on Skyward Sword development " for the most part, we're kind of in the final stretch at this point." news gamingeek
[] Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright preview impressions news gamingeek
[] CING: CVG look back on this once great company editorial gamingeek
[] The Greatest videogame moments of 2010 From Gamesradar editorial gamingeek
[] Engadget on 3D health warnings editorial gamingeek
[] Criterion developed Burnout Wii/DS cancelled Ex-designer shows pics media news gamingeek
[] Gametrailers Wii game of the year is.... media gamingeek
Another Korean Dies During Gaming Marathon Hydrate people! news aspro
[] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 maps unlocked for 360 and PS3 pla Seems they were a little slow. news travo
Tales of Graces Localization Coming This Year Fan translation project. news aspro
[] The Psychology of Games Gamasutra Discusses the Pitfalls of GOTY debates. editorial phantom_leo
Level Design Lessons from Super Mario Bros. 3 editorial impressions Ellyoda
[] Interview: Super Meat Boy Creator "The Flash version of the game was quite s----y." editorial news aspro
[] Interview: Uncharted's Cinematics Director "Die Hard – you can watch it today, it’s a fantastic film." editorial news aspro
[] US New Releases Week of Jan 02, 2011 Lost in Shadow, ilomilo, Star Drone... news aspro
[] Dead Space Save File Unlocks Weapon in Sequel Any save file from first game. news aspro
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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 20:55:41
aspro said:

Stopped playing Bayonetta (PS3). I really enjoy God of War and Devil May Cry, so this game should be doing it for me, but the controls are too loose and I feel like I'm just button mashing with no direct impact on the game.  I was totally impressed with the first 40 minutes of this game, but since then, I just can't play it.

Tried Condemned (360). It was much better than I thought. Nice writing, weapons felt great.  Will get back to this one.

I played through Condemned on the PC, one of the few current gen games I could play on my rig. It was a pretty good game, and I played the second one for a little bit, and I think the first one is much better even though the second game has better combat and graphics.

Interesting you feel that way with Bayonetta. For me, it did feel like that at first, but once I got deeper into the game, the combat was very deep. What difficulty were you playing in? I felt God of War and DMC was button mashing and Bayonetta were those games on steriods!

But Bayonetta does feel like button mashing in the beginning, but it does feel like the gameplay is pretty deep once you get more into the game. I can understand why some can't get into it, though. I guess "this game isn't for everybody" also applies to Bayonetta since it's more of a niche game I think.

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 20:57:30


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:00:06

What?! Tales of Graces getting localized this year!? GASP's a fan-translation project...



Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:19:09

My final tally for the Steam Sale

  • The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
  • Monkey Island Special Edition Bundle
  • Super Meat Boy
  • Machinarium
  • Sim City Deluxe
  • King's Bounty Collection
  • Children of the Nile Complete Pack
  • Indie Smarts Pack
  • Indie Kids Pack
  • Everyday Genius: Square Logic
  • Freedom Pack
  • Port Royale 2
  • Tropico Reloaded
  • Broken Sword: Director's Cut
  • Jedi Knight Bundle

Got gifted:

  • Hitman Collection
  • CivCity Rome

Total: 48.91

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:50:47

Since Ass-Bro started it already, What have the rest of you Baby New Years been playing this weekend?

Everyone and anyone should plan on taking a trip to Greenvale one day!

If you like Survival Horror in the least,or you just like twisted mysteries a-la Twin Peaks...


Scores ranged from 2.0 out of 10 from IGN(orant)... 10/10 from Destructoid! It's an acquired taste for sure,

but if you like it AT ALL, YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT ! ! !

I've played NOTHING else for the entire rest of the week and have not minded AT ALL ! ! !

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 21:55:44

After finishing Red Dead Redemption and Mirror's Edge, I haven't played anything else besides a bit of CivCity Rome.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:01:48
phantom_leo said:

Since Ass-Bro started it already, What have the rest of you Baby New Years been playing this weekend?

Everyone and anyone should plan on taking a trip to Greenvale one day!

