GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
[] Bioshock 2 single player trailer Those little sisters are toast! media gamingeek
[] Nintendo releasing Big Screen DSi With a 4 inch screen in Japan news gamingeek
[] Two new Rabbids Go Home videos Shopping and manipulating media gamingeek
[] First Castlevania Rebirth footage media gamingeek
[] Excitebike World Rally heading to WiiWare First footage media gamingeek
Light-Up Triforce Belt Buckle You know you want one. news robio
Capcom bringing MT framework to wii More multiplatform games hitting Wii? news gamingeek
[] Goldeneye 2010: Outed for Wii? Eurocom dev outs remake? news gamingeek
[] Dragon Age Ohgren trailer Giant purple beast media gamingeek
[] PSP Monster Hunter spin off coming news gamingeek
[] Exclusive Saw images media gamingeek
[] Heavy rain images: a woman cries media gamingeek
[] FFXIII new images and goodies media gamingeek
[] Super SFIV artwork media gamingeek
Video Game Proverbs Words to live by. editorial travo
[] Assassin's Creed 2 trophies and achievements Rumor: Leaked achievements news travo
[] MW2 To Include Third Person Mode/Replay Viewer? Blurry Vision GO GO GO! media darthhomer
[] Netflix Coming To PS3 Movie Streaming Coming To The Triple! news darthhomer
[] NOM answers NSMB questions Part 2 impressions gamingeek
Shadowplay videos WiiMotionplus game media gamingeek
[] Games TM review scores impressions gamingeek
[] Black Wii controller Euro boxarts media gamingeek
[] Boom Blox team leaving Wii for next gen news gamingeek
[] RE Darkside Chronicles screens media gamingeek
[] Latest Silent Hill Shattered Memories screens media gamingeek
[] Pachter: Nintendo a victim of their success editorial gamingeek
[] FFCC: Crystal Bearers - 10 minute video media gamingeek
[] Tekken 6 Review 9.0 impressions Foolz
[] Dragon Age PS3 released same time as other version Except in Europe. Take that bugs! news Foolz
[] Modern Warfare 2 sys req Actually pretty low. Iga could run it. And he can't run Skype and Audacity at the same time. news Foolz
[] Forza Motorsport 3 GS review 9.5 impressions Foolz
[] 3D Dot Game Heroes Definitely Coming to NA Vader, your GOTY of 2010 is here! news darthhomer
Dad kills son over videogame at birthday party Unsurprisingly, alcohol and guns don't mix news Ellyoda
Rayman headed to DSiWare news gamingeek
[] Darkside Chronicles pics art and screens media gamingeek
[] Shadow Walker screens Quite dark media gamingeek
[] The Grinder: New media will wow you Coming soon says High Voltage news gamingeek
[] PS3 won't be maxed out for 2 -3 years so says Insomniac - and they probably know best impressions news robio
Amazon Gold Box Deals For Wii All Day Great deals on decent games. news robio
[] Harvest Moon Animal Parade Goes Gold We know at least Robio is happy news robio
GameStop To Hire 15K Seasonal Part-time Advisors Ensuring that 15,000 idiots will have jobs this winter news robio
Videogame Character Pick-up Lines editorial Ellyoda
Castlevania Rebirth gameplay Stage 1 media gamingeek
Castlevania Rebirth gameplay Stage 2 media gamingeek
[] Madden NFL Arcade Hands-on impressions gamingeek
[] Aliens vs Predator Eurogamer preview impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on God of War 3 impressions gamingeek
Uncharted 2 DLC this year Sales exceeding expectations news gamingeek
RE Darkside Chronicles Japan pack CD, DVD and special book media gamingeek
Earthbound fans get outfit Wow media news gamingeek
Pokemon Park screens media gamingeek
Gamepro review Lost Winds 2 "Wonderful use of Nunchuk and Wiimote, stunning graphics" impressions gamingeek
Final Fight 3 headed to VC news gamingeek
[] NSMB EDGE mag review snippets impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey: screenshot analysis 4 screens dissected by Gameinformer editorial media gamingeek
New DSi Confirmed Bigger screens for digital books and movies media gamingeek
[] Amazon: Spend $80 get $40 credit on games news gamingeek
[] Rygar (Arcade) - Virtual Console Gameplay media gamingeek
[] Zombies Ate My Neighbors Virtual Console Gameplay media gamingeek
[] Golden Axe (Arcade) - Beefcake Gameplay media gamingeek
Pachter: Mod Warfare 2 Will Sell 14 Mil COD4 sold 13 Mill so far. news aspro
Chinese MMO Coming? Raised $120 Mil in development funding. news aspro
[] Analyst: Music Games Were a Fad DJ Hero Pre-orders low. news aspro
Lego Universe preview Actually sounds pretty fun impressions Foolz
Aliens vs. Predator preview impressions Foolz
[] Dragon Ball: Revenge of Piccolo Tiny battle gameplay media Foolz
[] Ravensword: The Fallen King First walkthrough media Foolz
[] Japan Nintendo channel video 10 minute sizzle reel media gamingeek
[] Shadow Walker impressions impressions gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey updates, lots of stuff news gamingeek
Warhammer Online Releases for Mac news aspro
[] Pachter: "Console Fatigue" Has Hit Expects 5% drop year over year. news aspro
[] THQ Extends Agreement With WWE Wil retain game license through 2014. news aspro
