Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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I agree.
Nice to see that they had the sense to drop the price of the PS3 tomorrow instead of waiting around. Still I think they're not quite getting the timing just right. It would have been a little smarter to do it last week though. If they had the new price point come out the same time as Madden they could have seen a huge influx of the more casual gamers who just go after the sport games.
IF they launched the slim next week they could have maybe piggybacked on some of the Batman hype. Oh well, either way I'm sure they're start moving around 50K more copies a month now.
Thats so true, wtf were they thinking. They had to annouce it in a show even though everyone knew it was happening already.
I would gladly take Super Star Wars over that. I want to try the N64 version myself.
I hope Yodariquo changes all your posts to red
Maybe thats a good price for you guys. Over here even with the price cut its £250 $414 USD and that's 2 and a half years after launch. **** that **** to hell.
I have to say I like the look of the fat one over the slim one. It looks shiny and much meatier. Like Steels....
Er nevermind. But the slim one looks cheap and whorish like Robio.

You have Miyamoto passing gas and nude Jamie Fox pictures and this is the update that makes me LOL the most.
All the Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheap??? I'll take whorish, but cheap? Fuck dude that hurts.
I still don't think it's a good price. I won't think about touching it until it's at least $250. There's still too many Wii games that I want and can't quite afford, so a second console doesn't quite make sense. . . but just because I can't afford it doesn't mean I'm cheap!
I'd rather have the Slim PS3. I hate having HUGE consoles taking up a ton of space in my entertainment system. Also, Slim PS3 use less electricity (34% less).
Slim > Phat
So awesome
Just doing a few loose
stoolsupdates.Good point, 360s and PS3s use enough electricity per year to buy a brand new retail game over Wii power consumption.
So cheap. But that's why I like you.
rofl this is the most awful song ever
One of the site's forefathers.
I said no Nintendo updates!
i agree. i regret buying that humongous fridge. i also prefer matte to glossy look and texture. wish i had the slim instead
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
The SNES version is far superior.
PS3 Slim Unboxing
Follow the above link for more pics.
IGN's Unboxing Video
Note: Slim does NOT have an external power supply. HDD can be user upgraded.
So it's finally the price of a PS2 when it first came out?
Cheers, I'm updating a post at my boards regarding this.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Playing Chrono Trigger again just brings a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE smile to my face. It's definitely worth $40 even though I wouldn't buy it for that much. Picked it up for $20 at Best Buy, and it was worth waiting for the price to drop. I love the music and the anime cut scenes. This game really is timeless.
I wonder how good Fire Emblem DS is? I'm reading that it's more accessible...oh well. I'll still like it.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns