Red Steel 2 has power assesment mode
Also, Yuji Naka was too stupid to work at Namco
Red Steel 2 building a destructible gameworld
"We’re also building a gameplay mechanic around destructible objects…..but I can’t say more than that at the moment.”
Gamepro Punchout review
"Little Mac has stepped out of retirement and is ready to rumble in this fantastic reboot of the beloved boxing series!"
Extensive Madden NFL10 Wii preview
What is better about this version than the rest?
Punch Out Gamespy review
"I’m calling it right here: Punch-Out!! is destined to become one of this generation’s top classics, right up there with Super Mario Galaxy."
independent studios will always be more creative
So says Johan Kristiansson of Starbreeze
Boom Blox Bash Party 1up review
A: "Even if you already own the original, you should buy this game "
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Is this directed at me or Gonintendo?
P.S. a comment at Gonintendo also mentioned that they were wrong!
One of the site's forefathers.
Mostly GoNintendo but you can watch what you post as well, watch the iffy sites.
It definitely could. I'm not an idiot who thinks it couldn't I mean Morrowind was much bigger than oblivion and was on the xbox, and previous games were even bigger and on even older hardware, but I just get the feeling that they'd just keep Elder Scrolls on 360/PS3/PC, because they're probably thinking that a lot of the market they're aiming for already has one of the previously mentioned consoles, and would prefer to play the prettier version.
Yoda can I be a mod just for one day?
You dont scare me.
The last time I was excited about a big game from companies like EA and Capcom who promised new Resident Evil and Dead Space games, we ended up with on rails BS. Until I see this game, hell no, it's vapourware to me. Funny that Climax, a small previously portable dev comes up with the goods instead.
And I bet you still wont like it. Thanks for the Tatsukono scans. That Mistwalker pic, the Wii is on a darkened shelf. They got the dev kit, saw how it was two cubes in one box and left it on the shelf. MS pay them so much money to make RPGs, why would they bother with anything else?
When you post as many updates as Iga or I do, I know from experience it's impossible to check or read all stories before they are posted. You do them in one massive go and reel them off as quickly as you can. Plus no one cares about Darkside anyway or its voice actors.
Bionic commando review, Gamecentral. Yikes.
Bionic Commando (360)
Review by David Jenkins - There was every reason to hope that this was going to be something special.
After the excellent Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Swedish developer Grin promised a collaboration between itself, Capcom Japan and USA to make the ultimate retro comeback.
The end result though leaves all concerned, most particularly the Bionic Commando himself, swinging in the wind.
Although the original coin-op is better known in the UK, this is primarily based on the quite different NES game of which Rearmed is a remake.
The basic premise remains the same across all the games though, as you control the titular commando and his bionically extending arm.
Only now he's become a sweary, dreadlocked grump, even though his enemies are still campy Neo-Nazis.
There's very little story to worry about here (thankfully, considering the game has un-skippable cut scenes - the first of many schoolboy errors).
Instead it's best to think of it as a more linear, and far less forgiving, version of Spider-Man 2.
Your arm's primary application is locomotion you see, allowing you to grab onto almost any surface and swing from lamppost to advertising hoarding.
The swing mechanic takes some time to get used to, but works well enough.
The problem is the level design, which is far smaller than it pretends and partitioned off with radioactive walls.
There's often little warning when areas turn radioactive, especially when moving vertically, causing near-instant death for no apparent reason - one of many ways the game actively discourages exploration and experimentation.
With no visible health bar and clairvoyant enemies you are further punished by some extremely ungenerous checkpoints and some of the longest load times we've seen this year.
There are also really only two enemies throughout the entire game (human soldiers and robot gorillas).
The former are trivially easy to throw around with your arm, the latter tediously difficult without grenades.
This is hard for all the wrong reasons.
Instead of offering you the chance to swing about levels like a cybernetic Tarzan, you end up taking advantage of the simplistic AI.
You use whatever tactics least likely to see the load screen appear again.
There's a hint at the freedom the game should have offered in the multiplayer but otherwise this is chronically, if not bionically, disappointing.
IN SHORT: Hugely disappointing retro reboot that fails to offer any of the freedom or fun its premise suggests.
PROS: The swing mechanic and bionic attacks work very well. Generally good graphics, despite some slowdown.
CONS: Cramped, awkwardly designed levels and no variety in enemies. Long load times and unfair checkpoints.
SCORE: 5/10 Out: Now 22/5 (UK)
Bionic Commando looks like a fun rental at best.
Yeah! 3D Realms is back, baby!
They've spent $20 million so far on Duke Nukem Forever, and it still isn't done?
I do hope it gets released soon, though. Long live Duke Nukem!
She wants you to buy it. Dooooooooo it.
Anyone seen Darksiders from THQ? Its like God of War, but free roaming?
It sounds like it busts your balls.
I started watching Indy 4 last night. CGI Gophers? Atomic bomb proof fridges? Why?!!!
Cate Blanchett hamming it up?
And then the bloke from Neighbours shows up.
Looks like they're progressively getting worse though. Over at metacritic the PS3 compiled score is at a 7.5, but the 360 version is at a 6.9. The 360 one has about 10 more reviews for it though. I suspect they'll both end up right about 6.5 just as I initially predicted.
I've read a lot of the reviews so far. They all seem to agree that controls for the game are pretty good, but the level design is very inconsistant. If it does halfway decent it'll probably get a sequel though and maybe that'll be worked out.
The DLC was probably always timed but the contract probably meant they had to pretend it was exclusive forever.
As for their Wii games, I am reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly skeptical. Did you play Fallout 3 Rag? How does it compare to Oblivion. Crap I want so many games but they never seem to come down in price. I still can't get COD4 for a half decent price. And by half decent I dont mean bargain bin cheap, but I don't expect full price months and months and months later.
Fallout 3 is very similar to Oblivion but I like the combat more, the main story is a lot more focused. It has much fewer side missions but they are all interesting. Oblivion is a far bigger world with many more things to do, Fallout 3 kind of cuts all the fat and gives a more focus experience.
What he said... I think both games are superb. If you liked one, you'll like the other.
Godsdamnit. Frakking damn hell money hate. I hate my life. Give me money.
Rising Star is showing some interesting stuff at the London Expo
Wish I could go. I could use the tips for LKS.