Mississippi library adds videogames
$13,000 worth of games to be in the public library
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Gundam 30th Anniversary Collection
Wii, 360 and PS3 will include all PS2 games.
andriasang.com news
Nintendo Power Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Full review text
shshatteredmemories.com impressions
SunSoft Returning to Western Game Development!
Bringing Blaster Master Back With It!
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1up review Zelda Spirit tracks
" exceeds its predecessor in every way"
1up.com impressions
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robio (6m)
Exactly, Iga you do realize that Miami is basically south america and the caribbean islands inside the US. We have crazy soccer players everywhere, I live next to a damn soccer park where freaks go out at night and play games, I can hear them from my house.
And yes FOOTBALL is popular in the States, SOCCER is not.
But the puzzles sound excellent. This game sounds like an adventure fans dream. So I will try it, I just don't know when.
Whatever, get your ass over to the MMA thread now!
Yeowch, would the edge cut the balls in half?
Did you forget about Wheelspin? Their mature wii game that got rated 11% by NOM as the worst game, ever?
The length is problem, when something like that becomes known it becomes almost like a death knell for a game, unless its a shooter where you do the 6 hour single player then move onto months of online shooting/swearing. Otherwise it sounds okay to me. I already knew about the chase bits.
My store received its allocation for Tuesday today, which came to a whopping two copies. I'm not exaggerating in the least. We're not a low-performing store - we received allocations of over 100 copies of New Super Mario Bros. and Wii Sports Resort. We evenreceived something like 20 copies of Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum... and that game's tanking!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI have no desire whatsoever to play it, and it's always going to be full price.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWhere is last weeks podcast, Leo needs to listen to it.
Blaster Master was brilliant for its day.
While most games had ONE perspective. In this one, you could drive the tank in 2D stages; Get out of the tank in 2D stages; It had huge (for the time) sprites, in its top-down, action-stages. Many of the bosses filled the whole screen. You could upgrade the tank. It had so much going for it that was unrivaled back then by most other NES games!
I need to listen to the podcast...?
Should I call Ernesto first and get a box of tissues ready?
It was also brutally difficult. It was a pretty long game, but didn't offer saves or a password so not too many people saw the end of it. But the game really was one of the best the NES ever had. Upgradeable tank, upgradeable weapons for the player on the solo missions, sideview and overhead view screens, great graphics, great music. I think its difficulty and lack of save feature is ultimately what kept it from being more highly regarded.
And as a special bonus, it was one of the few games where the "slow" button on the NES Advantage controller actually worked. Had it not been for that button I never would have made it past the level 5 boss (which if I recall is the boss pictured in the screenshot here).
Okay that is IT.
I have lived with red and green dots on my Wii for 2 f****** years now. NO MORE!
Recent games with tons of smoke effects just set it off so badly that my screen is covered in that shit.
And it almost seems a crime to play a game with visuals as great as Extractions on this POS.
I am going to book it in to be fixed, that's £70 down the drain shit-tendo. Their hardware has gone down the drain this gen. I had a broken hinged DS Lite too.
This is someone else with a black dot problem.
^Looks like the spirit of an Atari 2600 game has invaded your Wii.
Well guys I'm still playing Dragon Age, and this is easily my pick for Game Of The Year. I've put 80 hours into it already and I just do not get tired of playing. Another Bioware classic, and a game that nails everything that an incredible AAA game should, its just slick from top to bottom.
I may even like this more than Mass Effect. Its certainly nowhere near as glitchy as ME, or really any game Bioware has made since KOTOR.
This is what a AAA game is supposed to be. Made me stop playing Modern Warfare 2 halfway through the campaign and I've felt no desire to go back to it yet.
I never saw any Mass Effect glictches, but I only got maybe 13 hrs in.
Check the silent hill thread in the forums edge, there are impressions and reviews.
Well I'm here today to tell you that Harvest Moon: My Little Shop is complete and utter shit. Not a huge shock, and I really wasn't expecting it to be good but this game is just terrible. Sad too because it's a fantastic looking game, but they've removed any level of difficulty from it. Plus you can only do so much a day. They've taken a nod from a few other games that require you to play daily and in real time, but only allow you to do so much actual work each day. I blame Animal Crossing for this dumb ass idea....
The very very few reviews out there are pretty bad, but I thought as a Harvest Moon fan I'd be able to overlook them to some degree. Nope. Game just sucks. Not that anyone was planning on buying it but avoid it at all costs anyway.