GG Weekly Videogame News RSS Feed
Lionhead preview site up. Black & White 3? Dvader
[] GTA 3 Time extend feature gamingeek
[] SK on Eternal Darkness Sequel and Leaked IP gamingeek
[] Sony patent emotion reading tech Uh oh gamingeek
[] Blizzard question Natal accuracy Uh oh gamingeek
[] Drawn to Life Wii: Updated Hands-on This game deserves to draw big crowds. Pencil its release in. gamingeek
[] Splinter Cell Conviction images gamingeek
[] CVG Shadow Complex review gamingeek
[] Exclusive Alan Wake video presentation gamingeek
[] Shadow Complex Eurogamer review Does it stack up to Metroid? gamingeek
New FF 13 scan gamingeek
LA Noire 10 pics gamingeek
[] Silicon Knights hiring for Action RPG Too Human 2 incoming? gamingeek
[] Madworld finisher that didn't make it in Video: Sticks a gun in the guys anus gamingeek
[] Capcom to reveal secret game At Gamescon gamingeek
[] Iwata trying to make Holiday 09 best ever gamingeek
New SUper Mario bros Wii footage gamingeek
FFCC Crystal Bearers pics Bit blurry gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 screens of giant fish gamingeek
[] Randy Couture To EA MMA ...Not much more really. darthhomer
[] TMNT Smash up coming to PS2? It had to happen gamingeek
[] Ju On The Grudge Euro trailer Looks fun gamingeek
[] Loads of Heavy Rain pics. Faces, lots of faces. Dvader
[] Dead Nation annouced for PSN! Trailer of Zombie game by Super Stardust Team Dvader
[] PS3 Slim Official - 120GB, $300 All PS3s are $300 now. Dvader
[] Water comes to LBP!!!!! !!!!!! Dvader
[] Info on MGS Peace Walker multiplayer. Four Snakes are better than one. Dvader
Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty Iga_Bobovic
Rabbids Go Home Gamescon trailer gamingeek
[] Academy of Champions has Ubisoft champs Altair, Sam Fisher, Rabbids and more gamingeek
[] Muramasa: The Demon Blade Exclusive Locations Trailer gamingeek
[] Metroid Prime developers voice video gamingeek
Rabbids Go Home customisation video gamingeek
[] PS3 FYE Price-Cuts? Ravenprose
[] Famitsu shows new Strider? And Tenchu 5 Dvader
[] PS3's Satin Silver Dualshock "Dualshock 3 is getting three spiffy new colors this fall: Satin Silver, Deep Red and Metallic Blue." Ravenprose
[] PSN Down "For Maintenance" "During Sony's GamesCom Press Conference." Ravenprose
[] Bethesda Clarifies No Elder Scrolls V Statement ESV coming  . . . eventually Ravenprose
[] Nintendo Minute: 08.17.09 Ravenprose
[] Spore Hero Trailer Ravenprose
[] Nintendo Voice Chat on Hold Ravenprose
[] Report: Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reaches 54% "New survey says Microsoft's [RROD] contines to rise. Ravenprose
[] Rocksteady Is Not Developing Hitman 5 "Eidos confirms studio behind Batman: Arkham Asylum isn't involved." Ravenprose
[] Rare and Natal: Classics Reborn? "Developer looking at back catalog for Natal revivals." Ravenprose
[] Mushihime Sama Futari Screenshots "Japan gets the next sh'mup in November." Ravenprose
[] Xbox 360's Got the Sh'mups Ravenprose
[] Espgaluda II Screenshots Ravenprose
[] Xbox Arcade UK Price Hike? Ravenprose
[] Xbox 360's 2009 Report Card Ravenprose
[] Supercar Challenge Images Ravenprose
[] Mini Ninjas Demo Coming Soon Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Cry Engine 3 Demo Ravenprose
[] Playlogic Announces Fairytale Fights Release Date North America this October Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Flower Postmortem Ravenprose
[] Mixed Martial Arts Hall of Famer Randy Couture Bolsters EA Sports MMA Roster Ravenprose
Hands On: Deca Sports 2 Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Next-Gen Console Theories and CryEngine 3 Ravenprose
[] Wet Documentary Video Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: PS3 Slim Predictions Ravenprose
[] Rage Rewind Theater "The end of the world is just the beginning of your fight for survival." Ravenprose
Earthworm Jim Coming To PSN/XBLA/WiiWare GROOVY! darthhomer
[] Wizardry DS - Trailer Looks better than CoD4 Wii. No joke! Iga_Bobovic
