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Got to admit . . . these screenshots are screaming shovelware to me. It's pie, the cards. . . it's all just looking goofy and cheesy. So much for Nintendo's answer to Banjo and Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. I won't write it off, but I won't actively track it either.
Got to admit . . . these screenshots are screaming shovelware to me. It's pie, the cards. . . it's all just looking goofy and cheesy. So much for Nintendo's answer to Banjo and Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. I won't write it off, but I won't actively track it either.
Shovelware is right. I can't believe they thought this would be a good idea. This is right up there with Sonic Team's Werehog stupidity. Robotic bat-cars flinging pies at clowns is NOT what I wanted in a sequel to Excite Truck--not by a long shot. Apparently, Nintendo doesn't have enough family-friendly games to go around this year.
I really hate this gen. That's it. I'm done. I'm going back to retro gaming. Modern gaming is just too disappointing. I'm all for expanding the audiance, but this is getting ridiculaus.
"Gameplay Possibly designed by monkeys. Everything you've ever liked about Sonic games -- speed, great level designs -- is gone. Instead, you will crawl through stages and fight enemy after enemy, with waggle."
I'm actually surprised it rated that low. I was expecting maybe a 6.0 or 6.5, but not a 3.9. Further proof that Sonic Team should not be allowed to make any more Sonic the Hedgehog games.
SatBN, IGN Review: "To make matters worse, Sonic himself is controlled clumsily with the nunchuk's analog stick -- he moves like a tank, barely able to nudge to the left and right so that he might sidestep approaching obstacles -- and he is constantly locked in stupid swordplay. "
A 3D Sonic game with bad controls? Unheard of.
"This is a Sonic game that craps all over everything that has ever made the series interesting and then adds pointless waggle."
Only Sonic Team could develop a game for the Wii, and then make a significantly worse sequel. Most developers learn from their mistakes. These guys revel in them.
If those are actual in-game shots then I have to admit I'm very impressed. That's a fantastic art style. Have to admit, even though I had a serious distaste for the original I would give the series another chance just based on these pictures.
One thing I can say about the Wii is that it has really started to create a renaissance for 2-D gaming. This game, Muramasa, Swords & Soldiers, Lost Winds, and plenty of other 2-D games look absolutely gorgeous and show that 2-D games can be an artistic playground for the right devs.
What crap, so they screwed up the Black Knight. Idiots, taking away what makes Sonic games fun. I knew those videos looked slow, I thought maybe i just got used to Unleashed. Also i thought the sword play wouldnt get in the way that much.
Possibly designed by monkeys. Everything you've ever liked about Sonic games -- speed, great level designs -- is gone. Instead, you will crawl through stages and fight enemy after enemy, with waggle."
I'm actually surprised it rated that low. I was expecting maybe a 6.0 or 6.5, but not a 3.9. Further proof that Sonic Team should not be allowed to make any more Sonic the Hedgehog games.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
What crap, so they screwed up the Black Knight. Idiots, taking away what makes Sonic games fun. I knew those videos looked slow, I thought maybe i just got used to Unleashed. Also i thought the sword play wouldnt get in the way that much.
Shame, but now I never have to buy it, sweet.
Could this be the nail in the coffin? What am I saying, there isn't even a coffin.
If those are actual in-game shots then I have to admit I'm very impressed. That's a fantastic art style. Have to admit, even though I had a serious distaste for the original I would give the series another chance just based on these pictures.
One thing I can say about the Wii is that it has really started to create a renaissance for 2-D gaming. This game, Muramasa, Swords & Soldiers, Lost Winds, and plenty of other 2-D games look absolutely gorgeous and show that 2-D games can be an artistic playground for the right devs.
Lost Winds was the game that came to my mind. I have to say that "David Crane's A Boy and His Blob" was a massive fail for me when I finally aquired it for the collection.
Got to admit . . . these screenshots are screaming shovelware to me. It's pie, the cards. . . it's all just looking goofy and cheesy. So much for Nintendo's answer to Banjo and Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. I won't write it off, but I won't actively track it either.
