Sakura Wars review
The Sakura Taisen series is considered to be one of, if not THE best, RPG series of all time impressions
Kojima to tackle taboo in next game
Might leave the industry if it fails - incest game? news
FF9 Screenshot on PSP
Still has not been officially announced, but Square is atwitter. media news
Level 5 announce: The Time Travellers
Game is for an unreleased platform - 3DS? news
That very same horse just made Blizzard....
$2 million in FOUR HOURS. There is no God. news
Next Grasshopper game could be named \"Closer\
I have no idea why I thought this was relevant. news
Japan Not Hardcore Anymore?
Five month old Zelda now selling for $5. Monster Hunter $2 news
Sony refuses to sanction PS3 refunds
Sony doesn't share Amazon's sentiments news
LOL - Nippon Ichi Release Ten Cent DLC
Get your Prinny a posessed raddish. news
The real SCIENCE behind Mass Effect 2.
Ok, not so much, but somewhat fun. news
THQ AU Working on Action Co-Op For HD Consoles
Known mostly for licensed games in past. news
DQ Monsters Joker 2 connects with DQIX.
In surechigai mode. Whatever that is. news
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travo (1m) Archangel3371 (2m)
"As we know, Ubisoft will be one of the most active publishers during the launch of Project Natal, the motion recognition device to Microsoft. If it was not until the heyday of E3 2010 before the Redmond company will launch an armada on its accessory called "revolutionary," we are now able to disclose proprietary information on a operator of the first games Natal.
According to our sources, the upcoming Ghost Recon: Future Soldier would be compatible with the device. A special game mode would therefore benefit from the recognition of movements, the aim being to keep the joystick in one hand and interact with the interface with your other hand. It is even possible to give orders through different types of movements directed by the wrist. You can imagine ... and we share your sentiment. "
Translate from french :
Wow, that sounds horrible.
The IGN UK review says that the classic controller is the way to go?
^I'm imagining a REALLY bad interpretive dance. (Re: Natal).
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
From a story someone posted yesterday, "Official Xbox Editor Jon Hicks has told CVG that the mag will next month reveal the return of a "substantial franchise" - as an Xbox exclusive."
Okay, so running down the list of "substantial" franchises that were once XB exclusives and then later were not.
- Ninja Gaiden
- Dead or Alive
- Ummm... what else? Obviously games that are still exclusive don't count.
- Splinter Cell (never going to happen)
- Did Bizarre Creations ever cross over with Metropolis Street Racer?
That's all I can come up with.
You sure this guy wasn't talking about X-com?
Groaaaaan... yeah probably. I thought they meant a XB game that was returning as an exclusive.
So anyway, Dragon Quest X may be coming to Wii, at some point, but us Westerners don't even have Dragon Quest IX on the DS yet (though it's coming) and now Square goes and announces another Dragon Quest title for Wii. This one's not a mainline entry and is based on the arcade game series with the same name (there are two!) some sort of card battling video games. Andriasang has some details.
Square Enix announced today a Wii port of its Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road arcade game. The Wii version, based off the DQMBR II Legend sequel, will be named Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road Victory and will see release this Summer. Pricing has yet to be set.
Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road is a card-based arcade game similar in basic concept to Sega's Mushi King series. Players use physical cards to summon classic Dragon Quest monsters into battle. As of January, Square Enix has shipped 200 million cards for the game.
The Wii version will replicate the basic gameplay of the arcade version. Players will be able to compete in four player battles using a single Wii, and also take part in online battles via Wi-Fi. The Wii version is also getting a new "Tournament Mode" where you collect cards while facing off in battle against a variety of characters in a virtual town.
Yup, 200 million, that wasn't a typo, so I guess you could say it's rather popular over there. Here's a trailer of the second arcade game, which andriasang claims the Wii title will be based on. The animation is pretty freaking awesome if you ask me, which you shouldn't I guess.
ローレシアの王子、サマルトリアの王子、ムーンブルク の王女 ミナデイン
伝説の勇者 ギガブレイク
ロトの血を引く者、ローレシアの王子、伝説の勇者 勇者集結
占い師ミネア 天変地異
踊り子マーニャ 疾風炎舞扇
商人トルネコ おっさん呼び
王女アリーナ 閃光烈火拳
魔法使いブライ マヒャドデス
神官クリフト ザラキーマ
王宮戦士ライアン 究極爆裂剣
魔剣士ピサロ ダークマター
導かれし者たち ミナデイン
伝説の魔物使い モンスター呼び
貴族の娘フローラ 大海嘯
第三の女デボラ 烈空カカト落とし
流浪の王パパス ホーリーエッジ
勇者レック ジゴデイン
旅の武闘家ハッサン 超・岩石落とし
夢占い師ミレーユ マスタードラゴン
大魔女バーバラ マダンテ
ゲントの民チャモロ バギムーチョ
さすらいの剣士テリー ジゴスパーク
少年アルス アルテマソード
少女マリベル 煉獄火炎
大盗賊ヤンガス 烈風獣神斬
魔法使いゼシカ マダンテ
聖堂騎士ククール シャイニングボウ
闇の覇者竜王 闇の波動
大魔王ゾーマ メラガイアー
幻魔王デスタムーア イオグランデ
魔神ダークドレアム 雷鳴豪断脚
Also, here's the official website, which should open shortly. Though, if this title is unplayable without cards, I suppose it won't make it over here, sadly.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Just something interesting to note - I read that article about Korea inacting a gaming curfew for online gaming. If you weren't aware South Korea supposedly has the highest internet speed of any country in the world. The reason for it is education. The belief is that the higher the internet speed the more they will be able to process and ultimately it will benefit the nation.
Ironic that it has also contributed to rampant problems with online gaming addictions and even deaths related to that, but I suppose you can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.
It's a card game, and at the end of the day I don't care about card games. If I wanted to play those, I'd buy a deck of cards and hang out in a comic book shop (that's where most people around here play them at any rate). So yes it's a very pretty game, but all the flash in the world isn't going to change the core gameplay involving decks, card order, and stuff like that that just does not interest me.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
No. Mouthbreathing, loudmouthed, bucktoothed preteens with a penchant for yelling "FAG!" at each other have become the dominant class in gaming now. They're the alpha males, and we're their bitches.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
So who's the dominant class then?
Well that's unfortunate that the original Xbox Live is shut down as of today but then again I don't play any original Xbox games online anymore so, meh. At least on the positive side they say this will allow them to make enhancements to the current Live model so it should be interesting to see what these enhancements might be.