[] Red Steel 2 dev walkthrough video A new area! gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Sega games trailer. At least it shows Bayonetta... Dvader
GC 2009: MGS Peace Walker official trailer I hate the PSP Dvader
[] GC 2009: Heavy Rain gameplay After this video few the other one to see the changes Dvader
[] GC 2009: Damage in GT5 video Its not a myth. Dvader
GC 2009: Castlevania LoS trailer!! Watching now, so excited. Dvader
[] Brink GC shots Bethesda Splash Damage shooter gamingeek
[] FF14 gameplay footage gamingeek
[] The Making of the Conduit article gamingeek
[] Tower of Shadow media Game where you play as a shadow gamingeek
[] MGS Peachwalker media Spelling mistake! gamingeek
[] Silent Hill Shattered Memories pics gamingeek
[] Castlevania Lords of Shadow media gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 GC pics The Ninja gamingeek
Monster Hunter 3 GC trailer Gamesvideos warning gamingeek
[] RAGE EDGE mag preview Doom in Arizona gamingeek
[] Sony and MS financially exhausted From the price wars gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Forza 3 Screens gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Singularity Pics gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Blur Images gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Dark Void Screens gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Lost Planet 2 Images gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare Wii Screens Will you laugh or cry? gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Spyborgs Shots gamingeek
[] Tatsunoko vs. Capcom:GC Images gamingeek
[] PS3 Motion controller at TGS gamingeek
[] Exclusive Fable 3 preview gamingeek
Fable 3 pictures 15 pics one click gamingeek
[] New Saboteur video gamingeek
[] Fable 3 announced, first video gamingeek
[] Mass Effect 2 grunt images gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 screens The city gate gamingeek
[] Muramasa: The Demon Blade Walkthrough videos gamingeek
[] Spyborgs IGN Boss videos gamingeek
[] Indiana Jones Staff of Kings $20 Yes, Fate of Atlantis here we come! gamingeek
[] Scribblenauts - Creative Director Interview gamingeek
[] Guitar Hero 5 - Music Studio Walkthrough gamingeek
[] Dragon Age Origins trailer. I got nothing Dvader
[] Eye Pet trailer. Thats not bad, drawings come to life. Dvader
[] Mass Effect 2 trailer. I want to play. Dvader
[] White Knight Chronicles trailer Meh. Dvader
[] New God of War 3 screens! Kratos vs Hades. Dvader
[] Brutal Legend demo coming Sept. 17 To both consoles. Dvader
[] PS3 Firmware 3.0 details Better trophy system, clock fixed. Dvader
[] Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles GC trailer! I'm breaking my own rule for this, CHRIS! Dvader
[] New Uncharted 2 trailer. Very moody. Dvader
[] Ratchet and Clank ACIT trailer! NOW that is a trailer! Looks like a movie. Dvader
[] Gran Turismo 5 info Rag puts it all in one place. Dvader
New Heavy Rain trailer. OMG!!! (OK I havent seen it yet) Dvader
Starcraft 2 to require online registration Oh DRM, what would we do without you? Ellyoda
[] Bethesda's Mature Wii Game Unvealed Holy Shit! This honestly looks better than Red Steel 2! Punk Rebel Ecks
[] Gran Turismo 5 gameplay vids I cant wait Dvader
[] Wii Sports resort sales up 44% in Japan Yet DQ9 tops the charts, again gamingeek
FF13 360 is 70% complete gamingeek
[] Gearboxes Borderlands pics gamingeek
FF14 hands on at 1up gamingeek
[] Ninja Theory sign with Namco for new game gamingeek
[] Molyneux: Stay clear of blockbusters Avoid the blast radius gamingeek
[] GRIN was working on Final Fantasy??? Action game based off FFXII? gamingeek
[] Just Cause 2 trailer gamingeek
[] Aliens vs Predator images gamingeek
[] WET images gamingeek
[] SEGA announce a new Total War game gamingeek
[] RAGE: 4 new images gamingeek
[] Alpha Protocol pics gamingeek
Pro Evo 2010 Wii screens gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 to feature Wii Speak?!!!! "Very minumum for western players" gamingeek