[] Monster Hunter 3 Eurogamer hands on "everybody appears to be wandering around in assless chaps and thongs" impressions gamingeek
Miyamoto wants Starfox to be more popular Make a better game then news gamingeek
[] Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! Videos media gamingeek
[] Excitebike: World Rally Hands-on IGN impressions gamingeek
[] Hands on Assasins Creed 2 at Eurogamer impressions gamingeek
[] Hands on Dante's Inferno at Eurogamer gamingeek
[] Hands on Heavy Rain at Eurogamer impressions gamingeek
Castlevania: The Adventure -- ReBirth - preview 1up impressions gamingeek
[] Sega: "Kids love Sonic Unleashed!" Will love needlmouse too news gamingeek
[] Castlevania Rebirth impressions "should tick the boxes for the old-school Castlevania fans " impressions gamingeek
[] Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth - Bat Boss Game media gamingeek
[] Rabbids Go Home - Dogs Featurette media gamingeek
[] Dementium II Hands-On impressions gamingeek
[] Monster 4x4: Stunt Racer Hands-On impressions gamingeek
NSMB Wii Aus release date November 12th news Foolz
[] Tekken 6 GT Review 8.4 impressions media Foolz
[] DJ Hereo GT Review 8.8 impressions media Foolz
[] Australian gets censored Borderlands For once not the OFLC's fault editorial news Foolz
[] Brutal Legend to already get DLC next month But is it on the disc? news Foolz
[] WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 GS Review 7.5 impressions Foolz
[] Analysts comment on Wii HD Blu-Ray rumors Pachter and Divnich make their opinions known news Ravenprose
[] RUMOR: Netflix was on Wii before the year's end, but now Nintendo might wait for Wii HD, analyst says news Ravenprose
[] Spector wants Epic Mickey Nintendo quality Wants comics and movie too impressions news gamingeek
Spector explains Epic Micky Steampunk art Sounds like it was too far for Disney impressions gamingeek
[] DS to DS XL comparison pics That's one big bastard media gamingeek
[] Nintendo Power December issue details news gamingeek
Iwata: "Wii has stalled" "We were unable to continually release strong software, and let the nice mood cool" news gamingeek
[] Wii Fit Plus NOM review Better than the original in every way impressions gamingeek
Bioshock 2 multiplayer footage media gamingeek
Bioshock 2 1up preview "Everything gets twisted here in good ol' Rapture, and even ideas that start with the best of intentions can go astray." impressions gamingeek
[] Square Enix slash profit forecasts news gamingeek
[] BioShock 2 Single-Player Hands-On  IGN impressions gamingeek
[] SEGA Confirms Bayonetta Release Date 40/40 from Famitsu news gamingeek
[] BioShock 2 Video Preview  IGN impressions media gamingeek
[] RE0/REmake Wii dated for america DO NOT buy, archie news gamingeek
[] PSN Update: Demo's, DLC and more news gamingeek
[] 2K Marin Thomas interview news gamingeek
[] Bioshock 2 hands on at Eurogamer "Superficially, BioShock 2 is merely a prettier version of BioShock 1 - no bad thing, since the first game was as artistically lovely as it was technically stunning" impressions gamingeek
OPM review scores impressions gamingeek
[] Pro Evo 2010 Wii trailer media gamingeek
[] DSi XL hits europe Q1 2010, more expensive news gamingeek
[] Fairytale Fights Review  IGN impressions gamingeek
[] Tomena Sanner is Coming to WiiWare Konami announces the game for America. So what the eff is it? news gamingeek
[] PSP 4000 to use UMD? Oh jeeeeez news gamingeek
[] Eurogamer review Ballad of Gay Tony 8/10 impressions gamingeek
[] Eurogamer hands on NSMB Wii "Platform seller" impressions gamingeek
[] 60 FPS Bayonetta videos media gamingeek
[] Left4Dead 2 demo videos media gamingeek
[] Sin and Punishment: The first 10 minutes media gamingeek
[] Nintendo Q2 profits drop 52% Has the bubble burst? news gamingeek
[] God of War 3 demo on District 9 Blu-ray news gamingeek
[] Bioshock 2 images: hot off the presses! media gamingeek
Rumour: Wii 2 specs leaked? Out end of next year: Blu ray, 1080p news gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Audio tour with Spector media gamingeek
[] First Epic Mickey Screens media gamingeek
[] Castlevania Rebirth Impressions IGN impressions gamingeek
[] Golden Axe Arcade Review impressions gamingeek
[] Climax threw out the survival horror rulebook For the re-invented Silent Hill impressions gamingeek
Epic Mickey - preview 1up impressions media gamingeek
Ton of Sin and Punishment 2 videos media gamingeek
[] Nostalgia gametrailers review impressions media gamingeek
[] DSi LL Officially announced Large screen DSi pics inside media news gamingeek
FF13 Spring 2010 Voice acting company slipped out script for ad. news aspro
[] GT Nov releases footgae media Foolz
[] PlayStation 2 Turns Nine Happy Birthday, PS2! news Ravenprose
Interview With Halo Composer Also wrote Flintstones Vitamin jingle. editorial aspro
[] God Of War 3 Demo Dec 29 Will be included on District 9 BR. news aspro
[] Activision Defends Suicide Bomber Gameplay MW2 mimicks Mumbai bombing. news aspro
