Megan Fox Will Kick Your Ass At Mortal Kombat
Also, the interviewer is an idiot.
Tekken 6 Released October 27th; Pre-Order Details
Exclusive Samurai Pack, Also Bundle With a Wireless Arcade Sticl
GT5 London Street Circuit driven.
With a car that will make you spray your shorts. GG did you see it?
Rumored PS3 Firmware 3.0 Details Emerge
New features said to include grief reporting, rep, and patch background downloads.
High Voltage on Conduit art style
" We opted for big screen popcorn entertainment with high quality production values. Some may criticize our choice"
Conduit Cheat CC review
"while The Conduit doesn't end up being the Wii's Halo 3 or Killzone 2, it is a pretty good game that will likely be very appreciated by anyone who only owns a Wii "
Conduit Everyview review
"it is a solid shooter with a great visual and audio design and has the best controls of any Wii FPS thus far."
Gamespy Conduit review
3.5 out of 5 "Great, highly customizable controls; fantastic multiplayer mode that doesn't require Wii friend codes; nice graphics."
Crispeygamer Conduit review
"High Voltage's fine efforts show that all it takes is polish and dedication to craft a solid adventure experience for Nintendo's console."
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SupremeAC (38s)
Wow, as the day goes on I see more and more snippets from this Gamepro Conduit review. Just.... wow.
"Kim warns that this similarity is not necessarily a good thing. "I consider the similarity to Goldeneye as both a positive and a negative," he explains. "Sure, it's great to finally have a shooter that spiritually follows in the footsteps of a great game you played in the past, but damn, the N64 was two generations ago -- what does it say about the Wii that The Conduit doesn't blow Goldeneye's graphics out of the water the way Halo 3 outshines the original Halo or Killzone 2 completely destroys the original Killzone?"
GamePro's Tae Kim
Atari 2600 > toaster > this entire gen.
cough Fable 2 cough
According to Steel, they became toasters.
Bak in the Atari Age a patch was seomthing Activision mailed you when you sent them a photo of a high score.
I saw Transformers 2 last night, this movie kind of sticks to the same formula of the first film. If you didnt like that one, nothing to see here. This is not like Empire or any quality second movie in a trilogy where things get darker or whatever, its just more of what happend in the first movie. The movie starts off great, at the start you see that the Autobots and the US military have formed a strike force to hunt down Deceptacons, so 2 minutes in you already have some awesome robot on robot action. That is when the movie is at its best when its freaking Transformers. I hardly saw the cartoons but the little I did see of it showed me that the show was dumb, pointless and was only about having giant robots fighting each other. This movie is just like that, its dumb, its pointless but you get freaking giant robots fighting each other!
The fights are clearly better than the first movie, for one I can kind of see whats going on in this one.
The shaky cam is still there but its not as bad as the first movie where it was hard to piece together wtf was going on at times. There are some "fatality" like kills in this movie that had the entire theater going nuts. When the movie was about giant robots fighting other giant robots I was thoroughly entertained.
The first hour or so was great then it hits this funk where it takes away the focus from the Transformers and it becomes the adventures Sam Witwicky and friends. It was like a horrible version of National Treasure, and it goes on and on until the final 20 minutes when robots show up for the final battle. While the final war scene had its moments, it was overfilled with shots of the US military. All Michael Bay films do this but this was ridiculous. Here is a scene where an army of Deceptacons are fighting an army of Autobots AND cut away to some dude in a US command vessel as he deploys his forces. Two minutes goes by of fighter jets taking off, helicopters, these smaller boats (wtf is a boat going to do when they are fighting in the middle of the desert). There are a bazillion cuts to these US army guys, hello I got robots fighting robots I dont care about us puny humans and our pitiful weaponry.
The movie is filled with stupidity, a ton of testicle jokes, robots acting like sterotypes. There is a true funny moment or two in there, I am just warning you that it has plenty of stuff for kids, well I assume its for kids, either that or Michael Bay is still a 12 year old... hmm. Its a big dumb action movie, and yes its more of a mess than the first movie, but at least its fun and exciting to watch which I cant say for some of this year's summer movies.
SPOILERS (if you care about the "plot" in any way, stay away)
Anyone else notice that the movie took a turn for the worst the moment Optimus Prime died and once he was revived the movie became awesome again. When he died the Deceptacons made that radio broadcast which said they would destroy cities if Sam was not found, the movie goes on for about an hour before you even see the main Deceptacons again, where was the destruction. It went completely away from that and followed Sam around. And where in the hell did this Fallen guy come from. All of a sudden Megatron is Darth Vader and this Fallen guy is his master, serious Star Wars ripoff.
He is not joking, my brother got a new PS3, took him hours before he could play anything cause of the amount of updates there were. I tried to play LBP after two months of not play. 5 updates, took over 30 minutes.
Ok seriously I want to know why patches on the PS3 are so huge compared to those on the 360. I don't think I've ever had one that took longer then 5 seconds max.
I wonder if that has anything to do with PS3s WiFi ports. When I DLed the Uncharted 2 beta, it took ages to download 50% of it through my wireless connection. When I got pissed off, I hooked the ethernet cable, and the rest of the DL completed in about 10 minutes. Now I'm permanently hooked through ethernet in both my 360 and PS3.
I remember those! They were so cool! I never did get one, though.
Here's one for H.E.R.O.
Activison should bring these back!
EDIT: Here's a whole page devoted to 'em!
It could be argued that since increasing complexity in games demanded more powerful hardware, though I'm not advocating one or the other. Just adressing Raven's point that his 2600 still works after 20 years when it's clear that a piece of electronics so simple is bound to last longer than a complex one due to having less things prone to break or malfunction.
You are oversimplifying this here a bit Steelio!
Do elaborate.
So yeah, the id stuff is pretty big. We shall be talking about this on the new podcast.
Yeah, that kind of stuff would be a better in a blog.
I only have my PS3 hooked up via ethernet and I've had no problems.
Nah I'm waiting for the 1up review before I make my purchasing decision.