[] Tower of Shadow press release Due out Spring 2010 gamingeek
Gamepro quick impressions GC 2009 gamingeek
Cursed Mountain gamepro impressions gamingeek
[] Zelda: Spirit Tracks GC 09 Stylus Attack Tutorial Gameplay (Cam) gamingeek
[] New Super Mario Bros. Wii GC 09 Desert Gameplay (Cam) gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare Wii Impressions Gamespot gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Golden Sun DS Trailer gamingeek
[] GC 2009: New Super Mario Bros. Wii Videos gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Red Steel 2 Videos IGN gamingeek
[] The Psychology of Silent Hill Video gamingeek
[] Zelda: Spirit Tracks Hands-on IGN gamingeek
[] GC 2009: DJ Hero Hands-On IGN gamingeek
[] GC 2009: Spore Hero Hands-on IGN gamingeek
[] Dead SPace Extraction preview The hardcore you've been waiting for? gamingeek
[] Metroid Prime Trilogy What's improved gamingeek
Bethesda new game announcement coming A 2010 game announced in the next 2 months gamingeek
[] Famitsu scans Samurai Warriors 3 and more gamingeek
[] More DQ9 screens gamingeek
[] Cursed Mountain first look videos gamingeek
[] Tower of Shadow first gameplay footage That shadow Wii game. Dvader
[] First Look: Devil Kings 3 On PS3 and Wii: that's a first gamingeek
[] CVG Silent Hill impressions How the psychology changes things gamingeek
[] Perfect Dark comparison pics gamingeek
SONIC themed Dubai amusement rides Aweeeeesome gamingeek
[] Official Nintendo mag GC impressions gamingeek
[] Kojima confused by MGS His OWN stories! gamingeek
[] Spyborgs GC trailer Pumping gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare Wii details Import your address book, drop in/out etc gamingeek
[] Batman AA Eurogamer review "it's the best superhero game, bar none." Dvader
[] Batman AA CVG review. "It's bloody brilliant" Dvader
Batman AA 1up review. "The best Batman game to date." Dvader
[] Batman AA Joystiq review. "The best licensed I have ever played" Dvader
[] Batman AA IGN review "Best comic book game ever." Dvader
[] Shadow Complex is anti gay rights? Based on the work of anti-gay rights activist gamingeek
[] Activision to Wii owners: "We suck balls" Buy the Modern Warfare port if you want MW2 gamingeek
[] Tim Schaefer interview Inspired by OOT and Mario 64 gamingeek
[] Darkside Chronicles camera is less shakey Other tidbits here too gamingeek
Sin and Punishment 2 videos gamingeek
[] Japan hardware sales Wii outsells PS3 7:1 gamingeek
[] Monster Hunter 3 hands-on Gamespot gamingeek
[] FFCC Crystal Bearers 3 new clips gamingeek
[] Direct feed Sengoku Basara 3 pics gamingeek
[] Little Burger Kings Story Burger chain partners with Marvelous gamingeek
[] The Press Room Episode #26 Oh Genesis, how we...vaguely recall you Ellyoda
[] Wizard of Oz Videos Ravenprose
[] Sega Announces Bleach: The 3rd Phantom Contest "Enter to win a sweet guitar." Ravenprose
[] WireWay Screenshots "Create your own puzzle environment." Ravenprose
[] The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road IGN Hands-on Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: pop'n music Screens Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Shaun White Snowboarding: World Stage Off-Screen Ravenprose
[] A Space Bounty Hunter in Texas IGN goes to Retro Studios to talk about Metroid Prime series Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Rabbids Go Shopping Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: FFCC: Crystal Bearers Trailer "Subtitled in German." Ravenprose
[] Namco Pushes Virtual Console Arcade "Twenty additional arcade classics on the way in Japan." Ravenprose
[] SEGA Announces New Character "for Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll" Ravenprose
[] Toshinden Screens Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Jambo Safari Trailer Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: TMNT: Smash Up Trailer Ravenprose
[] Invizimals Images Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Jak and Daxter Screens Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Echoshift Screens Ravenprose
[] Gamestop Excited for PSPgo Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Project Natal Preview Ravenprose
[] Another Fat Princess Class? Ravenprose
[] Modern Warfare 2 Screenshot Ravenprose
[] Blur Impressions Ravenprose
[] Vandal Hearts Screenshots Ravenprose
[] Singularity Impressions Ravenprose
[] Gamescom Editor Roundtable "Who had the best showing at Germany's massive convention?" Ravenprose
[] Need for Speed Shift Videos Ravenprose
[] Front Mission Evolved Trailer Ravenprose
[] Konami Reveals New 360-Degree Control System "and More Key Gameplay Advances for Pro Evolution Soccer" Ravenprose
[] IGN Ruse Hands On Ravenprose
[] "Zen Pinball Street Fighter II Tribute" "Play pinball with Blanka." Ravenprose
[] Final Fantasy XIII Update Ravenprose
[] IL-2 Demo Now Available on PSN Ravenprose
[] Crysis 2 Videos Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Crytek Announcement Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Tony Hawk Ride Videos Ravenprose
[] Assassin's Creed II Art Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Hideo Kojima Q&A Ravenprose
[] LEGO Rock Band Screens Ravenprose
[] Tony Hawk Ride Walkthrough .... Punk Rebel Ecks
[] End of the Land grab The battle for market share at any cost is overshadowed by cold, hard, financial reality gamingeek
[] Wolfenstein images gamingeek
Dead Space Extraction EA pledges tons of replayability gamingeek
[] Professor Layton and the Diabolical box Review "A spectacular sequel" gamingeek
[] Sign Up Now for LittleBigPlanet Water Beta Water!!!!!! Ravenprose
[] Wolfenstein CVG review Achingly average gamingeek
[] Digital Foundry vs Natal gamingeek
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life gamingeek
Gamepro Red Steel 2 impressions gamingeek
Calling GC trailer Creepy long haired japanese girls gamingeek
[] Red Steel 2 hands-on impressions Gamespot gamingeek
[] Modern Warfare Wii: Speak Out "Great online, but no Wii Speak support. Are you on board? Make yourself heard!" Ravenprose
[] Rubik's Puzzle Galaxy Video Ravenprose
[] IGN Metroid Prime Trilogy Review 9.5 Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Tatsunoko Videos Ravenprose
[] IGN Medieval Games Hands-on Ravenprose
[] Scribblenauts Videos Ravenprose
[] The State of Smackdown Ravenprose
[] Layton Lands Next Week Ravenprose
[] Space Bust-A-Move Screens Ravenprose
[] Nintendo Dominates in Japan Ravenprose
[] Brownie Brown Returns on the DS Ravenprose
[] LEGO Rock Band DS Hands-on Ravenprose
[] Harmonix Already Working on 'Rock Band 3' "Developer might look to add Natal controls to future games." Ravenprose
[] GC 2009: Nier Imagery "Square tries their hand at the action genre." Ravenprose
[] Supreme Commander 2 Screens Ravenprose
[] Dragon Age: Origins Trailer Ravenprose
[] Meet Arkham Asylum's Scarecrow Ravenprose
[] Call of Duty Map Pack 3 Sales "Another download surpasses one million in sales." Ravenprose
[] IGN Perfect Dark XBLA Screens Ravenprose
[] Defense Grid Incoming Ravenprose
[] PS3 Hardware Compared "[IGN takes] a look at the hardware variations between the new redesigned system and its predecessor." Ravenprose
[] Smash Cars Review Ravenprose
[] Dark Void Update Ravenprose
[] Cheers & Tears: Fighting Games Ravenprose
[] Final Fantasy XIV Screens Ravenprose
[] Front Mission Evolved Images Ravenprose
[] PS3 Falls to Xbox 360 in Japan whoa! Ravenprose
[] Lost Planet 2 Update Ravenprose
[] App Store vs. PSPgo Minis Ravenprose
[] Naruto Shippuden Screenshots Ravenprose
[] Fate Unlimited Codes Trailer Ravenprose
[] Fate/Unlimited Codes Screens Ravenprose
[] Valkyria Chronicles 2 Screens Ravenprose
[] Tom Petty Makes Rock Band Debut; "Fleetwood Mac, Billy Idol and Jet Return with New Tracks" Plus more Ravenprose
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:13:13

