GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Something BIGGER than Street Fighter IV is coming... ...and it ISN'T Leo's Wang! news phantom_leo
[] Best E3 Metroid Other M gameplay vid Looks good but i'm still worried. media Dvader
[] Video showing BK promotion in Kinectimals You get virtual toys to play with. media Dvader
[] MS partners with Burger King for Kinect. Get fat eating BK and lose the weight with Kinect! news Dvader
Blockbuster to be delisted from the NYSE Drops below threshhold of public holdings news Ellyoda
[] Ricittiello: California game law will screw us. Big time. news SteelAttack
[] So you think you can play StarCraft? Ars shows you 300 reasons why you don't. media SteelAttack
[] Microsoft shows off Destination Arcade. XBLA titles browser. news SteelAttack
[] Wedbush: 2010 "flat". 2011 looks better. news SteelAttack
[] MGS 3DS just "testing the grounds". Apparently a real product, according to Konami. news SteelAttack
[] David Cage: Controller is just a means. Content must do the talking. news SteelAttack
[] White 120/250 GB PS3 coming. Japan. news SteelAttack
[] No sequel for Alpha Protocol. SEGA am disappoint with sales. news SteelAttack
[] 64% of gamers prefer hard copies. Over digital, survey reports. news SteelAttack
[] Hardcore fighting games don't sell According to MK's Ed Boon news robio
[] Rayman Origins to Be Released in 2010 Holiday Season But only the first episode... news robio
[] Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Dated Aug. 4th - 1200 Microsoft points news robio
[] E3 Game Critics Awards Announced 3DS takes top honors news robio
[] Bizarro TP like reveal for Sonic 4 at SGC. WTF is this, the game was annouced months ago, why are they cheering, WTF WTF WTF WTF. media Dvader
[] This generation DIES in 2012 So declares the COO of Capcom news robio
Capcom selling plush Okamiden character The cutest thing you'll see all day news robio
[] Here's a Japanese beatboxer doing Mario theme songs if you've got nothing else to do media robio
Move already a top seller at Toys R Us The key word is "top" not "big" news robio
1 million Aussies bought Wii Fit And that my friend is why they're so sexy! news robio
New Super Mario Bros hits 15 million sold Fastest game to ever reach this mark news robio
[] Study links video games to attention defecits that's a bunch of... oh look a chicken! news robio
Girls want more violent video games. Apparently the Imagine series is no longer fun news robio
Vuvuzela Hero announced watch and hear the first trailer media news hamzik
[] Fear of dreaming: Enter XBLA title Limbo. A journey that seems everything but pleasant. impressions SteelAttack
[] Masahiro Sakurai interview. Kid Icarus' director. news SteelAttack
[] Metacritic: Game quality up in 2010. Despite poor sales. news SteelAttack
[] Xbox Live probably broke 1 billion in revenue. Last fiscal year. news SteelAttack
[] Review scores impact consumer purchasing. Study reports. news SteelAttack
[] DJ Hero: Not a flop. 1.2M units sold. Say what? news SteelAttack
[] Blood Gulch revival unveiled at Bungie Day. Deja View. news SteelAttack
[] Split/Second PSP bound. A port is in the works. news SteelAttack
[] Kid's gaming strongly associated with attention problems. Study reports. news SteelAttack
[] Kinect works while seated! When software is developed with that in mind, that is. news SteelAttack
[] OnLive latency: The reckoning. Digital Foundry analysis. Wanna know how much it was? impressions news SteelAttack
[] FIFA Soccer 11 Dated. Sept 28th, NA, Oct 1st EU, Asia. news SteelAttack
[] Vanquish dated in Japan. October 21st. news SteelAttack
[] NBA Jam coming to PS3, 360 Wii version $50, PS3, XBL to be downloadable cheap title? news Dvader
[] Bungie day, new Reach map video media Dvader
[] Monkey Island 2 Special Edition IGN review - 8.9 How have we not been talking about this game? impressions robio
[] Soul of Darkness Review - 9.0 The Castlevania DSi clone is the real deal impressions robio
[] XBLA tops $1 billion in the last fiscal year That's a lot of XBL points news robio
[] Obsidian wants to work on Chrono Trigger Yes, that Obsidian! NO WAY IN HELL! STAY AWAY FROM MY CHRONO TRIGGER, DAMN-IT!!! news ASK_Story
[] Ever wanted to buy virtual poo? Don't worry, Zynga's got your back. news SteelAttack
[] TF2's engineer update due this thursday. Last class to be updated in Valve's popular class-based shooter.. news SteelAttack
[] Zone of Enders 3 could be a reality. Kojima wants to do it after Rising release. news SteelAttack
[] Epic is optimistic of Move/Kinect potential. As stated by Mark Rein. news SteelAttack
[] StarCraft 2 copies spotted in the wild. 3 weeks before the game's release. media news SteelAttack
Nobody has succeeded at globalisation. Says Square Enix head honcho. news SteelAttack
Sony: Dev input key to new PS hardware. I bet the Homer Mobile sounded great too. news SteelAttack
[] Moonbase Alpha now free on Steam. FREE moon exploration game. FREE. Did I mention it was FREE? news SteelAttack
[] HoD dated, new screens. Help IGA! I implore you! news SteelAttack
[] D2D and THQ join forces for epic sale. Not as epic as Steam's but it gets by. news SteelAttack
[] Microsoft's Summer of Arcade dated and priced. Too expensive! news SteelAttack
[] Battle.Net forums will now show real names. Ugh. news SteelAttack
[] What women want... gaming. IRL, that's a whole different business, son. news SteelAttack
[] New Guild Wars 2 screens. Healing and death. Go figure. media SteelAttack
[] Two PS3 3D firmware updates scheduled. news SteelAttack
[] No Ni Kunu Coming West news aspro
Loser Tries To Buy Way Into Gaming Industry Offers $1,000 bribe. news aspro
