The Last Story Presentation
Sakaguchi and co's showing recorded for your belated convenience.
Student Faces 3 Years in Prison For Modifying Xbox 360
That sounds reasonable news
Dude Gets 2.5 Years for Pirating $700,000 in Games
Used his work e-mail, got busted. news
2010 in quotes
“I make videogames for the so-so company Namco Bandai Games” editorial
Miyamoto on Skyward Sword development
" for the most part, we're kind of in the final stretch at this point." news
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aspro (2m)
I played through Condemned on the PC, one of the few current gen games I could play on my rig. It was a pretty good game, and I played the second one for a little bit, and I think the first one is much better even though the second game has better combat and graphics.
Interesting you feel that way with Bayonetta. For me, it did feel like that at first, but once I got deeper into the game, the combat was very deep. What difficulty were you playing in? I felt God of War and DMC was button mashing and Bayonetta were those games on steriods!
But Bayonetta does feel like button mashing in the beginning, but it does feel like the gameplay is pretty deep once you get more into the game. I can understand why some can't get into it, though. I guess "this game isn't for everybody" also applies to Bayonetta since it's more of a niche game I think.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
What?! Tales of Graces getting localized this year!?'s a fan-translation project...
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
My final tally for the Steam Sale
Got gifted:
Total: 48.91
Since Ass-Bro started it already, What have the rest of you Baby New Years been playing this weekend?
Everyone and anyone should plan on taking a trip to Greenvale one day!
If you like Survival Horror in the least,or you just like twisted mysteries a-la Twin Peaks...
Scores ranged from 2.0 out of 10 from IGN(orant)... 10/10 from Destructoid! It's an acquired taste for sure,
but if you like it AT ALL, YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT ! ! !
I've played NOTHING else for the entire rest of the week and have not minded AT ALL ! ! !
After finishing Red Dead Redemption and Mirror's Edge, I haven't played anything else besides a bit of CivCity Rome.
I've got a copy of that coming in soon.
Me? This week, I aim to play more Enslaved, Crisis Core and try, so help me try, to get into Majin.
I've played and finished Fallout 3 the whole week and completed it on the 31st. I seemed to have run into a glitch where I am stuck in my room and my last save file before then is waaaay before then. So I probably won't return to that game and finish any of the side quests that were left.
. I think I'll trade it in later this week. It was a fun ride while it lasted, addictive as crack.
I started the single player campaign for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and it is indeed good. I remembered why AC2 was my GOTY for 2009. If you're thinking this is a side story, think again. This one picks up immediately where the second left off.
A bonus of AC:B is it's multiplayer which I've already discussed. I've played a hell of a lot of mp this weekend, with strangers in AC, and with a friend in BC2. I think those two games will be the only ones that I play this week. Feel free to join me, guys.
Enjoy Majin and DP!
Homer <3 !
I was away with nothing but my trusted DS to game on this week. So I played a fair amount of Space Invaders Extreme and I started and got a good way into Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. It's the 4th AW games I am playing and I am a huge fan of the series. This is by far my least favourite and it's purely because of the change in the style and character of the game. The serious and dark tone just doesn't sit well with me at all. I miss the fun whimsical tone of the first 3 games. It's the first time I find myself pressing "start" to skip all of the dialogue. The strategy scenarios are as fun as ever but I don't like the new style. I really hope they go back if and when they make a new one
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
How is Enslaved, Homer. I saw it was fairly cheap, not quite cheap for a buy yet, though.
Where there's life, there's hope!
Just been playing Metroid Other M, trying to beat it. It's been getting better. I missed a few energy parts though.
Also, been playing Picross 3D. It's so addicting. I can stay up hours at night playing this! It's getting harder and I'm still on easy! I can't imagine the puzzles on hard!
And I want to check out Silent Hill Shattered Memories tonight. What a steal for $10!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Also picked up Puzzle Quest 2 for the DS. I never played the XBLA version when I had it. This game feels at home as a portable.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I played the first one a great deal on the DS. Great fun and very addictive
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah. The first one was quite a surprise. I was addicted to it.
PQ2 on the DS is a huge improvement over the first one when it comes to graphics and presentation. For one thing, the first one on the DS had very low resolution and I sometimes could not tell the colored gems apart. Part two fixes that and the colors are vibrant and distinguishable.
It looks good on the DS even with the lower resolution. I'm glad I got it!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
yeah also the music though i really liked it sounded kind of glitchy on the DS at times, and the game did crash on a few occasions but it was very rare.
I would have definitely got DQ2 but for the fact that my DS's touch screen is really shot in the lower part so I can't play games which require accuracy on the touch screen (very annoying but I resist getting a DSi so that I won't feel too bad about getting a 3DS)
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Yeah the music was pretty good. Sounded epic but a little repetitive. Although I wish they had some boss music once in awhile instead of repeating the same tunes.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns