Peter Moore talks about EA MMA game and Dana
wow the first time VGPress is linked to Sherdog, I feel dirty
Starcraft 2 to require online registration
Oh DRM, what would we do without you?
Metroid Prime 3 was almost a sandbox game
Holy crap, live the bounty hunter life
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Hobo strikes again! Motorstorm 2 brand new for $15 at Target. I had a giftcard so I paid practically nothing.
OMG! I may have found my favorite of the downloadable games: Shadow Complex! I'm only thirty minutes in, but it is pretty sweet. Wiiware desperately needs a 2D Metroid now.
Are those MW pics real? That is utterly pathetic.
Don't you mean the PC/Sega CD version?
Those games are also action platformers. And yes, why should a 3D Mega Man not have platforming in it? Heck the old Mega Man had more challeging platforming than the Mario series. Why should that change if they turn it into 3D? And did Ninja Gaiden Black not have plenty of platforming also?
Lol, what? Prime is one of the best games ever. How the hell should Castlevania not take inspiration out of it? I means SoTN did the same thing with Super Metroid. Super Metroid had plenty of action also, so did Prime 3.
"I think Metroid leans a lot more to the exploration, moody kind of atmosphere, and I think a balance is needed to capture Metroid and Prime did that. If they made a Castlevania game with the pacing of Metroid Prime it would be a complete disaster. Castlevania is action all the time."
You mean like Metroid Prime 3? I wouldn't call it a complte disaster, but it did suck.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileDo you know how long I've been wishing, pleading, and praying for that to happen? I'm hoping Nintendo would make that Metroid Dread that's been flying around the rumor mill this whole time. A new DS adventure would be so, so sweet!
But I'm very glad Epic made what Nintendo won't, a modern-day Super Metroid. Damn, I can't wait till' I download this game this weekend! I don't have funds now but I will soon! Can't wait!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Bang. Shots fired
I'm not sure either, just not a DMC clone. It's one of those franchises I would prefer to play in 2-D. Maybe have the same design, but get Vanillaware to do the visuals.
As I said, Lords of Shadow is as much Castlevania as Dinosaur Planet is Starfox adventures. They attached a licence to an unrelated game for sales.
In the middle of the updates.
The only direct feed Sengoku Basara 3 pic
Popular in Japan?
Still updating. SONY stuff here:
- BUZZ! Quiz World (PSP/PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
- DC Universe Online (PS3/PC) - Bilder
- Eyepet (PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
- Heavy Rain (PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
- MAG (PS3) - Bilder
- ModNation Racers (PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
- SingStar Take That (PS2/PS3) - Bilder
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
- White Knight Chronicles (PS3) - Bilder
- God of War III (PS3) - Bilder
- Fat Princess (PSP) - Bilder
- echoshift (PSP) - Bilder & Trailer
- The Eye of Judgment (PSP) - Bilder & Trailer
- Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (PS2/PSP) - Bilder
- SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Fireteam Bravo 3 (PSP) - Bilder
- MotorStorm Arctic Edge (PS2/PSP) - Bilder & Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet PSP (PSP) - Bilder & Trailer
- Invizimals (PSP) - Bilder & Trailer
- Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time (PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
- LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival (PSP) - Bilder & Trailer
- Dead Nation (PS3) - Bilder & Trailer
DOWNLOAD VIDEO -1- (GC 09: PS3 Slim Debut - Smaller. Sleeker. More efficient. Most important: cheaper! Meet the...)
DOWNLOAD VIDEO -2- (GC 09: PS3 Price Drop Announcement - Finally, what everyone has been waiting for.)
DOWNLOAD VIDEO -3- (GC 09: Motion Controller Update (Cam) - The magic wand returns, with a ton of new motion-based...)
DOWNLOAD VIDEO -4- (Firmware 3.0 Update - Playstation 3's Cross Media Bar gets revamped and upgraded.')
How about Prince of Persia (you know like Sands of time)? It has action, it has platforming, it has action while platforming!
Did almost 40 updates today you suckers. Why did no one tell me GC was another E3? I blame the name change. I used to know it as Leipzig.
In CV you were always attacking something but generally you were always jumping whilst doing it. So it has to have that kind of feeling for me, a ground based DMC game isn't the sort thing I would expect. A Prince of Persia type game would be better but they would have to have more jumping and less sticking to walls. Sort of like Super mario controls with kick ass combat. It would have to be fluid as hell to capture the CV vibe.
Actually that pirate guy Grant could walk on all walls. We can give him that power and have Belmont just jump around.
I would compare Cursed Mountain to the likes of Silent Hill, but it just doesn't do it any justice. The emphasis on story sets Cursed Mountain apart from most survival horror games of late. Cursed Mountain is slow moving at first so the player can get a feel for the story and gameplay mechanics and accelerates as you reach higher altitudes. From every elevation you can see a taste of things to come and all that you've overcome thus far. It is breathtaking and quite impressive coming from the Wii; Cursed Mountain definitely pushes the Wii's engine to its limits.
If you weren't excited about it before, I urge you to get on the hype of Cursed Mountain, possibly the most exciting game to be released for the Wii in the near future.
God of War 3: The same demo we've been seeing and reading about from E3 is at GamesCom, but today was my first time playing. First thing I noticed are the phenomenal graphics. Kratos becomes covered in blood when killing enemies in close quarters, and the backgrounds are busy with lava-infused Titans and a crumbling Mt. Olympus. What's more is the framerate never hiccups and feels close to 60 frames per second, if not right on the button. Epic atmosphere of god-like proportions. The controls might be getting too busy, however, with all the functionality from God of War 1 and 2 plus new content in God of War 3. Grab enemies and press the Square button to use them as a battering ram. Press the Circle button next to legless, crawling skeleton warriors to curb stomp their skulls.
MAG: Kickass PS3-exclusive shooter. Graphics aren't Call of Duty level, but some of you may prefer MAG?s ranking, unlockable weapon and skill system to Call of Duty?s. Instead of unlocking weapons every few levels like in Call of Duty, MAG?s approach is to give you the choice of what weapons and skills to purchase with the points you earn. "Big game" battles, consisting of 128 to 256 players, are primarily an attack and defend mode, whereas smaller matches with 32 players are traditional team deathmatch.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Saw the Breach and Clear level of Special Ops mode, which was talked about in Game Informer magazine. The objective of Breach and Clear is to "Smash through the enemy defenses in the Gulag and escape." Special Ops can be played in split screen, solo, or two-player cooperative online. The levels are split into tiers called Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo, with roughly five to six levels in each tier. Earn up to three stars for each Spec Ops level by playing on regular, hardcore or insane difficulty. I noticed improved graphics, a solid framerate, and useable riot shield to deflect bullets and melee with. When you're shot, the new blood-damage indicator looks like red flesh splattered on a windshield.
Monster Hunter Tri: Didn't get a demo of the game, but I interviewed producer Ryozo Tsujimoto. He said the game has less content in terms of weapons, items, armor and monsters than the PSP version. It's more accessible, however, for Wii gamers with a new story mode that teaches you how to play as you progress and friendly control scheme.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues: Really excited about this game. New features include a level creator/build mode that allows you to create your own Lego Indy levels from scratch or tweak levels already in the game. The whip is improved to select any target and tie up enemies. Six expanded hub areas: Three from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and one for each original adventure. On top of the new Kingdom of the Crystal Skull levels, the original adventures return with completely different playable sections. Again, I'm super stoked to play LEGO Indy 2.
Tony Hawk Ride: The skateboard peripheral feels solid. The feedback when standing on it between toe side, neutral, and heel side feels good. The difficulty modes break down like this: easy is on rails, so you only do tricks and the game guides your movement. Medium has assisted turning like bowling with bumpers. Hardcore difficulty leaves turning and tricking completely up to you.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wii: It's the same content from Modern Warfare on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Nothing is missing, except DLC. Controls are fully customizable from button layout to aim styles to the dead zone. Features 10-player online multiplayer, and you'll be able to see when friends in your Friend Code directory are playing. Squad Mate mode from World at War lets another player join in the action and shoot enemies.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Wii Impressions
The original Modern Warfare is coming to the Wii, and as we found out in Cologne, it's an impressively faithful reproduction.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was a huge hit for Infinity Ward in 2007, and even though it's been nearly two years since its release, the game continues to dominate the online gameplay charts. Its appeal is so enduring, in fact, that developer Treyarch is going to bring the game to the Wii this November. As we found out in Cologne, there have been relatively few compromises necessary to bring the game to Nintendo's console, while there's even a few new features exclusive to the platform.
First up, it's worth mentioning that the single player game is exactly the same on the Wii as it was on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Sadly, it's so faithful to the original that there's not even a new Wii-specific level in the game--it's exactly the same as it was before. Thankfully though, this faithful reproduction also extends to the multiplayer side of the game, with all the same game modes such as Search & Destroy, Domination and Freefall all included, and all playable online. The only difference is that the player count has been reduced to 10 players, although this is still up from the eight players that Treyarch managed in Call of Duty: World at War on the Wii.
Thankfully, there are also some features specific to the Wii version. Obviously, the control system is quite different, but like other recent Wii FPS The Conduit, the controls are completely customisable. There are plenty of preset control schemes that are set up for different levels of skill, but you can also tweak these as much as you want and save them as your own. Then there's the the squadmate mode, which allows a second player to drop into the game for co-op play. The second player uses the Wii Zapper peripheral or the Wii remote, and plays the game like an on-rails shooter, taking out enemies that the main player may have missed.
Finally, the game also uses an upgraded version of the engine that has powered previous Call of Duty games on the Wii. Most notably, the textures are of a higher resolution than ever before, while the particle effects such as explosions have also been improved. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will arrive on the Wii in November 2009, and we hope to bring you a first hands-on soon.
Hmmmm this is a tough one for me. The screens are ass but the first screens of WaW were ass too. The impressions are all saying it has Conduit type controls, which are excellent BTW and that the engine is improved over WaW too. Plus its the same game design as COD4 too. Will wait for videos.