[] Tsunoda downplays lack of rumble in Kinect. Now where have I heard this before? news SteelAttack
Wada: Programming Language C is Better than English Sqeenix boss lashes out at foreign tongue. news aspro
[] How Yuji Naka creates characters. news SteelAttack
Red Dead DLC Detailed Zombies. Of course. news aspro
FF14 Beta Begins in Days In Japan news aspro
What if games had a SUPER Easy Mode? F'in HILARIOUS! media phantom_leo
[] Blizzard's Real ID influenced by Korean law? news SteelAttack
[] Divinity II revamped for compilation.  PC, 360 title. news SteelAttack
[] Ubi: Transition to next-gen in 2-3 years. Can't hardly wait...oh wait! news SteelAttack
[] Disciples III demo out now. news SteelAttack
[] Level 5 wants to bring Inazuma and Ninokuni to EU and NA Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please... news ASK_Story
[] Dragon Age 2 announced!! YES!! news Dvader
Hawx 2 annouced. No one cares news Dvader
[] Michael Jackson The Experience detailed I want to beat it. news Dvader
[] Metroid: Other M European Release Date Confirmed 3 September 2010 is the European launch date for Metroid: Other M. news edgecrusher
[] Kojima Talks Metal Gear Solid 3DS "The high level models are about the same quality as the stuff we made on the PlayStation 3" news edgecrusher
Night Sky Website launches After a year long delay the game is on its way media robio
[] Edge reviews DQ IX - 9/10 The multiplayer's greatest achievement is its subtle interplay with the single player game impressions robio
[] The Last Story trailer This has to bring out GG. media Dvader
[] Dead Space 2 prequel announced.  Ignition, DL title available for Live and PSN. news SteelAttack
[] Blizzard listening to player feedback.  On RealID. news SteelAttack
[] BioWare teasing announcement tomorrow. Dragon Age 2? Believe. news SteelAttack
[] Study: Review Scores Do Matter editorial news Ravenprose
[] Metroid Other M Behind the Scenes media Ravenprose
[] Gaming's Greatest Debate editorial news Ravenprose
[] 45 Minutes With Miyamoto editorial Ravenprose
[] Ghostlight wants to know what Japanese games you want localized news Ravenprose
[] XBL generates $1 billion in revenue last year Thats a lot of money for something that should be free. news Dvader
[] Dead Space Ignition annoucened. A downloadable mini game collection... news Dvader
[] Blizzard Backtracks On Forum Names news Ravenprose
[] Sony Pulls Bare Anime Breasts from PSN news Ravenprose
[] Sony Sad About Losing Insomniac ”We grew up together” news aspro
[] Weekly Japanese Sales Update Inazuma 3 debuts at #1 news aspro
[] Investigation: Did NVIDIA Gimp PhysX on Intel Procs? Hey PC News! See -- it can happen. news aspro
1Up Dragon Quest IX Review -- A of the deepest, most engrossing portable RPGs ever. impressions phantom_leo
[] IGN's Dragon Quest IX Review - 8.0 Any game with slimes in it is worth a look impressions robio
[] Eurogamer DQ IX review - 9/10 "Dragon Quest IX cleanses the palate with its straightforwardness, allowing the workmanship to shine" impressions robio
[] Borderlands getting GOTY Bundle Why is every good game the GOTY now? news edgecrusher
[] Two Worlds 2 preview Finally ready to take on Elder Scrolls? impressions edgecrusher
[] Ninety-Nine Nights 2 review Flop #2 editorial impressions edgecrusher
[] Sniper: Ghost Warrior review Like a fun turtle-head that falls apart as you push editorial impressions edgecrusher
[] Crackdown 2 review Maybe Realtime should have made this game? editorial impressions edgecrusher
[] The Tales of Bearsworth Manor Review More Square rubbish editorial impressions edgecrusher
[] Twenty Civ 5 Staff Layed Off Take2 owned Firaxis makes cuts. news aspro
Kinect Only Detects Couch-Play If Specifically Designed So look for that couch logo on the back of the box. news aspro
[] Latest Edition of Iwata Asks Game and Watch is the topic this time. news aspro
[] Naka Would Rather Make Another Let's Tap Than Sonic Which is saying something. news aspro
Nintendo: 3DS marketing "very tricky". Says a smiling Hideki Konno. news SteelAttack
[] Deep Black unveiled. PS360 underwater action game. news SteelAttack
[] Death in Guild Wars 2 an experience. Instead of a punishment. news SteelAttack
[] Square Enix: Kinect "no different" to Wii. Wait...what? news SteelAttack
[] THQ: 3DS Will Foil Pirates "foolproof" news aspro
[] Iwata Asks: Dragon Quest 9 Edition Forty minute long interview. news aspro
[] Iwata Explains Why Europeans Don't Game He mentions the Germans, and "the" War. news aspro
[] Capcom's Ono's "Big Thing" at EVO announcement of an announcement. news phantom_leo
Asus ARES Graphics Card Coming To US Dual-Radeon HD 5870 - Perfect for Farmville. editorial impressions news aspro
[] Nyko Releasing 360-Style Controller for PS3 Dual shocked. news aspro
[] IGN: DQIX Yuji Hori interview Interview with the JRPG master...a lifetime of Dragon Questing media ASK_Story
[] Pokemon B&W Trainers and Starters Revealed Fire Pigs! news aspro
[] Infinity Ward Legal Update They lower their damages and call Activision a "Police State" news aspro
[] Last Story Localization Clarification Still not confirmed for localization, despite earlier reports. news aspro
[] RUMOR: Plants vs Zombies 2 Announcement Invites to media event tips it off. news aspro
[] Sonic Hats For Everyone! Who pre-orders Sonic Colours. news aspro
[] Sonic 4 Hands-On GamesRadar likes it. editorial impressions aspro
[] Kojima "Japan is Losing" "...we are lacking the motivation." news aspro
[] Sony: We Will Be Last To Move To Next Gen "More power = longer lifespan" news aspro
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 01:21:18