Bayonetta 360 vs PS3 a 1up feature "12 hours split between the two versions, and I've ended up very disappointed the PS3 game" gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey First Look IGN impressions gamingeek
[] Sony: Wand is a new hardware platform Not just a controller news gamingeek
Splinter Cell To Remain 360 Exclusive Uppity Canadian comments. news aspro
[] Retronaut? Atari Fan Goes Lunar Makes "real" version of old game. news aspro
[] Activision Stock Downgraded Management has been selling off stock. Gulp. news aspro
[] Konami bringing MSX games to Wii Yes, Metal Gear, Contra and more news gamingeek
[] Ex STALKER devs new game: Metro 2033 Set in a post apocolyptic Moscow subway impressions media gamingeek
[] Epic Mickey Eurogamer preview "easily the best cartoon animation in any non-Nintendo game " impressions gamingeek
[] Famitsu FF CC Crystal bearers scans media gamingeek
[] 3D Dot Game Heroes screens media gamingeek
[] Super Monkey Ball 2 screens media gamingeek
[] Famitsu FFXIII images media gamingeek
[] Playstation losses grow in Q2 Sales decreased 24.2 per cent year-on-year news gamingeek
Insomniac abandoning 60 FPS games news gamingeek
[] Dead Space 2 releases in 2010 news gamingeek
[] Bioshock 2 CVG preview Welcome home Daddy impressions gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 Eurogamer hands on impressions gamingeek
Epic Mickey video presentation NOTICE: Taken down by Disney damnit media gamingeek
[] FFCC Crystal Bearers dev documentary media gamingeek
Epic Mickey preview totalvideogames impressions gamingeek
[] Pre-order Darkside Chronicles Get this cool R.P.D T shirt news gamingeek
[] Animal Crossing City Folk DLC item HOLY OMG YES FULL OF WIN news gamingeek
[] DSi XL video - offscreen action media gamingeek
[] Dargonquest 9 sells 4 million news gamingeek
[] IGN NSMB Wii Video Preview impressions media Ravenprose
[] Bayonetta hitting europe Jan. 5 No Christmas crotch shots. :( news Foolz
[] Capcom six-month profit up 58% Still not fallen off the rails yet news Foolz
[] Metro 2033 first impressions impressions Foolz
[] Epic Mickey GS preview impressions Foolz
[] Sims 3 create a world preview Sounds kinda interesting impressions Foolz
[] Bioshock 2 GS preview single/multiplayer impressions Foolz
[] MSN: How Nintendo lost its stride editorial Ravenprose
[] DJ Hero GS Review 8.0 impressions Foolz
[] GTAIV Ballad of Gay Tony GS Review 9.5 impressions news Foolz
Tekken 6 1up review B+ impressions Foolz
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 1up Review B+ impressions Foolz
[] Lego Rock Band Excluse Tour Trailer media Foolz
[] GTAIV Ballad of Gay Tony GT Review 9.2 impressions media Foolz
[] The Press Room Episode #33 Let's all do the hamster dance editorial impressions media news Ellyoda
[] Target : Buy 2 get 1 free on all Wii games $49.99 and under, starting Nov. 1st news Ravenprose
Film Victoria (AU) Promotes Digital Dist. Offers $75,000 grants per game. news aspro
[] DJ Hero Critical Reception 85 on Metacritic "noteworthy game" editorial impressions aspro
FFXIII & Crystal Bearers scans media gamingeek
NSMB is the hardest in the series And difficult to make impressions gamingeek
[] Crystal Bearers pics, Moogles and more media gamingeek
[] Rumour: Lucasarts and Nintendo sitting on games Completed titles from Factor 5 news gamingeek
[] LucasArts sitting on 2 complete Factor 5 Wii titles? Rumor news Ravenprose
[] Heavy Rain Dev Lashes Out At Peers "This is ridiculous" news aspro
[] Future Publishing Awards Fallout 3 GOTY, Activision best publisher. news aspro
[] Project Needlemouse not coming to Wii? Rumor news Ravenprose
FIFA 10 Sells 1.7 mil in Week 1 EA Europes biggest launch ever. news aspro
[] Sony Eyes PS3 Profitability   PS3 still losing money gamingeek
[] Tons of Dragonage screens media gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter Festa footage media gamingeek
[] FFCC Crystal Bearers: Tons of footage No sound media gamingeek
[] Gameinformer video preview RE Darkside Chronicles impressions gamingeek
[] Nintendo's success may never be repeated Says analyst, NSMB wii to be system seller gamingeek
[] Silent Hill Shattered Memories interview How the game paves a new path gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 and Rabbids footage And impressions impressions media gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 NL Impressions impressions gamingeek
Epic Mickey Video presentation media gamingeek
[] Wii Sports Resort sells 6.97 million "Wii Sports tops 50 million" news Ravenprose
New Peace Walker Demo Highlights (MGS) Includes Konami code. news aspro
[] Halo Waypoint Impressions "Avatar awards and more await the Halo faithful." impressions Ravenprose
[] BioWare Teases Dark Commander Shepard news Ravenprose
[] Red Dead Redemption Screens media Ravenprose
[] Halo: Reach Multiplayer Tease news Ravenprose
[] Black Nintendo Wii Unboxing Video media Ravenprose
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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:02:43
Xbox 360 Console Banning

