Gamedaily review Mario and Luigi 3
"Sensational, a real treat for DS owners"
Muramasa Examiner review
A game this beautiful and fun to play is a rare gem. Don’t miss out on it.
Capcom offer London fans a chance
To play Monster Hunter 3 and RE Darkside Chronicles
Halo wont have Natal till it makes sense
Bungie dont want to use gimmicks in the series
Cursed Mountain PLAY review
"The fact that it turns out to be both interesting and enjoyable as well makes it even more impressive."
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SupremeAC (5m)
If you mean Saint's Row 2...
That little ghosty guy by the games on the Backloggery means games I ONCE had.
I've been playing a lot of Blazblue this weekend, absolutely love the game. Played a bunch of online matches and the thing plays fantastic online, haven't encountered any lag at all.
I haven't played BlazBlue online yet. Because I'd probably get my butt whooped!
I'm just not good enough. I'm mostly still a button masher!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Argh, fair enough.
I hear Gradius rebirth is short too. It's a shame because in every other way this is Contra as good as you remember. They still have the magic, they just dont run the show for long enough.
The worst thing about being in Europe is that the VC version of Contra SNES is the stupid censored version where we couldn't play as humans, but had to play as robots.
So I've been playing Contra Rebirth and Animal Crossing.
You know I haven't got a WiiWare title since World of Goo and going back onto the VC and shop channel, wow it actually has tons of great content and now that the SD card is unlocked its easier than ever to play games. I want to get tons of stuff like MERCS, Super Streetfighter 2, some Neo Geo titles, pilotwings and more.
The only problem? Well IMO the prices are still too prohibitive especially given that there are no demos to try games out first. And that for some reason only 60hz games work on my HDTV. Which is complete ass as only a few Hanabi festival games work that way.
I used the old calculator the other day to break down the real cost of VC games. Only NES games which are £3.50 seem good value for money. Maybe N64 games too. I dont feel TG16 or Genesis games are appropiately priced at all and some WiiWare titles at 1500 points are a rip.
Contra Rebirth at 1000 points aka £7? When the SNES Contra game is twice as long and a better game to boot? Nah.
Updating now.
You lucky americans... today you get all this. You know have the entire Super Star Wars trilogy on VC. Shit! I love Super Star Wars and I want these games nao.
- Contra Rebirth (Konami, 1.000 Wii-Points)
- ColorZ (Exkee, 700 Wii-Punkte)
Nintendo DSiWare
- Clubhouse GamesExpress: Family Favorites (Nintendo, 500 Nintendo DSi-Punkte)
Virtual Console
- Super Return of the Jedi (LucasArts, 800 Wii-Punkte)
Check out these Shadow walker screens, by Gamearts
We also get Contra Rebirth.
I am too lazy to put a ' so sue me.
So last night a friend came over and brought Muramasa and HOTD Overkill. Muramasa is a beautiful game (will look so much better in HD though) and I really enjoyed the combat. It had an interesting combat system. It's something I will enjoy.
HOTD is pretty awesome too, it's grindhouse style is so well done. We were laughing our asses off at the cutscenes and dialogue. But it's a light gun game, a much faster paced light gun game than RE but I dont know if that makes it better, especially cause of the wiimote. Unlike Umbrella Chronicles, I have a memory of what HOTD is supposed to be like, it's a series I played growing up. Having no actual light gun makes this game feel so different. While playing I stopped to take a look at how my friend and I are playing and we are just resting our hands making tiny wrist motions to aim, that is nothing like having an actual gun pointed at the screen. All my memories of playing real light gun games came rushing back to me and I sat there sad that it has come to this, me slightly moving my wrist.
And graphically I dont care for it, it has that Wii look (I really dont like how human like models look in most Wii games, except in RE games cause they do something different, maybe cause they were GC games first), I miss the really colorful look of the old HOTD games. Also in the first minute of the original game you were fighting gargoyles, mutant frogs, evil monkeys, giant leeches and the regular zombie, in this game there are a lot of zombies and rarely anything else. I think the game is constantly loading cause there are slight hitches in the game as you play, kind of weird.
I personally like the slower more strategic gameplay of UC, it kind of makes up for the shortcomings of not having an actual gun. If I had an actual light gun then HOTD would be amazing. But for fans of light guns I can see it has a ton of content, and it has a good combo and scoring system. I still may get it cheap.
How Natal will work with FPS's.
Worst control scheme in history.
I have HOTD 2 and 3 return. They have NOT aged well. Once you go back to them they are fun for nostalgia but compared to Overkill they are bad.