aspro said:
Obsidian saying they want to do Chrono Trigger is like Ben Stiller saying he wouldn't mind a go at Hamlet.

 I dislike that dude profoundly. 

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 01:23:59
Is it the fetus-like head or the fact that he makes more money than all of us on the way to the bathroom every morning (all for being "funnier" than the least of us)?


Anyone here get into Zone of the Enders at all? I remember enjoying the first one (but not finishing it).  I have the second one and the GBA game too, but have not gotten to them yet.
Edited: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 01:27:17

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 01:26:07

aspro said:
Is it the fetus-like head or the fact that he makes more money than all of us on the way to the bathroom every morning (all for being "funnier" than the least of us)?

 Fetus head. 

But I have the impression that he has done just one movie in his whole career. He just pulls the same stuff again and again and again. And it isn't even funny!

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 02:41:20
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 02:55:44
Well. LeBron is going to Miami.

I know Dvader is happy.

But IMO, nothing against Miami or anything, I don't like the move. I don't like seeing one or two teams dominating the entire league for the next few years. The NBA was becoming like that and there was no competition. Like this recent playoffs and how we saw so many sweeps. It was just so lopsided

And I like wathching superstars competing against each other. D-Wade, LeBron, and Bosh are three of the best players but we won't see them compete against each other anymore. I feel like the competition and rooting for our teams is diminishing because the league has two or maybe three teams that you know will always be in the finals or semi-finals. The rest of the league will be all a bunch of scrubs. There's really no point in rooting for a team that you know won't win!

Good thing I'm a Lakers fan! Nyaa

Ah well.