I was reading some about this new banning M$ has been doing this weekend, and I came across this:

From MS Console Banning FAQ

I have not committed any fraud, I’ve never had action taken against me by the enforcement team, and I know for a fact I have not modified my console.  Can you undo my suspension?

Sometimes it’s possible that a previous owner or another user may have performed unauthorized modifications to the console.  It is also possible that the purchaser of a used Xbox 360 was not aware the console was modified.  In either case we cannot undo the console suspension.  We recommend customers who believe they have not modified their Xbox themselves (or committed other actions on the service to warrant suspension) to contact previous owners or users of the console.

I guess you're screwed if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been modified/banned without your knowledge.

Edited: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:06:26

The VG Press

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:07:23

Ravenprose said:
Xbox 360 Console Banning

I was reading some about this new banning M$ has been doing this weekend, and I came across this:

From MS Console Banning FAQ

I have not committed any fraud, I’ve never had action taken against me by the enforcement team, and I know for a fact I have not modified my console.  Can you undo my suspension?

Sometimes it’s possible that a previous owner or another user may have performed unauthorized modifications to the console.  It is also possible that the purchaser of a used Xbox 360 was not aware the console was modified.  In either case we cannot undo the console suspension.  We recommend customers who believe they have not modified their Xbox themselves (or committed other actions on the service to warrant suspension) to contact previous owners or users of the console.

I guess you're screwed if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been modified/banned.

If they didn't that'd be the first defense (loophole) people would use... Who the hell buys a used 360 anyway? That's lunacy given the failrate of the hardware.

