Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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SupremeAC (9m)
Same here, well, except I don't think she makes me stay up all night!
But I'm too afraid to even say "hi" or talk to her. You just know that some girls are just way out of reach, you know what I'm saying? The girl at my local Best Buy is just too good for me and I'm way out of her league.
Oh well. At least I still have my games...*sob*sob*. J/K. Do I sound pathetic right now? Don't answer! LOL!
Anyway, I don't think I'll ever have the guts to ask her out. She probably is either engaged or has a boyfriend.
She's cute though.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Endless Ocean is on clearance price!
Well what kind of business does she work for? Anything you aware she's interested in? I might be able to help. More info you can give about on her the better.
Dr love is in the house.
(I've been with my GF 5 years now, I must be doing something wrong right)
A good way to get a conversation going would be to relate something your talking about to something like a film, then from that you can talk about other films and strecth the conversation out a bit.
She's a receptionist at the local vets. She's Turkish and she's the most gorgeous girl, ever.
Yo owlman, you should ask her to post here. It would be interesting to see this from a woman's perspective.
I already gave you advice, implement it! You have nothing to lose.
Turkish ey? You sir, have taste.
You got a pet? lol, that'd be a good start. Does she have pets? How'd she end up working there? Good questions for showing you're interested in her (with out being overly obvious). You know how long she's been over in the country? If it's not been overly long there's a good chance she doesn't know a great deal of people and would appreciate getting to know a few people.
I'm off to do some training in a sec >.< so won't be around for about an hour, but I'll have a think on it and get back to you.
WTH? :? Did I even post in that thread? Too much drunkenness here.
Fixed it
Sorry Travo...
FU Robio...
First of all that should be FU Robio - God of Trendy. Show some respect for my new title. And second, don't be so slow next time.
Oh she's British born like me. Iga is right, ask your girlfriend to give us some womanly advice. I went there today to see her and she wasn't there, I think she only works weekends, there were like 3 receptionists on this tiny desk, it was chaos. This is why its a problem, I can't have a conversation when there are people waiting to be seen. I lamely bought a card at a gift shop today. If it's chaos again I may think about copping out and asking in writing. So pathetic.
Whose so excited for Tales of Symphonia 2?
Brand new content exclusive to the PAL version of Tales of Symphonia™: Dawn of the New World include the Gallery Mode and head accessories. Unlocked once the game is completed, the Gallery Mode includes a Skits Library containing viewable skits of the gameplay, and an Image Library with a wealth of design sketches, illustrations, pack art and more. The game also contains a number of new themed masks and head accessories for Emil and Marta which are exclusive to the PAL version and allow players to customise the characters in battle and will also add new special effects during fights.
Does this really offset the massive wait and generally poorly received game? Graces is where the action is. Wait for winter 2010 for a western release
The Little Kings Story review is ace
Which brings us nicely on to the heart of Little King’s Story. There’s definitely something addictive about the way the game constantly rewards success with expansion and development of the kingdom, but it’s the charming details and presentation that stop you resenting that addiction. The process of world domination might not be pleasant on paper, but when your loyal followers are all big-headed caricatures who visibly age whenever they take damage, and celebrate victory by jumping on the corpse of a boss, it becomes a lot more amusing.
The monsters – from walking turnips to hula hooping demons – are all so pleasingly silly that it’s almost a shame to have to kill them and harvest their meat. But it’s the human characters that are definitely the funniest. Between Howzer and his cow-steed Kampbell, the priest of soups, and the rival kings who send letters to say how much you ‘suck’, there’s no end of memorable personalities that make the little king’s world so absorbing.
With both its addictive, rewarding gameplay and the wealth of imagination that’s been poured into the presentation, it’s incredibly difficult to stop playing Little King’s Story. In fact, you’re lucky that we even got around to writing this review at all. Some might say that’s a bad thing, but consider this: why wouldn’t you want all of your spare time consumed by an achingly cute RTS that’s as well made and as funny as Pikmin?
btw, found impressions on excitebots on forum so scrap last comment ^^
I expect a repost of this when I get my PS3 back. And a copy of KOF XII.
Dantes Inferno PSP?
I was out on a dinner date for 3.5 hours get plastered and fondled...!
Exxxxccccuuuuuussssssseeeeee ME!
(1) Why does my head hurt so much
(2) Why am I brushing what appears to be Steel's ass-hair out of my scalp?