Red Steel 2 has power assesment mode
Also, Yuji Naka was too stupid to work at Namco
Red Steel 2 building a destructible gameworld
"We’re also building a gameplay mechanic around destructible objects…..but I can’t say more than that at the moment.”
Gamepro Punchout review
"Little Mac has stepped out of retirement and is ready to rumble in this fantastic reboot of the beloved boxing series!"
Extensive Madden NFL10 Wii preview
What is better about this version than the rest?
Punch Out Gamespy review
"I’m calling it right here: Punch-Out!! is destined to become one of this generation’s top classics, right up there with Super Mario Galaxy."
independent studios will always be more creative
So says Johan Kristiansson of Starbreeze
Boom Blox Bash Party 1up review
A: "Even if you already own the original, you should buy this game "
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robio (15s)
Project Gotham Racing this isn't. Bizarre's brilliant racing series for Microsoft - like its Dreamcast ancestor, Metropolis Street Racing - was never exactly a simulation racer. The tight-but-loose handling and the hint of score-attack about the kudos style system told you that Bizarre always had one foot in the arcade. But they were technical games, and with their beautifully-modelled production cars, demanding tracks and reverential dedication to the art and science of cornering, they were lumped in with the Gran Turismos and Forzas of this world more often than not.
That, the Liverpool studio has now decided, is just another cul-de-sac in a "stagnating" racing genre. Backed by new owners Activision, it's making a stab at the mass market with Blur. Talking to Bizarre staff at their offices, you'll hear huge admiration for games like Race Driver GRID and RACE Pro, but a determination to reach more people, to design something more accessible. Need for Speed gets mentioned, of course, but the names that keep cropping up are much older, examples of a "golden age" of racers for everyone: Road Rash, OutRun and the one blockbuster, multi-million-selling racing game that still exists: Mario Kart.
So far, Blur is looking like a solid arcade racer, bolstered by an unerringly cool car collection and some evocative locations and lighting (the game always takes place in the semi-dark to pick out the neon effects of the power-ups, and the lasers and glow-sticks of the crowd, who are apparently all nineties ravers). But Bizarre, being Bizarre, has a trick up its sleeve.
Its "linear, RPG-style" progression is organised as a fictional social network of underground racers, organised into local groups. They'll message and invite you and comment on races, as well as chipping in with some (cheesy, but not irritating) audio lines mid-race. To some extent the network is just a front-end conceit, but the groups also organised Blur into racing themes, which is where the variety of racing objectives comes in: not just winning races, but protecting friends, team racing, aiming to cause damage, stunt and style racing and so on.
Me and you, we're the same.
I think it was hilarious. Women trying to figure out what kind of man you are by the games that you play.
What about those guys that play games in nearly every genre?
Make that three of us.
Mexican doctors dont get paid?
Don't worry. The movie won't be any good anyway.
So I called Blockbuster to see when they will get Punch-Out, friday it seems.
But it took a few Blockbusters to get my answer cause women answered the phone. Most women don't know crap about gaming, so when I say when will you have Punch-Out for the Wii they are like, "what?????". Two different women at two different stores checked the system for release and they both said its not on there. I bet they didn't type in the dash.
Finally I got a man on the phone and he instantly asked if it came out today in most stores, told me they received the UFC game and Terminator game but not Punch-Out. He then checked to see when it arrives and the computer said 5/22. Thank god, someone that knows what they are talking about.
I am hearing actual good things about it, I have no expectations for it so maybe I will like it. I will see it of course, since I love the series.
PS3 Slim photos spark legal saber-rattling
Sony claims they have no PS3 Slim in the works, but a law firm representing an "unnamed client" contacts mutiple websites asking them to remove ". . . some of our client's confidential documents and photos [regarding PS3 Slim], which were highly possibly illegally released and posted."
Hmm . . .
Mass Effect 2 sounds great the way the decisions you made in the first game affect the second game. It looks like I'll play through ME one more time just to make sure I have a save file with things just how I want it going into the sequel.
Sounds awesome. By the time I can play those games I can buy both at the same time, it will be like one giant mega game for me.
So should I run out to the store and buy Punch-Out and say fuck it to Infamous. I will be very happy for a week, then reality will set in.
Stay strong. Think of the platinum trophy. Think of the fun you will have jumping off of skyscrapers and slamming into the middle of busy intersections. That can't be matched by some silly boxer.
Yup. But we get paid in pigs, so with the recent outbreak of swine flu, well, things are getting a bit rough as of lately.
Actually, in order to force myself to fulfill my vow of not buying new games, I had to turn my credit and debit cards to my wife. She handles all the expenses now, sort of like the steward of Gondor. Until the king returns, that is.
So yeah, for all intents and purposes, I'm broke.
Oh. Yeah. Bionic Commando:
Imagine if Chris Redfield and Sheva had a love-child, then give him the voice of Solid Snake and a Bionic Arm and you'd get Rad Spencer.
Sheva to Chris: "Oh look Honey! He has YOUR aiming style! Isn't that C-U-T-E ! ! !"
You've got the jaded, ex-commando. You've got the Mysterious Colonel running the mission. You've got your rocket-propelled launch, un-armed (literally) into enemy territory. You've got the gruff voice.
You've even got the slow, dramatic standing pose after leaping out of the entry pod.
This is Capcom's Metal Gear wannabe!
It's a shame they didn't actually stand behind their own franchise and make it themselves though!
Here's where we REALLY send Vader running to BlockBuster:
Think of it as a Summer Movie Game. Sure it may not be getting the best reviews, but you go in expecting over-dramatic acting, big explosions and fun just for fun's sake and THATS what you get!
It's NOT going to set the videogame world on fire, but it makes one HELL of an AWESOME weekend rental!
Now, I expect to see a weekend devoted to getting all the Platinum Trophies --AND-- a Blog entry where you say it was a pleasant, little surprise and give it a 7/10, Vader... Go!