Hobo strikes again! Motorstorm 2 brand new for $15 at Target. I had a giftcard so I paid practically nothing.

Edited: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:13:43
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:27:08
I'd like to take a moment and thank Leo for the Devil Survivor recommendation. Wow, what a surprisingly good game.  I've never played any other Shin Megami games before so I'm not sure if this is representative of the series, but I'm really digging it. Neat take on the strategy RPG.  I'm only about 2 hours in, but I'll be stuck on this game for the rest of the week.
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:31:38

OMG! I may have found my favorite of the downloadable games: Shadow Complex! I'm only thirty minutes in, but it is pretty sweet.  Wiiware desperately needs a 2D Metroid now.
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 02:49:23
That Tower of Shadow trailer looks kind of cool. Not at all sold on the gameplay of it, but it could be a neat spin on the 2-D platfomer.
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 04:54:31


Are those MW pics real? That is utterly pathetic.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 06:42:05

Iga_Bobovic said:

Ravenprose said:

Earthworm Jim Download Game is Remake

Why are they remaking EJ? Why not just release it as-is on all consoles? Shoot, EJ is already on VC! Stupid suits.

Be sure to buy the superior Genesis version.

Don't you mean the PC/Sega CD version?

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 06:47:43

Dvader said:

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

Yeah you are right all games were platformers back then. Like Double Dragon, Final Fight, Golden Axe and Gunstar Heroes.

I hope you can sense the sarcasm here!

Most of those are beat em ups, not the same family of action that Castlevania comes from. Castlevania is like Mega Man, Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, you know the type... all of those are action games. If they remade Mega Man into 3D today it wouldnt have a bunch of empty holes of death that you had to avoid, it would be mostly about running around shooting things and will probably have a world full of obstacles that you need to use items to get by, like this Castlevania game.

It looks like what a 3D Castlevania should look like.

 Those games are also action platformers. And yes, why should a 3D Mega Man not have platforming in it? Heck the old Mega Man had more challeging platforming than the Mario series. Why should that change if they turn it into 3D? And did Ninja Gaiden Black not have plenty of platforming also?

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

I don't know Vader. Yeah most games were a platforming cross back then but that doesn't change the notion that platforming was a huge element.

Look at how Metroid went from 2-D to 3-D, it perfectly captured the gameplay in exploration and platforming and shooting. Remember that Castlevania only had the licence attached to this Lords of Shadow game. They've taken a licence and attached it to God of War basically.

GoW is what a Castlevania game should be, when was it not. Actually it all started with DMC which everyone thought "OMG this is exactly what a Castlevania game should be in 3D". Thats how you do Castlevania style action in 3D. Of course it should have an open castle to explore, and some obstacles along the way like say a clock tower with rotating gears and such. But the core of a Castlevania game is the action. I wouldnt say the same about metroid, I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time.

I really dont get what kind of game you want out of Castlevania in 3D.

 Lol, what? Prime is one of the best games ever. How the hell should Castlevania not take inspiration out of it? I means SoTN did the same thing with Super Metroid. Super Metroid had plenty of action also, so did Prime 3. 

The VG Press
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:30:37

"I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time."

You mean like Metroid Prime 3? I wouldn't call it a complte disaster, but it did suck. Nyaa

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:33:36
You're right.  Castlevania is completely different from Metroid.  Metroid is good.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:37:02

travo said:

OMG! I may have found my favorite of the downloadable games: Shadow Complex! I'm only thirty minutes in, but it is pretty sweet.  Wiiware desperately needs a 2D Metroid now.

Do you know how long I've been wishing, pleading, and praying for that to happen? I'm hoping Nintendo would make that Metroid Dread that's been flying around the rumor mill this whole time. A new DS adventure would be so, so sweet! Sad

But I'm very glad Epic made what Nintendo won't, a modern-day Super Metroid. Damn, I can't wait till' I download this game this weekend! I don't have funds now but I will soon! Can't wait!


Edited: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:38:05


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:37:32

Yodariquo said:
You're right.  Castlevania is completely different from Metroid.  Metroid is good.

 Bang. Shots fired LOL

The VG Press
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:51:24

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

I don't know Vader. Yeah most games were a platforming cross back then but that doesn't change the notion that platforming was a huge element.

Look at how Metroid went from 2-D to 3-D, it perfectly captured the gameplay in exploration and platforming and shooting. Remember that Castlevania only had the licence attached to this Lords of Shadow game. They've taken a licence and attached it to God of War basically.

GoW is what a Castlevania game should be, when was it not. Actually it all started with DMC which everyone thought "OMG this is exactly what a Castlevania game should be in 3D". Thats how you do Castlevania style action in 3D. Of course it should have an open castle to explore, and some obstacles along the way like say a clock tower with rotating gears and such. But the core of a Castlevania game is the action. I wouldnt say the same about metroid, I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time.