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:10:24

aspro said:
Modern Warfare 2 with it's Mumbai bombing level. What is your guys opinion?

For me it's enough for me to leave the series for good.  I thought they were pushing the limits in COD4, but this latest one is just tasteless beyond acceptability.


Well like I said at GS I think it's a little rash to jump to conclusions without context to support the scenario. I seriously doubt that it's used to promote or glorify terrorism in any way. This is a game meant to be modelled on "modern" warfare so including a terrorism scenario seems like a reasonable expectation. My instinct tells me it's used in the game's story to elicit more types of emotion aside from the typical "sit down and just have fun" type. Personally I'm looking forward to the game more then ever in hopes that it is really well down and moves me in more ways then most typical games do.


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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:12:15

Ravenprose said:
Xbox 360 Console Banning

I was reading some about this new banning M$ has been doing this weekend, and I came across this:

From MS Console Banning FAQ

I have not committed any fraud, I’ve never had action taken
against me by the enforcement team, and I know for a fact I have not
modified my console.  Can you undo my suspension?

Sometimes it’s possible that a previous owner
or another user may have performed unauthorized modifications to the
console.  It is also possible that the purchaser of a used Xbox 360 was
not aware the console was modified.  In either case we cannot undo the
console suspension.  We recommend customers who believe they have not
modified their Xbox themselves (or committed other actions on the
service to warrant suspension) to contact previous owners or users of
the console.

I guess you're screwed if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been modified/banned without your knowledge.


Good, I'm glad they're doing this. It really brings a smile to my face. Happy


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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:17:40

aspro said:

Ravenprose said:
Xbox 360 Console Banning

I was reading some about this new banning M$ has been doing this weekend, and I came across this:

From MS Console Banning FAQ

I have not committed any fraud, I’ve never had action taken against me by the enforcement team, and I know for a fact I have not modified my console.  Can you undo my suspension?

Sometimes it’s possible that a previous owner or another user may have performed unauthorized modifications to the console.  It is also possible that the purchaser of a used Xbox 360 was not aware the console was modified.  In either case we cannot undo the console suspension.  We recommend customers who believe they have not modified their Xbox themselves (or committed other actions on the service to warrant suspension) to contact previous owners or users of the console.

I guess you're screwed if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been modified/banned.

If they didn't that'd be the first defense (loophole) people would use... Who the hell buys a used 360 anyway? That's lunacy given the failrate of the hardware.

Looking at the amount of used 360 consoles being sold at my local Gamestop and on Ebay, I'd say there's a lot.

I wasn't talking bad about Microsoft's stance; I completely understand why they have that policy. It just sucks for the average consumer who buys a used 360, and unknowingly comes away with a banned console. I figure most of the people M$'s banning right now are going to be selling their banned consoles ASAP.

Edited: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:23:45

The VG Press

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:25:46

Archangel3371 said:

Good, I'm glad they're doing this. It really brings a smile to my face. Happy

I'm not against the banning of improper consoles either.

Edited: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:26:20

The VG Press

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:27:40

Archangel3371 said:

aspro said:
Modern Warfare 2 with it's Mumbai bombing level. What is your guys opinion?

For me it's enough for me to leave the series for good.  I thought they were pushing the limits in COD4, but this latest one is just tasteless beyond acceptability.

Well like I said at GS I think it's a little rash to jump to conclusions without context to support the scenario. I seriously doubt that it's used to promote or glorify terrorism in any way. This is a game meant to be modelled on "modern" warfare so including a terrorism scenario seems like a reasonable expectation. My instinct tells me it's used in the game's story to elicit more types of emotion aside from the typical "sit down and just have fun" type. Personally I'm looking forward to the game more then ever in hopes that it is really well down and moves me in more ways then most typical games do.

Good response. I don't think they are glorifying terrorism or promoting terrorism -- much worse than that -- they are commercialising it. Capitalizing on human suffering.  Will I buy it? Well, chastened by your post I'll wait and see what the fuller context is and then make a judgement, but on the face of it (given what we know now), it's crass.

So on the topic of my double standards here (given that I didn't have these qualms about playing a WW2 soldier blasting away at Nazis) the difference is the loss of "innocent" human life. Soldiers killing soldiers, bad guys killing cops -- that's all fine to me - cops sign up for it, as do soldiers.  But people staying at a Hotel in Mumbai have not signed up to be participants in a war on terror, and I just can't see playing a terrorist killing "civilians" as being fun, rewarding or elucidating to my views on the plight of insurgents.

