The D-Pad's Last Stand
A button-less handheld from Nintendo is in our near future. editorial
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I did and I jizzed in my pants.
Yeah, actually everyone who's played it that I've seen that have been brave enough to talk about have said it's actually kinda fun!
I'd sooner admit playing and enjoying Princess Debut than a 50 Cent game.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSonic games.
Yeah it's supposed to be okay. If you want it it's under $15 at amazon these days.
I'm hoping it is a sleeper like Riddick -- I mean who would have thought that game was going to be as awesome as it turned out to be?
Nobody actually plays them though. I think about 12 copies of Sonic and the Dark Knight were sold and I'm fairly sure Vader bought 2 of them.
RE: This article
Sadly, backward compatibility is dead. Dead, dead, dead.
With IBM discontinuing the cell, the PS4 won't have BC. Ninty will learn that the VC brings in enough money to make it not work, (even though they'll likely stick with IBM and ATI for their chips), and MS has already demonstrated that they don't give a fuck about legacy gamers.
Ubisoft considering creation of Japanese-style RPGs
So will they release a line of RPGz?
"People often say that Japan is packed with hardcore gamers, and it's important to understand what it is they're looking for. Our mission is to create hit games on the same level as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. We'd like to see everyone in Japan root for us. Perhaps someday our efforts will result in a major hit on the level of a Dragon Quest. We have never made any RPGs, a genre Japanese people love. We've made shooters, strategy, sports, action, and adventure games, but not any RPGs yet. Still, we're open to all possibilities. If we can get a quality team of RPG-oriented developers, I'd love to release one. If we have a chance to work with Japanese creators, then I'm sure we can make a game that appeals to the Japanese audience." - Ubisoft executive director Alain Corre
haw haw
I admire their optimism (or delusion), but I'm sorry to say that the day when Japanese gamers accept a western wannabe JRPG is the day MS dominates the Japanese console market.
But that last part of the statement they said sounds reasonable, which is to collaborate with a Japanese RPG developer. That makes sense. It'll just be published by Ubisoft or a team effort, like Ubisoft can do the story and script while Japanese developers make the game.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Yeah, do it. I remember that you stopped after the three legged boss. You might as well start over. And don't pussy out this time.
I completed Fallout 3 last night. Just as I was enjoying it, it ends after 20 hrs and 7 of those hours were pointless wandering around in a boring empty landscape.
The ending was limp. Thanks for the voice over Ron Perlman! Why couldn't I just continue on my save file?
So now I've set out to try and track down every quest. It's not easy. In Oblivion you couldn't walk 5 metres without something new to do, not so in this game.
Eh, I enjoyed what was there but its too short and empty. Bah. There are barely any sidequests compared to Oblivion either.
Too late!
Crazee sucka's
There are japanese JRPGs that struggle to succeed over there. If you're not DQ, Tales, FF or Monster Hunter on a portable you are in danger territory.