I really dont get what kind of game you want out of Castlevania in 3D.

I'm not sure either, just not a DMC clone. It's one of those franchises I would prefer to play in 2-D. Maybe have the same design, but get Vanillaware to do the visuals.

As I said, Lords of Shadow is as much Castlevania as Dinosaur Planet is Starfox adventures. They attached a licence to an unrelated game for sales.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:23:00
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:38:37

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

I don't know Vader. Yeah most games were a platforming cross back then but that doesn't change the notion that platforming was a huge element.

Look at how Metroid went from 2-D to 3-D, it perfectly captured the gameplay in exploration and platforming and shooting. Remember that Castlevania only had the licence attached to this Lords of Shadow game. They've taken a licence and attached it to God of War basically.

GoW is what a Castlevania game should be, when was it not. Actually it all started with DMC which everyone thought "OMG this is exactly what a Castlevania game should be in 3D". Thats how you do Castlevania style action in 3D. Of course it should have an open castle to explore, and some obstacles along the way like say a clock tower with rotating gears and such. But the core of a Castlevania game is the action. I wouldnt say the same about metroid, I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time.

I really dont get what kind of game you want out of Castlevania in 3D.

I'm not sure either, just not a DMC clone. It's one of those franchises I would prefer to play in 2-D. Maybe have the same design, but get Vanillaware to do the visuals.

As I said, Lords of Shadow is as much Castlevania as Dinosaur Planet is Starfox adventures. They attached a licence to an unrelated game for sales.

How about Prince of Persia (you know like Sands of time)? It has action, it has platforming, it has action while platforming!

The VG Press
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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:50:07

Did almost 40 updates today you suckers. Why did no one tell me GC was another E3? I blame the name change. I used to know it as Leipzig.

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

I don't know Vader. Yeah most games were a platforming cross back then but that doesn't change the notion that platforming was a huge element.

Look at how Metroid went from 2-D to 3-D, it perfectly captured the gameplay in exploration and platforming and shooting. Remember that Castlevania only had the licence attached to this Lords of Shadow game. They've taken a licence and attached it to God of War basically.

GoW is what a Castlevania game should be, when was it not. Actually it all started with DMC which everyone thought "OMG this is exactly what a Castlevania game should be in 3D". Thats how you do Castlevania style action in 3D. Of course it should have an open castle to explore, and some obstacles along the way like say a clock tower with rotating gears and such. But the core of a Castlevania game is the action. I wouldnt say the same about metroid, I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time.

I really dont get what kind of game you want out of Castlevania in 3D.

I'm not sure either, just not a DMC clone. It's one of those franchises I would prefer to play in 2-D. Maybe have the same design, but get Vanillaware to do the visuals.

As I said, Lords of Shadow is as much Castlevania as Dinosaur Planet is Starfox adventures. They attached a licence to an unrelated game for sales.

How about Prince of Persia (you know like Sands of time)? It has action, it has platforming, it has action while platforming!

In CV you were always attacking something but generally you were always jumping whilst doing it. So it has to have that kind of feeling for me, a ground based DMC game isn't the sort thing I would expect. A Prince of Persia type game would be better but they would have to have more jumping and less sticking to walls. Sort of like Super mario controls with kick ass combat. It would have to be fluid as hell to capture the CV vibe.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 10:59:56

4 images qui Rage(ent)

4 images qui Rage(ent)

4 images qui Rage(ent)

4 images qui Rage(ent)


Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced it will release Hudson Soft’s innovative Wii title, The Tower of Shadow (working title), in Spring 2010.

At the heart of The Tower of Shadow (working title) lies a mystery. The player controls the shadow of a young boy. The shadow has one purpose in life: to scale the colossal tower that dominates the game’s skyline. He does not speak. Nobody knows who he is or how he came to be. He just climbs. And climbs.

But even a shadow must abide by certain rules, and thus the player must fulfill certain criteria as they help the shadow to climb the tower. First, the shadow can only walk on the thin line between shadow and light. While he is not affected by height or distance, he must always have a shadow foothold, and he will disappear if he is fully engulfed by either the dark or the light.

