EA May Sue Southpark Over Tiger
Probably just trying to get some publicity.
dailyinformer.net news
Japanese Gaming Industry Pay Rates
To convert *roughly* divide by 100 for USD.
andriasang.com news
Super Street Fighter 4 Interview
Yoshinori Ono interviewed about upcoming game.
thetechjournal.com editorial impressions news
Epic Opening Japan Branch
Suda 51 appearing at ceremony - will he run studio?
andriasang.com news
GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls
Somebody actually greenlit this idea
news.com.au news
Examiner Red Steel 2 review
Ubisoft has finally shown us what kind of games can be made for Wii and has set a new benchmark for Wii FPS titles
examiner.com impressions
Digital Chumps review Red Steel 2
Few other Wii games provide a comparable sense of hard-hitting action fused with the gritty and rugged nature of a true action title.
digitalchumps.com impressions
Analyst on PS3 Move
It will succeed because I can play mature ping pong
industrygamers.com news
Silent Hill Shattered Memories canned?
In Australia? Was supposed to release 3 weeks ago
aussie-nintendo.com news
Gaming Nexus reviews Red Steel 2
"Are you a gamer? Do you own a Wii? Then you need Red Steel 2. In fact, this game is a reason to own a Wii all by itself."
gamingnexus.com impressions
How to Train Your Dragon Surprise Launch
That's *train* your dragon, not drain your dragon.
gameguru.in news
PLAY reviews Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 is a series of hugely entertaining combat skirmishes linked by some slightly formulaic level design.
play.tm impressions
Gamervision review Red Steel 2
It single handedly proves the Wii MotionPlus’s value for adventure games, while providing one of the best action experiences on the system.
gamervision.com impressions
Pachter Watch: he makes more guesses
Halo Reach and Mario Galaxy 2 aren't system sellers
industrygamers.com news
Prince of Persia movie impressions
Does it sink in the Sands of Time?
bitmob.com impressions
Natal should work fine in small rooms
Microsoft has dismissed the claim that 13 feet of space between user and TV would be required.
1up.com news
Red Steel 2 Roboawesome review
" Red Steel 2 isn't perfect, but it's one of the best games to release this generation"
roboawesome.com impressions
EA Won't Sell Before June
Some trading activity indicates stock will remain low at least until June (which means no buyout).
schaeffersresearch.com editorial news
Knights in the Nightmare Coming to PSP
Atlus DS cult-fave will be PSN download.
andriasang.com news
Red Steel 2 Aussie Nintendo review 9/10
"Quite possibly the most enjoyable, adrenaline-charged combat system I've ever experienced"
aussie-nintendo.com impressions
Extraction Very Likely to Be Ported
Likely to appear on Sony Move says deverloper.
gamercenteronline.net news
Red Dead Will Have Multiplayer
Rockstar announces "surprising" multiplayer.
vgrevolution.com news
Red Steel 2 Wii Italia review
9/10 - how many more until you buy it?
wiitalia.it impressions
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aspro (2m)
What a dick. yeah, 'cause we all know only babies buy DS's. 600,000 babies a month asshole. An entire island nation of babies in Japan.
Um, their gladiator demo was gesture based as well, with a bit of 1:1-ish on top, basically like Red Steel 2. Not everything has to, or should be 1:1 just because there's the ability to do it. Fun, compelling gameplay is what must be offered first. Merely tracking your movements won't provide that for every game. Red Steel 2 doesn't have tracking as good as WSR's swordplay, because they didn't want to. They wanted a robust fighting system, with motion on top. So there's your standard slashes which are 1:1-ish (but to help players all slashes go through the center of the screen to hit, only their angle and strength is based on your movements), blocking has been simplified to an all encompassing block for normal moves, or vertical and horizontal block for strong moves, and they have added a ton of special gesture based attacks to add variety and spice things up. So, less 1:1 than WSR, but more variety, as any game that goes on for 10+ hours should have. Outside a fencing sim (which is impossible, no force feedback, no AI will be good enough, nor most players) that is how most games will have to work even with Move's better tracking abilities, as shown in Sony's demonstrations, where all their actual game software used gestures.
As for those actually playing it, try and get the hang of it first? You haven't played any other game like this, and most reviews agree the controls are great (even those giving the game questional scores based on other structural weaknesses), so maybe there's more to it than you've gotten used to yet, it should give you more specials over time as well. Also tweak the controls in the configuration screens, manual lock on is recommended by most since it lets you get easier control over when the camera is staying put (ie whenever you hold Z, even if an enemy isn't in range) so that you can slash steadily without moving your view around as if you attempted to turn, which can get annoying if you're just trying to smash stuff up and your view wobbles around.
Other than that, play like first person Zelda with motion, jump strafing (instead of side rolling) your enemies, attacking after dodge or block, etc. And keep in mind it takes a bit to get going, for example enemies with strong attacks you need to do a directonal block on don't appear until later, so the early mooks are pushovers by comparison. The game apparently slowly teaches you from the first slashes, to the gestures, to the blocking, then directional blocking, then the parries, then introducing enemies that require you to make the most of all the taught moves as they counter or avoid previous abilities or can only be harmed in certain ways and so on and so forth.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
No, play the game, you'll see.
Why are you not playing it, what is wrong with you.
I subscribed to the dvader play one game to completion philosophy...
...and man does it ever suck!
Even I had to break that for GoW3. I need to get back into FFXIII, maybe today... but GoW3 is so much fun. I am halfway through crazy insane why are you doing this hard mode.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOriginally, Nintendo was going to release it in North America, but this comment:
. . . changed our minds.
Nice style. Good graphics. Competent FPS on the Wii.
How exactly does this use Motion Plus though? If you are just using gestures at certain times, how is this any different from the Wii mote?
Hamster? What am I missing here?
It IS fun, but I'm just not getting it.
Is it supposed to be in the aiming? The sword movement doesn't seem to me to be anything more refined than the normal left, right, stab towards the screen which we have already seen...
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Hadn't planned on it. I've got some Best Buy/Future Shop gift card money set aside for Sakura Wars though (except they don't list it, yet. They better have it
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI have it preordered through GameStop online. I don't think we're gonna see a big retail release on this one at all.
I ordered it cause I had extra credit left over from some trades and I have been hearing about the series forever and have always been intrigued, but I don't know that much about it.
Care to share some info? PS2 or Wii, btw?
Preferably PS2 since that's the only one with the limited edition. I'm on a JRPG hook, and this one looks very in-depth, plus it's not full price. I also enjoyed the social mechanics in Persona. Also don't know much about the series.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYes I know it's old.
I dreamt last night that in an unprecedented move one of the major gaming websites named their GOTY in April. Their logic was that no game could top it.
That game? Alpha Protocol from Obsidian.
I have no idea what synapses had to mis-fire to produce that dream, I have not invested emotionally in that game in any way, and there is nothing to indicate externally that the game is any good. In fact, its development has been troubled.
Anyway, you heard it here first.
And it is the first Sakura to come stateside right?
I got the PS2 version. NIS, late-cycle PS2 game, limited edition? Collecting gold.