GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony
Rockstar announces the FABULOUS new GTA4 expansion...
New website teasing Kojima Pro's other game.
Code named "MASK", probably Lords of Shadow
Uncharted 2 Beta
IGN is getting ready to give away a fortune in Beta Keys.
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SupremeAC (4m)
Watching the Dead space level video now. The voice acting is bad. The swearing sounds bad. You need to be able to swear decentely like HOTD.
Shit, the mo-cap for facial animation is damn good.
LOL they were staring at that womans ass.
Uh the english VA is begging to grate already.
What kind of a light gun game has you just watching as the characters ass about?
Well, I cant really understand all the positive previews recentely because that video isn't one tenth as entertaining as Overkill.
I liked it a lot. The voice work was pretty weak, but it looks fantastic. There was a lot of standing around, but this was the first level where they are trying to set up the story. I don't think this is meant to try and be the same kind of light game as Overkill. This one is going to be a little more methodical and suspense building.
I'm impressed at any rate. It's moving over into my "gonna get it" category.
IMO a light gun game needs replay value. When you replay a level you dont want to be watching characters stand around and be waiting for the action to start. Particularly on your third playthrough of a level.
I think atmospherically they are doing great things. Perhaps the game doesn't need swearing, and some textures are pretty poor. I guess its the genre, Overkill packs entertainment into every second. This games pacing is so slow it feels like they are trying to make a..............
.... guided first person experience.
Which is like a fun fair ride, only reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly slow.
That's all fine and well when the light gun game you're playing lasts all of an hour or two. Extraction is modeled more after Umbrella Chronicles. It's a long game, and replay value isn't as high of a priority. Overkill was more built around shock. This game is built around anticipation and suspence. It'll be a very different game, but still quite good.
The previews I've read say this game is 6 hrs?
I've seen 10 hours for completion, though the last IGN also says 6 or more. Hmmmmmmm well time will tell for sure.
Oh, and Guitar Hero World Tour has Stan Bush's The Touch up for download. Completely free, and it's the original version....even though it's listed as 2007...
Excuse me, I must go play.
New Silent Hill Wii trailer and impressions. Why does the game look worse visually than all the PS2 SH games. The models look so simple, remember the old man face from SH3, that was incredible. It keeps blowing my mind the most Wii games look worse than a lot of PS2 games.
Anyway, not sure how I am going to like the cold world. The impressions are amazing, the way the game changes is impressive. Read page 2 of the article.
That looks extremely cheap. Could be interesting, though.
Nothing is more epic than smoke rings and fire works!
Gametrailers TV had a pre E3, they did show some good stuff, most of it is up on
Best part for me was actualy footage of Ratchet A Crack In Time, WOW. The worlds look much larger due in part that Ratchet has hover boots that allow him to zoom around the game world. I'm sold.
They had Mass Effect 2, they show that the main character dude is alive. Footage of Aliens vs. Predator, needs better framerate. Just Cause 2, decent. this game called Split Second which has you racing as if you are in a Michael Bay film with crap blowing up and falling all over the tracks as you drive. Need for Speed is now a Gran Turismo clone. They showed the new Bethesda teaser, some game caled Brink
They reveal that Madden 10 will have online co-op. There was the reveal of DJ Hero and the controller. New footage of CoD MW2, great stuff. Uncharted 2 co-op footage, also great.
Plenty of stuff but it was all so short and so much was CG footage, that needs to stop
Updated the news, so much is happening tonight cause of that GT show, if you want to have a story for each trailer be my guest, I put it all in one link.
So a LOTR Wii game about Aragorn, sounds awesome right. Then I saw this:
So if you want to play Disney's version of LOTR there you go.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileAt least it's not Michael Bay's version of LOTR---err, I mean Peter Jackson.
I think the better question is: what kind of freaks like Sonic and SEGA? And racing
Wish I could watch it. But I can't
Made by the Overkill team?!
Yeah the GTTV special was too short and perhaps not a lot of info could be gleaned from most of what was shown but it sure was fun to watch. It was also just a pre-E3 warm-up afterall. Modern Warfare 2 and Uncharted 2 looked fantastic. The Brutal Legend clip looked great and was hilarious. Lost Planet 2 looked amazing and the Dragon Age video really got me pumped for the game. Commander Shepard is alive for Mass Effect 2. Woo hoo! NHL '10 looked great as well.