Edited: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 02:56:48


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 07:46:18

ASK_Story said:
Well. LeBron is going to Miami.

I know Dvader is happy.

But IMO, nothing against Miami or anything, I don't like the move. I don't like seeing one or two teams dominating the entire league for the next few years. The NBA was becoming like that and there was no competition. Like this recent playoffs and how we saw so many sweeps. It was just so lopsided

And I like wathching superstars competing against each other. D-Wade, LeBron, and Bosh are three of the best players but we won't see them compete against each other anymore. I feel like the competition and rooting for our teams is diminishing because the league has two or maybe three teams that you know will always be in the finals or semi-finals. The rest of the league will be all a bunch of scrubs. There's really no point in rooting for a team that you know won't win!

Good thing I'm a Lakers fan! Nyaa

Ah well.

LOL Quiet you. The league has never allowed teams to compete. Look at the records, its all Lakers, Celtics, and Bulls. The league is all about the dynasties. Time for us to take away yours. Happy

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:06:17

Dvader said:

LOL Quiet you. The league has never allowed teams to compete. Look at the records, its all Lakers, Celtics, and Bulls. The league is all about the dynasties. Time for us to take away yours. Happy

Well, all I can say is, good luck finding a ticket! Nyaa

Lakers in 6! It'll take three NBA superstars to take Kobe down! Nyaa

Edited: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:10:04


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:29:51

aspro said:
Is it the fetus-like head or the fact that he makes more money than all of us on the way to the bathroom every morning (all for being "funnier" than the least of us)?


Anyone here get into Zone of the Enders at all? I remember enjoying the first one (but not finishing it).  I have the second one and the GBA game too, but have not gotten to them yet.


I enjoyed the first one and didn't finish it either. Nyaa

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 10:44:12
Did I miss anything good the last couple of days?

Edit: fuck, I did!

Wtf? Cover system/stealth in my JRPG?! I hope it controls good though, running through the city seemed a bit stiff, but maybe it was the player, he didn't really turn or anything. It's neat how he jumps over obstacles in the battles though. And it all looks lovely. A bit grey/brown from its next gen wannabe look, but some nice things too, like the Creed/Witcher animations when bumping into an NPC. And I love the style. Well, they have time to polish it up, it looks like they have a great base already, just fix up some animations and the frame rate in the city Happy
Edited: Fri, 09 Jul 2010 11:24:25
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 15:31:02

Red Dead Redemption is damned good. That is all.


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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 17:50:50
I'm sense that I'm almost done with Mother 3.

What an awesome experience so far!
One of the Press's OGs. I saw it all motherfucka, damn I saw it all.
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 17:56:02
I loved Mother 3. That was such a great game. Totally criminal that it was never officially released in the West.
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 20:59:50

Cool. I was wanting to pick up Borderlands so a GotY edition sure sweetens the pot.


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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 22:20:12

robio said:
I loved Mother 3. That was such a great game. Totally criminal that it was never officially released in the West.

Is there an English version of it? I thought not.

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 22:52:56

aspro said:

Is there an English version of it? I thought not.

 There's a translation out, so you'll need the ROM to play it.

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 23:34:58

darthhomer said:

aspro said:

Is there an English version of it? I thought not.

There's a translation out, so you'll need the ROM to play it.

Ah.  I'll hold out for the eventual (maybe) retail copy.  I wasn't too rocked by Earthbound anyhoo.

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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 00:21:48

NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I missed the anime breasts from PSN. 'Tis a sad day indeed. Sad


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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 00:25:09

Archangel3371 said:

NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I missed the anime breasts from PSN. 'Tis a sad day indeed. Sad

Anime boobs? Where? What do you mean they're gone?


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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 00:57:00
Yes, yes Kojima... we know, we know. Japan sucks, blah blah blah. The West is better, blah blah blah. Shut up and make something other than a Metal Gear game and I'll listen to you.
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Sat, 10 Jul 2010 01:01:21

aspro said:

darthhomer said:

aspro said:

Is there an English version of it? I thought not.

There's a translation out, so you'll need the ROM to play it.

Ah.  I'll hold out for the eventual (maybe) retail copy.  I wasn't too rocked by Earthbound anyhoo.

I didn't like Earthbound either, but this is a much much better game. The story is fantastic and there's some surprisingly power themes in this game regarding things like the environment, industrialization, happiness, etc. It's not preachy about it though. It's just a well crafted story. Plus it's quirky as hell, but never gets overly weird for no reason like Earthbound did.  

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