Capcom bringing MT framework to wii
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Dad kills son over videogame at birthday party
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Ensuring that 15,000 idiots will have jobs this winter news
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Bayonetta 360 vs PS3 a 1up feature
"12 hours split between the two versions, and I've ended up very disappointed the PS3 game"
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robio (42s)
I was reading some about this new banning M$ has been doing this weekend, and I came across this:
I guess you're screwed if you buy a used Xbox 360 that's been modified/banned without your knowledge.
If they didn't that'd be the first defense (loophole) people would use... Who the hell buys a used 360 anyway? That's lunacy given the failrate of the hardware.
Looking at the amount of used 360 consoles being sold at my local Gamestop and on Ebay, I'd say there's a lot.
I wasn't talking bad about Microsoft's stance; I completely understand why they have that policy. It just sucks for the average consumer who buys a used 360, and unknowingly comes away with a banned console. I figure most of the people M$'s banning right now are going to be selling their banned consoles ASAP.
I'm not against the banning of improper consoles either.
Good response. I don't think they are glorifying terrorism or promoting terrorism -- much worse than that -- they are commercialising it. Capitalizing on human suffering. Will I buy it? Well, chastened by your post I'll wait and see what the fuller context is and then make a judgement, but on the face of it (given what we know now), it's crass.
So on the topic of my double standards here (given that I didn't have these qualms about playing a WW2 soldier blasting away at Nazis) the difference is the loss of "innocent" human life. Soldiers killing soldiers, bad guys killing cops -- that's all fine to me - cops sign up for it, as do soldiers. But people staying at a Hotel in Mumbai have not signed up to be participants in a war on terror, and I just can't see playing a terrorist killing "civilians" as being fun, rewarding or elucidating to my views on the plight of insurgents.Fair enough. You know MS has to have metrics on how many machines where shu down. That would be a juicy stat.
Windows 7 was distributed to 7 million beta users but they were getting back telemetry from 15 million users (so more than half got their copy of Win7 from bit torrents). They didn't care, it is making for a less buggy product, but just goes to show that they are keeping tabs on this kind of thing.
Which is higher than my read rate I'm sure.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileIf this is just the airport scene the only exploitative and offensive part I found was the ending. Very, very black and white and laughable.
But that's just me.
“I’m interested (in the Kindle) because it’s a new business model in which the user doesn’t bear the communications cost. Only people who can pay thousands of yen a month [in mobile phone subscriptions] can be iPhone customers. That doesn’t fit Nintendo customers because we make amusement products. In reality, if we did this it would increase the cost of the hardware, and customers would complain about Nintendo putting prices up, but it is one option for the future.” - Satoru Iwata
Mr. Iwata also had a little bit to say on the industry's adoption of digital distribution.
“I think it will take quite a long time.”
Opening my Ac gate now. 11:28 GMTNevermind.
Well its Halloween and still no indication of a special event in town in City Folk. What is happening?
I couldn't read it because the second page wouldn't load.
Why does anyone care enough about either game to get even mildly heated?
From what I've read though, Extraction has got a great critical reception, whilst every Darkside preview says that its slow and disappointing. Robio your impressions of games are somewhat divergent from the norm though, games like Little Kings Story, GTA Chinatown Wars, Extraction and Rhythm Heaven have been highly lauded by the vast majority of critics. You haven't played the original Dead Space though so maybe people who have would get more out of it?
Don't worry about anything here, its not a big deal, not even a small deal. Water off a ducks back.
OMG, can you decorate it with furniture and items and write letters to people?
FYI in Monster Hunter 3 you have a pet pig you can dress up!
Don't push me then, bitch.
Sounds wrong as I read about 6-9 stories daily. But I guess that may be me reading them from the original source, as or before I post them.
I think I may have posted a few stories about it but I didn't read them as I wont be getting MW2 for a long time.
Can you explain briefly what the controversy is? My father was born and lived in Mumbai and the terrorist attacks were atrocious.
Well its Platinums fault for not making the PS3 version and just letting SEGA port it over.
I sent you a PM and I'll explain to anyone who's confused about it. I trust you guys, I just stupidly made some information public that I shouldn't have.
Cool thanks.
Did the updates.