When I played Overkill at a friends he brought over Viper Wiimote shells, it was like using a light gun, although was slightly strange to me, I preffered using the remote by itself.
Did you play the game through from start to finish? You should try playing it on a great SDTV it keeps getting better, the prison level is a particular highlight. The enemies are mainly zombies year, but I'm not sure mutant frogs and gargoyles would work in this game.
I'm pretty sure you're talking about the frame pops, that's not the game loading I dont think. It seems to be because of the limbs being blown off all over the place and rolling about. I think its calculating what should happen when you blow sections off.
As for the human character models, of the main characters the only one I dont like is G because he has this angular face. Zombies and monsters are all great.
I read that earlier it sounds horrible. Let's face it, if Natal is going to work with shooters it has to have a controller + Natal.
Cursed Mountain
82%Format Nintendo Wii
Developer Deep Silver
Publisher Deep Silver
Genre Unknown
7-Sep-2009 Altitude sickness is the least of your worries up this peak...
Think about Buddhists and what springs to mind may well be a bunch of slapheads in robes sitting around chanting 'om' all day. You certainly don't associate them with religious curses, turning into ghosts and scaring the bejesus out of plucky young mountaineers.
That's the fate awaiting Eric Simmons, who's attempting to climb Mount Chomolonzo in the Himalayas in search of his missing brother. This being a horror game, though, surviving in the great outdoors isn't quite as easy as Bear Grylls makes out on the telly. Before long you're being plagued by strange flashbacks to your bro's disappearance as well as spooky sights and sounds. Oh, and pretty much every villager, mountaineer and Buddhist monk that ever died in the vicinity has come back to haunt you and hinder your progress.
Despite the hokeyness of it all, Cursed Mountain is a game that takes scaring you very seriously. There are a handful of proper drop-the-Remote shocks where someone or something suddenly appears on-screen accompanied by a loud noise, and a few mild flutters where a door bangs or some half-seen figure moves into view.
Fear Factor
The game is actually at its best in the quieter moments when very little is happening and you're just walking along a long empty corridor or through a deserted cavern. The tension is expertly cranked up, and it's all about the dread and anticipation that something horrible is about to happen. Sometimes there's a payoff and sometimes there isn't, but it's how you get there that's truly terrifying.
The mountain itself is the game's real star. After any number of haunted towns, houses, schools and hospitals, it's nice to get your horror kicks in such an original setting. (We'll forgive it the occasional bit of cheating when Eric takes a detour into a spooky town.) The sound is excellent too, with the howling wind a constant reminder of how isolated you are and how you're at the mercy of the elements. The fact you're always able to see how far you've come and how much of the mountain you've got left to climb gives events an added sense of purpose that's missing from other survival horror games, where the levels often feel too self-contained and unrelated.
Eric's one defence against the mountain spooks is his trusty ice axe, which you're told early on has 'mystical powers'. A magic ice axe? Told you this was hokey. By combining it with different relics that you find on your journey, the axe does much more than simply bash a ghost's head in; it fires a burst of energy that weakens an enemy to the point where you can finish it off with a gesture-based prayer move.
Yes, a prayer move. See, Eric has the ability to look through a Third Eye and enter a higher consciousness. Shame he couldn't foresee all the trouble he'd encounter on the mountain. Anyway, in this state you can fire those beams of energy and then use the Remote to lock onto
a symbol that appears on the weakened enemy's body. A series of gestures for the Remote and Nunchuk appear on screen, and if you perform them correctly the ghost is vanquished from Bardo (the Tibetan version of limbo). These moves are also used to unlock doors and uncover secret areas, where you'll find a range of unusual things such as diary entries that fill in the background story. It's worth seeking these out because the story can get pretty confusing, and the thick accents make many of the characters difficult to understand.
A couple of other niggles also make Cursed Mountain a frustrating experience at times: the camera and controls don't hold up so well when you're facing multiple enemies, and without the aid of a 180-degree spin move it's easy to find yourself surrounded. Not being able to skip the cutscenes quickly becomes pretty annoying too.
Still, you can forgive the game these flaws because they're never enough to take you out of its chilling atmosphere. If you want a survival horror game that's a little bit different, Cursed Mountain delivers scares and surprises in spades.
A great setting and lots of top shocks - Cursed Mountain is chilling in every sense.
It's a really creepy mountain
Plenty of effective scares
The setting is original
Combat is good fun
Enemies are a bit repetitive
How'd you like those end-game puzzles?
Natal is also being programmed to pick up on the hand-sign for "wank" so it knows when to activate the standard 360 controller to let you actually control the game.'