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"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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robio (3m)
What are you talking about? That is Ecco! Sega's planning to release Ecco the Laser Dolphin later this year for Wii. Rumor has it that it'll be a rail shooter.
I've been playing Oracle of seasons on the GBC
Also played Mario Kart on time trials
Any of you guys in the know with tennis rackets? ie, a good one for semi begginers?
Get the one with the biggest head.
Gamasutra analyse Mature games and Nintendo
Looking over the past three months, Capcom's Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop wasn't a top 10 game on the Wii in January 2009
Yeah, I wonder why
Sensible reply in the comments:
"I think you really need to look beyond the M-rating. RE4, Umrella Chronicles, Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at war all sold beyonf a million copies worldwide so there's obviuosly a market. CoD may have sold more on the other consoles but a millionis copies is still an impressive number.
Having just bought Madworld myself I can say it's a great game but anyone thinking it would be a mega seller on any platform are kidding themself. Maybe it could have done a bit better on the 360 but not a whole lot. When was the last time a brawler with highly stylished graphics sold well on any title. It's a very niche title, and new ip no less; Sega knows that and they're not expecting it compete with Mario Kart and Halo. "
I've been playing a lot online lately. Mostly it's been Gears of War 2 with some Halo 3 and Street Fighter IV thrown in. I just recently got the urge to start another playthrough of Star Ocean: The Last Hope at a higher difficulty setting. I can't wait for the SFIV update this friday and am definately looking forward to getting Banjo-Tooie on XBLA this 29th. I never did get around to playing it on the N64 originally plus this Stop 'N Swap feature should be pretty neat and I'm also looking forward to seeing what goodies it might also open up in Nuts & Bolts.
lol, to match my own?
Buy like two rackets and strap them together for an uber racket. Or go retro and get an old wooden racket.
I really liked Banjo tooie. It was suppossed to unlock things in the first game.
BTW mario kart code please. I will ask forever!
And Bugs, same for you.
Has Mario Kart time trial race finnished for the week or we gonna give people till the end of the day?
It ends monday mornings. Check the thread, next track is up.
I guess we have a different concept of what is fun. I can't stand Mario Kart, for example.
With his magic wang.
I mean, wand.
You need a round on the Hapticmaster probe, asshole!
Just a side note to Dvader. This is the reason why there should be Wii versions of multiformat games:
In particular, analyst Matt Matthews has been examining how less Xbox 360 owners are following the Call of Duty series while PS3 fans for the series are increasing, and why Activision will want to create more CoD ports for Wii after World at War.
As he notes, for two years running, Activision's Call of Duty series has enjoyed very strong sales. However, there are a few points one can make about sales of the previous iteration of the game, Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and the latest version, Treyarch's Call of Duty: World at War.
Matthews notes in his exclusive Gamasutra analysis that we should consider the following figure, showing U.S. sales of each of these games on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 for the first three months after release.
Call of Duty: World at War did not sell quite as well as its predecessor in the United States during this crucial sales period for those two key platforms - although it was relatively close.
Moreover, the results for the two platforms were mixed: sales for World at War were up on the PS3 compared to CoD4, while sales for World at War dropped on the Xbox 360 from the level set by CoD4.
Yet, Call of Duty: World at War on current generation consoles is still ahead of Call of Duty 4 during the analogous period, an impressive result for the Activision franchise.
The key here is the Wii version, which is known to have sold in excess of 366,000 units during December 2008 - there was no such Wii version of Call Of Duty 4.
The Wii version of World At War appeared at #19 on January's top 20 list, and these additional sales will no doubt encourage Activision to produce another Wii port for any future Call of Duty titles.
It should be noted that the game has reached a million sales of the Wii version and that is all gravy to the publisher. Also note that creating a Wii game costs a fraction of doing a PS3/360 game so the economics also work out.
If there was no Guitar Hero Wii version than it wouldn't have sold over 4 million copies. We will never know how RE5 et all would have sold on the wii, because it wouldn't have the chance. Still even though a game can sell a lower amount, like COD WOW, it can still be a big money earner on top of other sales. Why else would EA be doing a Wii Brutal Legend for instance.
And there are some instances where multiformat versions of games sell better on Wii, such as Shaun White or Sonic. There should be versions of major games on Wii, economically and in business terms it all makes sense. And if someone mentions vision I will twist your testes.
The version can benefit from the combined marketing for all versions and the game can benefit from the wii remote, aiming in shooting games for instance or design advances in sports games etc. Motionplus add ons, physics manipulation.
Publishers have shown they can do versions of decent exclusives, there isn't any other excuse than lack of planning and foresight at this point.
I demand to have my testes twisted now.
There are also multiformat engines at this point. Treyarch got the COD4 engine running very well on Wii, if Modern Warfare 2 doesn't show up on the system, well that is because of Infinity Wards snobbery and Activision will lose a million in sales this year.
Square Enix's engine is multiformat too. And the argument is even there to outsource other developers to create versions of the same game. Force unleashed handled by Krome studios, another game to hit a million on Wii.
(Whether or not the version is as good isn't the point - it's making the game availible to the market)
Dead Space Extraction (made by the original team) is also being supported by Eurocom.
Silent Hill Shattered memories has 90 support staff in addition to the core 50 team members.
In a perfect world you would have them using the money to make original, exclusive games, but more often than not there is no viable alternative.
Holy crap, Leo is doing the updates. Now I can die happy!
I am the update fairy, asshole.
Leo is more like a wisp. A penis shaped one.