Japanese Sales - Monthly Summary
Mario Kart comes back from the shallow grave.
andriasang.com news
Power Level Marketing launches its website
World's first ad agency for video games opens for business
plmktg.com news
Nintendo packing a surprise in it's E3 pants?
A prounced bulge that could contain juicy details
gamepro.com news
Gaming press discusses most anticipated E3 games
And announcements in this Video
kombo.com media
Lucasarts E3 line-up: is Star Wars
Basically just Star Wars and Monkey Island
gamingtarget.com news
Pachter: Why Only Casual Games Win on Wii
Old explanation. If I didn't post it someone else would have.
kombo.com editorial
Ricetello of EA Talks 3D gaming
Has seen 3DS and describes it as cool
industrygamers.com news
E3 Flashback: The Nintendo ON
The real deal behind the faked Revolution video from the creator himself.
1up.com editorial
Top Ten bestselling 2010 U.S games
Ooooooooooh it was a close fight
gamerinvestments.com news
Japanese Devs Tweet Their E3 Attendance Intentions
In Japan Tweets are called "Mutterings" - Seriously.
andriasang.com news
What Do the Big 3 Have Up Their Sleeves?
What we know and what may happen
techi.com editorial
Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?
September 24, say the rumours (it doesn't mention the year!)
ultimateps3.fr news
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I dont think this is going to be shown to us normal folk.
That sucks.
Sure, let me just put the server on "fast" and we'll never have any more problems.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileThe optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
I should be able to listen to these songs no one seems to know in the Contest Topic, although I generally don't like trivia games...
...AND I'll be free to watch all the E3 stuff as it occurs...!
Yup, I might even be on Skype!
OMG!!! yay.
Kevin Butler changes everything!
That means Wii HD at E3!!! HOOOOLY SHIIIT!!!!
OMG. I soooooooo wish that I could be at that Activision E3 party, it sounds totally awesome.
It has a Turbo button like the old 368 machines.
Seriosuly though, I've had a lot fo trouble getting to the site the last few days. I don't know if it's Australia trying out it's filter or what, but other sites come up fine.
Retro Working on Donkey Kong Revival?
I don't know how I feel about that. If true it would be funny. Nintendo has such distast for the big ape they keep moving it from one gaijin developer to the next. "Here western dogs, make your monkey game"
Since it is Sunday in Northa Merica, I'll start the "What have you been playing this week?"
- I finally got back in Final Fantasy V Advance, and made plenty of progress. I'm about 25 hours in and JUST STARTED USING THE JOBS SYSTEM. What a f***ing idiot.
- Started and beat Advent Rising, for more detail see my thread in the Gaming Forum.
- Started and beat Armed and Dangerous for the XB. Third person shooter with good sense of humor and fun guns. I give it a 9.
- Started Azurik. Utter garbage. Moved on. It's a Zelda rip off with bad camera and you have to colelct 4 types of gems to blah blah blah.
- Started Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. I like it, but it's a bit too much like work, kind of stressful the way Halo Wars was. I have to beat it though, so hopefully in 3 days, then it will be onto Beyond good and Evil (I am playing my non-backward compatible XB games in alphabetical order).
I'm up to 24 beats this year.
That's quite a rumor.
EAD made DK Jungle Beat.
And it's true too! A little Birdo told me.
That's not a real game.
I'm still playing Tomb Raider Underworld (Xbox 360). I also played a bit of Sega Rally Revo and Forza 2.
Where are you up to in TRU?
It's a tech demo.
I'm currently in Mexico. I think I'm nearing the end of that level.
BS! What tech were they showing off? The bongos?
I also tried out Mario Sunshine, holy crap, this was Mario before Galaxy. Now I like Sunshine but wow is Galaxy a billion times better. The graphics, yikes, graphically Galaxy murders it. Even the Galaxy like level, the one without the waterpack does not control that well at all. Maybe its cause the camera is idiotic or something but Mario is no where near as easy to control compared to Galaxy.