The Tower of Shadow (working title) introduces a number of new concepts to its platform game basis. Gravity, for instance, does not apply in normal ways. Instead, when the source of light in a stage is parallel to the ground, the shadow is pulled towards the light. Similarly, if the angle of the light changes, so the gravity also shifts as the shadow is extended or reduced.

The mysterious shadow is also accompanied by a winged sylph known as a‘Spangle’, which can be used to manipulate physical items that the shadow boy cannot. As such, The Tower of Shadow (working title) mixes unique platform elements with a level of puzzling, with the Spangle giving support to the player. The combination of light and shadow creates a unique blend of game styles, with the shadow boy altering the shape of shadows so he can create walkways to previously inaccessible areas.

Along the way, The Tower of Shadow (working title) introduces a giant shadow that is in pursuit of shadow boy, and patrols the tower, alongside other assailants. With a number of tortuous levels to negotiate, The Tower of Shadow (working title) demonstrates Hudson Soft at its creative best. The sprawling levels are full of clever problems that force the player to challenge conventional ways to explore, and to use the varied abilities of the shadow boy and Spangle.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 11:06:16

gamingeek said:

Did almost 40 updates today you suckers. Why did no one tell me GC was another E3? I blame the name change. I used to know it as Leipzig.

Iga_Bobovic said:

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

I don't know Vader. Yeah most games were a platforming cross back then but that doesn't change the notion that platforming was a huge element.

Look at how Metroid went from 2-D to 3-D, it perfectly captured the gameplay in exploration and platforming and shooting. Remember that Castlevania only had the licence attached to this Lords of Shadow game. They've taken a licence and attached it to God of War basically.

GoW is what a Castlevania game should be, when was it not. Actually it all started with DMC which everyone thought "OMG this is exactly what a Castlevania game should be in 3D". Thats how you do Castlevania style action in 3D. Of course it should have an open castle to explore, and some obstacles along the way like say a clock tower with rotating gears and such. But the core of a Castlevania game is the action. I wouldnt say the same about metroid, I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time.

I really dont get what kind of game you want out of Castlevania in 3D.

I'm not sure either, just not a DMC clone. It's one of those franchises I would prefer to play in 2-D. Maybe have the same design, but get Vanillaware to do the visuals.

As I said, Lords of Shadow is as much Castlevania as Dinosaur Planet is Starfox adventures. They attached a licence to an unrelated game for sales.

How about Prince of Persia (you know like Sands of time)? It has action, it has platforming, it has action while platforming!

In CV you were always attacking something but generally you were always jumping whilst doing it. So it has to have that kind of feeling for me, a ground based DMC game isn't the sort thing I would expect. A Prince of Persia type game would be better but they would have to have more jumping and less sticking to walls. Sort of like Super mario controls with kick ass combat. It would have to be fluid as hell to capture the CV vibe.

Actually that pirate guy Grant could walk on all walls. We can give him that power and have Belmont just jump around.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 11:08:18


I would compare Cursed Mountain to the likes of Silent Hill, but it just doesn't do it any justice. The emphasis on story sets Cursed Mountain apart from most survival horror games of late. Cursed Mountain is slow moving at first so the player can get a feel for the story and gameplay mechanics and accelerates as you reach higher altitudes. From every elevation you can see a taste of things to come and all that you've overcome thus far. It is breathtaking and quite impressive coming from the Wii; Cursed Mountain definitely pushes the Wii's engine to its limits.

Cursed Mountain: Rip or Redeem Preview

If you weren't excited about it before, I urge you to get on the hype of Cursed Mountain, possibly the most exciting game to be released for the Wii in the near future.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 11:11:39


God of War 3: The same demo we've been seeing and reading about from E3 is at GamesCom, but today was my first time playing. First thing I noticed are the phenomenal graphics. Kratos becomes covered in blood when killing enemies in close quarters, and the backgrounds are busy with lava-infused Titans and a crumbling Mt. Olympus. What's more is the framerate never hiccups and feels close to 60 frames per second, if not right on the button. Epic atmosphere of god-like proportions. The controls might be getting too busy, however, with all the functionality from God of War 1 and 2 plus new content in God of War 3. Grab enemies and press the Square button to use them as a battering ram. Press the Circle button next to legless, crawling skeleton warriors to curb stomp their skulls.