If you like Survival Horror in the least,or you just like twisted mysteries a-la Twin Peaks...


Scores ranged from 2.0 out of 10 from IGN(orant)... 10/10 from Destructoid! It's an acquired taste for sure,

but if you like it AT ALL, YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT ! ! !

I've played NOTHING else for the entire rest of the week and have not minded AT ALL ! ! !

I've got a copy of that coming in soon.

Me? This week, I aim to play more Enslaved, Crisis Core and try, so help me try, to get into Majin.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:02:22

I've played and finished Fallout 3 the whole week and completed it on the 31st.  I seemed to have run into a glitch where I am stuck in my room and my last save file before then is waaaay before then.  So I probably won't return to that game and finish any of the side quests that were left. Sad.  I think I'll trade it in later this week.   It was a fun ride while it lasted, addictive as crack.

I started the single player campaign for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and it is indeed good.  I remembered why AC2 was my GOTY for 2009.   If you're thinking this is a side story, think again.  This one picks up immediately where the second left off.

A bonus of AC:B is it's multiplayer which I've already discussed.   I've played a hell of a lot of mp this weekend, with strangers in AC, and with a friend in BC2.  I think those two games will be the only ones that I play this week.  Feel free to join me, guys.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:04:49
darthhomer said:

I've got a copy of that coming in soon.

Me? This week, I aim to play more Enslaved, Crisis Core and try, so help me try, to get into Majin.


Enjoy Majin and DP!

Homer <3 !


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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:06:08

I was away with nothing but my trusted DS to game on this week.  So I played a fair amount of Space Invaders Extreme and I started and got a good way into Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.  It's the 4th AW games I am playing and I am a huge fan of the series.  This is by far my least favourite and it's purely because of the change in the style and character of the game.  The serious and dark tone just doesn't sit well with me at all.  I miss the fun whimsical tone of the first 3 games.  It's the first time I find myself pressing "start" to skip all of the dialogue.  The strategy scenarios are as fun as ever but I don't like the new style.  I really hope they go back if and when they make a new one


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

The VG Press

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:06:25

How is Enslaved, Homer.  I saw it was fairly cheap, not quite cheap for a buy yet, though.

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:06:54

Where there's life, there's hope!

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:12:47

Just been playing Metroid Other M, trying to beat it. It's been getting better. I missed a few energy parts though. Uneasy

Also, been playing Picross 3D. It's so addicting. I can stay up hours at night playing this! It's getting harder and I'm still on easy! I can't imagine the puzzles on hard!

And I want to check out Silent Hill Shattered Memories tonight. What a steal for $10! Grinning


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:57:09

Also picked up Puzzle Quest 2 for the DS. I never played the XBLA version when I had it. This game feels at home as a portable.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:02:04
ASK_Story said:

Also picked up Puzzle Quest 2 for the DS. I never played the XBLA version when I had it. This game feels at home as a portable.

I played the first one a great deal on the DS.  Great fun and very addictive


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:13:22
bugsonglass said:

I played the first one a great deal on the DS.  Great fun and very addictive

Yeah. The first one was quite a surprise. I was addicted to it.

PQ2 on the DS is a huge improvement over the first one when it comes to graphics and presentation. For one thing, the first one on the DS had very low resolution and I sometimes could not tell the colored gems apart. Part two fixes that and the colors are vibrant and distinguishable.

It looks good on the DS even with the lower resolution. I'm glad I got it! Happy

Edited: Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:13:55


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:24:58

yeah also the music though i really liked it sounded kind of glitchy on the DS at times, and the game did crash on a few occasions but it was very rare.  

I would have definitely got DQ2 but for the fact that my DS's touch screen is really shot in the lower part so I can't play games which require accuracy on the touch screen (very annoying but I resist getting a DSi so that I won't feel too bad about getting a 3DS)


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Sun, 02 Jan 2011 23:33:08

Yeah the music was pretty good. Sounded epic but a little repetitive. Although I wish they had some boss music once in awhile instead of repeating the same tunes.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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