Akira Yamaoka: Play this song at my funeral.
A list of some favorites of famed composer.
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Dragon Quest 9 Nintendo World Event Pictures
Taken by an atendee. Or is that Nintendee?
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Gamestop: "We Don't Like Pre-Owned"
Uh huh. And Tiger Woods doesn't like the ladies.
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DeathSpank Comes to PSN Today, July 13th, 2010!
C'mon! It has a Chicken Cannon and Poop Hammer!
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Sakaguchi Translates His "Retirement" Blog Into English
Some clarification.
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Gaming version of Stack Exchanged launched
A non-troll-filled Yahoo Answers for games
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Atari remakes Centipede, Star Raiders & Haunted House
Is that... HAMSTER JIZZ...?!
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robio (7m)
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
They sold pretty well.
One of the site's forefathers.
Nice to see a Harvest Moon game on this list again. They're in dire need to get that series selling again. Twin Villages seemed to have a lot of changes in it to the series, so hopefully this will be the sign of good things to come for this series.
They sold very well, but were full of glitches.
That moves it up the list then. I was afraid it was going to be like 60 hours long.
Only Iga cares about the story in that game. I did not even bother trying to follow it, just waited for the credit roll.
One of the site's forefathers.
I can only get by how bad the cover is by focussing on how bad the name is.
For the most part SMG2 difficulty is pitched at about the same level as the first game. It's a little harder, but then if you really want to go all out for the full set of stars, there is challenge there, but it's always fair. Sort of like what you were saying before, things that seemed impossible become do-able.
Not well, comparable to the Wii sales actually, which were weak in Japan anyway as most of it sold in the US/EU.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
I'm not sure if this was posted but this is a really interesting segment on Game Trailers. Top 10 Milestones in Gaming. If you're too lazy they are:
10. Mature Gaming (introduced by Doom and MK)
9. Wii/DS changing the market place and controllers.
8. Analog controller on the N64
7. X-box Live
6. Gameboy
5. Online Gaming
4. Optical Media (CD format for software on Sega CD and PSOne)
3. 3D Gaming (as in Super Mario 64, Tomb Raider, etc. not PS3 3-D gaming)
2. Coin-op gaming (advant of the arcades and monetizing video games)
1. Home Consoles
It's a surpringly valid list, with nothing on there that shouldn't be except for X-box Live and that's only because many of the reasons for having it on there were also mentioned in everything that online gaming covered which was #5.
FUCK YOU! EAT A HUGE, FAT DICK, BITCH! You and the guy who designed you.
I finally got around to playing through the two dlc packs for Mass Effect 2. The Kasumi pack was the shortest one of the two but on the plus side it adds a pretty good new character that can be used throughout pretty much the whole game. The Overlord pack was the longer one and truly felt like a mini-expansion pack since it had it's own unique galaxy and world to go to. The story to it was kind of creepy and the planet looked quite nice and there was some really cool visual effects throughout. It took me about 4 hours to play through both.
Here you go Steel. Hope this makes you feel better.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
One of the site's forefathers.