Edited: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:36:33

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:35:18

Ravenprose said:

aspro said:

Ravenprose said:
Xbox 360 Console Banning

I was reading some about this new banning M$ has been doing this weekend, and I came across this:

From MS Console Banning FAQ

I have not committed any fraud, I’ve never had action taken against me by the enforcement team, and I know for a fact I have not modified my console.  Can you undo my suspension?

Sometimes it’s possible that a previous owner or another user may have performed unauthorized modifications to the console.  It is also possible that the purchaser of a used Xbox 360 was not aware the console was modified.  In either case we cannot undo the console suspension.  We recommend customers who believe they have not modified their Xbox themselves (or committed other actions on the service to warrant suspension) to contact previous owners or users of the console.

I guess you're screwed if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been modified/banned.

If they didn't that'd be the first defense (loophole) people would use... Who the hell buys a used 360 anyway? That's lunacy given the failrate of the hardware.

Looking at the amount of used 360 consoles being sold at my local Gamestop and on Ebay, I'd say there's a lot.

I wasn't talking bad about Microsoft's stance; I completely understand why they have that policy. It just sucks for the average consumer who buys a used 360, and unknowingly comes away with a banned console. I figure most of the people M$'s banning right now are going to be selling their banned consoles ASAP.

Fair enough. You know MS has to have metrics on how many machines where shu down. That would be a juicy stat.

Windows 7 was distributed to 7 million beta users but they were getting back telemetry from 15 million users (so more than half got their copy of Win7 from bit torrents). They didn't care, it is making for a less buggy product, but just goes to show that they are keeping tabs on this kind of thing.

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 06:15:47

Yodariquo said:
Foolz said:

Yodariquo said:
I have just come across a very depressing statistic.  Since I implemented the news popularity tracking, we have averaged a paultry 9.8 news stories viewed per day.  That's for the entire site, meaning per active user we're averaging less than one story read per day.

Is everyone just reading the title or not reading it at all?  I'd tell you what I do, but I'm currently apparently the one who reads the most news from here Hrm

Hey, I don't read the news, I just post it. Nyaa 

At a blistering rate of 0.5 stories per day

 Which is higher than my read rate I'm sure. Grinning

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 06:17:17
As the resident consumer-rights-advocate here, I have no problem with Microsoft in this case.  Xbox Live as a service, Microsoft is within their rights to control who connects, and if you bought a modded used console, that's between you and the seller.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 06:24:26

aspro said:

Archangel3371 said:

aspro said:
Modern Warfare 2 with it's Mumbai bombing level. What is your guys opinion?

For me it's enough for me to leave the series for good.  I thought they were pushing the limits in COD4, but this latest one is just tasteless beyond acceptability.
Well like I said at GS I think it's a little rash to jump to conclusions without context to support the scenario. I seriously doubt that it's used to promote or glorify terrorism in any way. This is a game meant to be modelled on "modern" warfare so including a terrorism scenario seems like a reasonable expectation. My instinct tells me it's used in the game's story to elicit more types of emotion aside from the typical "sit down and just have fun" type. Personally I'm looking forward to the game more then ever in hopes that it is really well down and moves me in more ways then most typical games do.

Good response. I don't think they are glorifying terrorism or promoting terrorism -- much worse than that -- they are commercialising it. Capitalizing on human suffering.  Will I buy it? Well, chastened by your post I'll wait and see what the fuller context is and then make a judgement, but on the face of it (given what we know now), it's crass.

 If this is just the airport scene the only exploitative and offensive part I found was the ending. Very, very black and white and laughable.

But that's just me.

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 08:31:11
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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 09:22:03
Iwata interested in Kindle-like service as a business model, believes full digital download acceptance is a ways off

“I’m interested (in the Kindle) because it’s a new business model in which the user doesn’t bear the communications cost. Only people who can pay thousands of yen a month [in mobile phone subscriptions] can be iPhone customers. That doesn’t fit Nintendo customers because we make amusement products. In reality, if we did this it would increase the cost of the hardware, and customers would complain about Nintendo putting prices up, but it is one option for the future.” - Satoru Iwata

Mr. Iwata also had a little bit to say on the industry's adoption of digital distribution.

“I think it will take quite a long time.”

