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If you haven't been checking out the thread, note that GTA Chinatown wars is getting better reviews than Madworld and Resident Evil 5.
In fact it may be set to be the highest rated DS game, so far. It's not only a game to get, it's a game to get a DS for.
According to every review it's a FULL gta on a handheld, so if you've ever liked GTA, this is a must buy.
Damn you Higgins!
Bioshock 2 lovers, sorry this is a translation
Mass Effect 2 is a PC/360 exclusive? PS3 fans raging
PS3 fans get have another small taste of what it's like to be a Wii-only owner. Maybe they'll release a Mass Effect 2 rail shooter for PS3 in early 2011?
Bioshock 2
You guys are not making it easy to avoid Bioshock 2 info/pics.
All I want to know is the release date. 
The only reason I can think of for no PS3 version from EA is that MS paid them not to.
Well this is how you build relationships with third parties. You give them money to develop for your platform, you pay for their development, you help them advertise the games by showing them on E3 or whatever press even your in, and etc. Nintendo rarely does any of these things.
One of the site's forefathers.
Well, I think you have it backwards Punk. I think you pay 3rd parties to NOT develop games for the competitor. Third parties have to make games to make money, if Microsoft/Sony or Nintendo pays them, then it means that they are paying for it to become exclusive.
In Nintendo's case, they just opened a new studio for Sakurai. So I think Nintendo's strategy is to pay people to make new 1st party studios. In the long term this might be more benificial, see Nintendo Tokyo makers of Mario Galaxy.
Okay I am doing the updates now!
You pay them for both. And so far the new 1st party studios really aren't lighting up the charts, especially now at the moment.
One of the site's forefathers.
Well maybe you do not have to pay at all. Seeing as Nintendo has the biggest marketshare you could make a deal that you will pay for the development costs if the game bombs otherwise the profit is for the 3rd party.
Also letting Nintendo do the advertising could also work. I saw Mario Kart Wii commercials months after the game was released. Same was true for Wii-Fit, Galaxy, New Mario Bros, Wii-Sports.
You know with all these layoffs, Nintendo can easily expand their workforce. They need to watch that they do not expand to quickly, but they can get talent cheaply now.
Favourably compared to the biggest disappointment of '08?
Yeah, but you can download the two CDs etc. in fact, the only thing you're meant to miss out on with patching it is the short story.
The Collector's Edition is meant to come with 1 music cd, an artbook, behind the scenes dvd, poster/map, and special packaging.
Either way, though, you know I'm a cheap asre.
Also wouldn't make much sense - you'd need to release the first game before the second on the PS3.
Take a look at the Animal Crossing article.
Foolz this story combined with your sick mind would make an awesome front page article. Get to work.
Did the updates:
Conduit pics
Out on Friday in Europe along with GTA DS and Madworld.
I can't buy Broken Sword at full price though. Considering its age, yeah it has a lot of improvements but I want it cheaper. I will search now.
Ugh, checked. Its expensive. You can get HOTD Overkill for £20 and GTA DS for £18 in Europe online and yet Broken Sword is £30-35