MAG: Kickass PS3-exclusive shooter. Graphics aren't Call of Duty level, but some of you may prefer MAG?s ranking, unlockable weapon and skill system to Call of Duty?s. Instead of unlocking weapons every few levels like in Call of Duty, MAG?s approach is to give you the choice of what weapons and skills to purchase with the points you earn. "Big game" battles, consisting of 128 to 256 players, are primarily an attack and defend mode, whereas smaller matches with 32 players are traditional team deathmatch.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Saw the Breach and Clear level of Special Ops mode, which was talked about in Game Informer magazine. The objective of Breach and Clear is to "Smash through the enemy defenses in the Gulag and escape." Special Ops can be played in split screen, solo, or two-player cooperative online. The levels are split into tiers called Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo, with roughly five to six levels in each tier. Earn up to three stars for each Spec Ops level by playing on regular, hardcore or insane difficulty. I noticed improved graphics, a solid framerate, and useable riot shield to deflect bullets and melee with. When you're shot, the new blood-damage indicator looks like red flesh splattered on a windshield.

Monster Hunter Tri: Didn't get a demo of the game, but I interviewed producer Ryozo Tsujimoto. He said the game has less content in terms of weapons, items, armor and monsters than the PSP version. It's more accessible, however, for Wii gamers with a new story mode that teaches you how to play as you progress and friendly control scheme.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues: Really excited about this game. New features include a level creator/build mode that allows you to create your own Lego Indy levels from scratch or tweak levels already in the game. The whip is improved to select any target and tie up enemies. Six expanded hub areas: Three from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and one for each original adventure. On top of the new Kingdom of the Crystal Skull levels, the original adventures return with completely different playable sections. Again, I'm super stoked to play LEGO Indy 2.

Tony Hawk Ride: The skateboard peripheral feels solid. The feedback when standing on it between toe side, neutral, and heel side feels good. The difficulty modes break down like this: easy is on rails, so you only do tricks and the game guides your movement. Medium has assisted turning like bowling with bumpers. Hardcore difficulty leaves turning and tricking completely up to you.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wii: It's the same content from Modern Warfare on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Nothing is missing, except DLC. Controls are fully customizable from button layout to aim styles to the dead zone. Features 10-player online multiplayer, and you'll be able to see when friends in your Friend Code directory are playing. Squad Mate mode from World at War lets another player join in the action and shoot enemies.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2009 11:17:02

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wii Impressions

The original Modern Warfare is coming to the Wii, and as we found out in Cologne, it's an impressively faithful reproduction.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was a huge hit for Infinity Ward in 2007, and even though it's been nearly two years since its release, the game continues to dominate the online gameplay charts. Its appeal is so enduring, in fact, that developer Treyarch is going to bring the game to the Wii this November. As we found out in Cologne, there have been relatively few compromises necessary to bring the game to Nintendo's console, while there's even a few new features exclusive to the platform.

First up, it's worth mentioning that the single player game is exactly the same on the Wii as it was on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Sadly, it's so faithful to the original that there's not even a new Wii-specific level in the game--it's exactly the same as it was before. Thankfully though, this faithful reproduction also extends to the multiplayer side of the game, with all the same game modes such as Search & Destroy, Domination and Freefall all included, and all playable online. The only difference is that the player count has been reduced to 10 players, although this is still up from the eight players that Treyarch managed in Call of Duty: World at War on the Wii.

Thankfully, there are also some features specific to the Wii version. Obviously, the control system is quite different, but like other recent Wii FPS The Conduit, the controls are completely customisable. There are plenty of preset control schemes that are set up for different levels of skill, but you can also tweak these as much as you want and save them as your own. Then there's the the squadmate mode, which allows a second player to drop into the game for co-op play. The second player uses the Wii Zapper peripheral or the Wii remote, and plays the game like an on-rails shooter, taking out enemies that the main player may have missed.

Finally, the game also uses an upgraded version of the engine that has powered previous Call of Duty games on the Wii. Most notably, the textures are of a higher resolution than ever before, while the particle effects such as explosions have also been improved. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will arrive on the Wii in November 2009, and we hope to bring you a first hands-on soon.

Hmmmm this is a tough one for me. The screens are ass but the first screens of WaW were ass too. The impressions are all saying it has Conduit type controls, which are excellent BTW and that the engine is improved over WaW too. Plus its the same game design as COD4 too. Will wait for videos.

Edited: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 11:18:38

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