The VG Press

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 11:19:43
LOL @ Bayonetta PS3. What a fucking joke Sony.
SteelAttack said:

Yeah, fuck Extraction. Come to think of it, fuck all lightgun games up the ass with a veiny dildo.



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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 11:28:25

Opening my Ac gate now. 11:28 GMT


Well its Halloween and still no indication of a special event in town in City Folk. What is happening?

Edited: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 11:48:57

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 12:05:32

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
So what happened to the racism thread? The second page wont view and there is a locked symbol on it?

Yeah, was it because of Leo's story?

Read yoda's post, you clods. PM him if you want further details. The thread was locked due to personal reasons.

I couldn't read it because the second page wouldn't load.

robio said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Archangel3371 said:

Yeah I like light-gun games and I like Dead Space and Extraction would be a game I would enjoy but right now it just isn't high enough on my priority list, way too many other games I'd rather get first.

Get Resident Evil DC off the list and put Dead Space Extraction on the list. It will be hobo price soon anyways.

What??  Oh please, screw Extraction. Seriously, it was not that much fun.  If you're a fan of the series stick with RE DC.

Why does anyone care enough about either game to get even mildly heated? Nyaa

From what I've read though, Extraction has got a great critical reception, whilst every Darkside preview says that its slow and disappointing. Robio your impressions of games are somewhat divergent from the norm though, games like Little Kings Story, GTA Chinatown Wars, Extraction and Rhythm Heaven have been highly lauded by the vast majority of critics. You haven't played the original Dead Space though so maybe people who have would get more out of it?

phantom_leo said:
You may have missed it, but I said some really, really stupid things in there that could have put me in serious danger, so I think that was the quickest solution.

Start a different topic if you feel the need to discuss it further...(?)

Don't worry about anything here, its not a big deal, not even a small deal. Water off a ducks back. Happy

SteelAttack said:

That 1up Assassin's Creed preview got me all giddy. More varied mission types and structure, an assassin's career spanning 30 years, you can buy a villa!

OMG, can you decorate it with furniture and items and write letters to people? Grinning

FYI in Monster Hunter 3 you have a pet pig you can dress up! LOL

SteelAttack said:

I just pushed a beggar and he flung poop at me. Sad

Don't push me then, bitch.

Yodariquo said:
I have just come across a very depressing statistic.  Since I implemented the news popularity tracking, we have averaged a paultry 9.8 news stories viewed per day.  That's for the entire site, meaning per active user we're averaging less than one story read per day.

Is everyone just reading the title or not reading it at all?  I'd tell you what I do, but I'm currently apparently the one who reads the most news from here Hrm

Sounds wrong as I read about 6-9 stories daily. But I guess that may be me reading them from the original source, as or before I post them.

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 12:10:02

aspro said:
Modern Warfare 2 with it's Mumbai bombing level. What is your guys opinion?

For me it's enough for me to leave the series for good.  I thought they were pushing the limits in COD4, but this latest one is just tasteless beyond acceptability.

I think I may have posted a few stories about it but I didn't read them as I wont be getting MW2 for a long time.

Can you explain briefly what the controversy is? My father was born and lived in Mumbai and the terrorist attacks were atrocious.

edgecrusher said:
LOL @ Bayonetta PS3. What a fucking joke Sony.
SteelAttack said:

Yeah, fuck Extraction. Come to think of it, fuck all lightgun games up the ass with a veiny dildo.


Well its Platinums fault for not making the PS3 version and just letting SEGA port it over.

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:06:08

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
So what happened to the racism thread? The second page wont view and there is a locked symbol on it?

Yeah, was it because of Leo's story?

Read yoda's post, you clods. PM him if you want further details. The thread was locked due to personal reasons.

I couldn't read it because the second page wouldn't load.

I sent you a PM and I'll explain to anyone who's confused about it. I trust you guys, I just stupidly made some information public that I shouldn't have.

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Sat, 31 Oct 2009 13:16:31

phantom_leo said:

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:
So what happened to the racism thread? The second page wont view and there is a locked symbol on it?

Yeah, was it because of Leo's story?

Read yoda's post, you clods. PM him if you want further details. The thread was locked due to personal reasons.

I couldn't read it because the second page wouldn't load.

I sent you a PM and I'll explain to anyone who's confused about it. I trust you guys, I just stupidly made some information public that I shouldn't have.

Cool thanks.

Did the updates. Happy

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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sat, 31 Oct 2009 14:39:21

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