EA May Sue Southpark Over Tiger
Probably just trying to get some publicity.
dailyinformer.net news
Japanese Gaming Industry Pay Rates
To convert *roughly* divide by 100 for USD.
andriasang.com news
Super Street Fighter 4 Interview
Yoshinori Ono interviewed about upcoming game.
thetechjournal.com editorial impressions news
Epic Opening Japan Branch
Suda 51 appearing at ceremony - will he run studio?
andriasang.com news
GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls
Somebody actually greenlit this idea
news.com.au news
Examiner Red Steel 2 review
Ubisoft has finally shown us what kind of games can be made for Wii and has set a new benchmark for Wii FPS titles
examiner.com impressions
Digital Chumps review Red Steel 2
Few other Wii games provide a comparable sense of hard-hitting action fused with the gritty and rugged nature of a true action title.
digitalchumps.com impressions
Analyst on PS3 Move
It will succeed because I can play mature ping pong
industrygamers.com news
Silent Hill Shattered Memories canned?
In Australia? Was supposed to release 3 weeks ago
aussie-nintendo.com news
Gaming Nexus reviews Red Steel 2
"Are you a gamer? Do you own a Wii? Then you need Red Steel 2. In fact, this game is a reason to own a Wii all by itself."
gamingnexus.com impressions
How to Train Your Dragon Surprise Launch
That's *train* your dragon, not drain your dragon.
gameguru.in news
PLAY reviews Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 is a series of hugely entertaining combat skirmishes linked by some slightly formulaic level design.
play.tm impressions
Gamervision review Red Steel 2
It single handedly proves the Wii MotionPlus’s value for adventure games, while providing one of the best action experiences on the system.
gamervision.com impressions
Pachter Watch: he makes more guesses
Halo Reach and Mario Galaxy 2 aren't system sellers
industrygamers.com news
Prince of Persia movie impressions
Does it sink in the Sands of Time?
bitmob.com impressions
Natal should work fine in small rooms
Microsoft has dismissed the claim that 13 feet of space between user and TV would be required.
1up.com news
Red Steel 2 Roboawesome review
" Red Steel 2 isn't perfect, but it's one of the best games to release this generation"
roboawesome.com impressions
EA Won't Sell Before June
Some trading activity indicates stock will remain low at least until June (which means no buyout).
schaeffersresearch.com editorial news
Knights in the Nightmare Coming to PSP
Atlus DS cult-fave will be PSN download.
andriasang.com news
Red Steel 2 Aussie Nintendo review 9/10
"Quite possibly the most enjoyable, adrenaline-charged combat system I've ever experienced"
aussie-nintendo.com impressions
Extraction Very Likely to Be Ported
Likely to appear on Sony Move says deverloper.
gamercenteronline.net news
Red Dead Will Have Multiplayer
Rockstar announces "surprising" multiplayer.
vgrevolution.com news
Red Steel 2 Wii Italia review
9/10 - how many more until you buy it?
wiitalia.it impressions
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robio (9m)
I think this may be partially responsible for that problem you're having with games on your SD card. For whatever reason the Wii will not correctly work with an SD card bigger than 2 GB. Nintendo has stated that several times. From what I've heard you can get larger cards to work for some things, but there will be times you experience problems. Get yourself a 2 GB card as soon as you can.
no, that was fixed for firmware version 4 and onward. SDHC is now supported just fine.
you do get two different sets of channels so you know what's on your wii's flash memory and what is on your SD.
firmware 4 onward lets you run games off the SD. you must take care though that you have enough blocks left on your wii's memory for whatever game you want to play because even though it's supposedly running the game off the SD card in actual fact it copies it to the wii memory and deletes it afterwards so you still need to have enough free memory for it.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I just read up on fibromyalgia yesterday, sounds suspisciously familiar. I'm constantly fatigued and have other pains too. Thanks for this. I can't believe there are all these causes and diagnostics and this bastard doesn't mention one of them.
That is SO wrong.
There are tons of better wii games than cursed mountain but if you find it cheap its good to playthrough, if you can master the controls and put up with the enemy encounters.
Also, Mario Galaxy 2 with 240 stars?
*repeat hamster.gif*
Are you comparing my gargantuan sized penis to a normal mans?
Your wii drive only has 512mb and some save files cannot be moved or transferred to SD. Keep every WiiWare and VC game on SD card, the load times are really short, plus if something happens to your wii you dont have to re-download them. Put the channels you regularly use on the Wii memory.
All N64 emulation is done sharper and cleaner, they removed the way the N64 handled aliasing which blurred edges.
Yeah, if its just Luigi missions, no fair.
Did they release this on GC? I'm pretty sure capcom is continuing the archives series, which means more ports.
This is why it's best to leave things on SD card. But because of wiiware limits (32mbs?) you only need to leave about that much on your wii memory free.
Here's a good tip, any game that has an optional wii channel, Rabbids Go Home, Mario Kart etc have quite large memory requirements, like over 100 blocks. Keep this on SD.
Both Zelda OoT and RE2 were released on GC. I own Zelda OoT/Master Quest disk, but stupid Gamestop wanted $40 for a used copy of RE2, so I never bought it.
Just read this about Sony' motion controller:
Interestingly, the controller has a proprietary connector on its bottom, of which Marks said "Our licensees can talk to us about it."
They really did copy everything.
Phony sucks
"We're looking into that specific topic, but we don't have anything to announce at this time." - Nintendo representative
Look harder!
And on Wii too!
I've never seen a Saturn controller before.
Is this thing real?
It's like a steering wheel.
Are you also standing on the edge of something much too deep?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileA substantially different version of Assassin's Creed was once under development at Ubisoft Montreal, according to the game's former art director.
Speaking to 1UP recently, Jonathan Jacques-Belletete (currently working on Deus Ex: Human Revolution at Eidos Montreal) reflected on the title, which was in development for both the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
"It had a whole different story, with whole different environments and enemies and everything, and it was really cool," reflected Jacques-Belletete.
The title was being worked on by a smaller team inside of Ubisoft Montreal simultaneously with the current-generation version that was eventually released. It is unclear how far along development went or why the title was canceled, but if Jacques-Belletete's reflections can be trusted, it was "awesome."
Yes, I had one. It's the NiGHTS controller (was packed w/ the game). It may look dumb, but it was very comfortable.
You can see how its similar to the DC pad in layout, it's just the disc that throws me.
Or do you throw IT?
Damnit, why did Sony have to ditch the batarang? That thing looked comfy.
I have it, came with Nights. It beat the N64 to the US market so technically it was the first analog stick controller, suck it Nintendo.
Wrong! Atari beat both of them by about 14 years.