They have been working on it since Excitetruck launched so knowing that and knowing how Excitetruck was received I wouldn't say that. But yeah in terms of insect robot racing - this couldn't LOOK anymore like some shovelware project.
I never expected a Nuts and Bolts game though.
Those Excitetruck screens make we want to hunt down a copy.
Sonic is a 3.9? Matt has been hating on this game for months. I was expecting 7s or something. Still the only other review is an 8 so I will be waiting for more reviews. Didn't DIMPS make this game and not Sonic team?
Excitebots: Trick Racing - more screens
My interest in this game has died.
Got to admit . . . these screenshots are screaming shovelware to me. It's pie, the cards. . . it's all just looking goofy and cheesy. So much for Nintendo's answer to Banjo and Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. I won't write it off, but I won't actively track it either.
One of the site's forefathers.
Shovelware is right. I can't believe they thought this would be a good idea. This is right up there with Sonic Team's Werehog stupidity. Robotic bat-cars flinging pies at clowns is NOT what I wanted in a sequel to Excite Truck--not by a long shot. Apparently, Nintendo doesn't have enough family-friendly games to go around this year.
I really hate this gen. That's it. I'm done. I'm going back to retro gaming. Modern gaming is just too disappointing. I'm all for expanding the audiance, but this is getting ridiculaus.
Oh and "A Boy and his Blob" scan!
One of the site's forefathers.
IGN Sonic and the Black Knight Review: 3.9 Bad
Possibly designed by monkeys. Everything you've ever liked about Sonic games -- speed, great level designs -- is gone. Instead, you will crawl through stages and fight enemy after enemy, with waggle."
I'm actually surprised it rated that low. I was expecting maybe a 6.0 or 6.5, but not a 3.9. Further proof that Sonic Team should not be allowed to make any more Sonic the Hedgehog games.
At high speed it looks like the screen is the size of a matchbox with the rest being speed blur. I'm sure it looks better in motion.
SatBN, IGN Review: "To make matters worse, Sonic himself is controlled clumsily with the nunchuk's analog stick -- he moves like a tank, barely able to nudge to the left and right so that he might sidestep approaching obstacles -- and he is constantly locked in stupid swordplay. "
A 3D Sonic game with bad controls? Unheard of.
"This is a Sonic game that craps all over everything that has ever made the series interesting and then adds pointless waggle."
Only Sonic Team could develop a game for the Wii, and then make a significantly worse sequel. Most developers learn from their mistakes. These guys revel in them.
If those are actual in-game shots then I have to admit I'm very impressed. That's a fantastic art style. Have to admit, even though I had a serious distaste for the original I would give the series another chance just based on these pictures.
One thing I can say about the Wii is that it has really started to create a renaissance for 2-D gaming. This game, Muramasa, Swords & Soldiers, Lost Winds, and plenty of other 2-D games look absolutely gorgeous and show that 2-D games can be an artistic playground for the right devs.
Quite hard to find decent screenshots, actually. Especially of Crystal Road which looked really, really good!
Screw SF4! I'll pick this up instead.
That's a pity about Matt Hazard. It was an interesting concept.
What crap, so they screwed up the Black Knight. Idiots, taking away what makes Sonic games fun. I knew those videos looked slow, I thought maybe i just got used to Unleashed. Also i thought the sword play wouldnt get in the way that much.
Shame, but now I never have to buy it, sweet.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileCould this be the nail in the coffin? What am I saying, there isn't even a coffin.
Lost Winds was the game that came to my mind. I have to say that "David Crane's A Boy and His Blob" was a massive fail for me when I finally aquired it for the collection.
They have been working on it since Excitetruck launched so knowing that and knowing how Excitetruck was received I wouldn't say that. But yeah in terms of insect robot racing - this couldn't LOOK anymore like some shovelware project.
I never expected a Nuts and Bolts game though.
Those Excitetruck screens make we want to hunt down a copy.
Sonic is a 3.9? Matt has been hating on this game for months. I was expecting 7s or something. Still the only other review is an 8 so I will be waiting for more reviews. Didn't DIMPS make this game and not Sonic team?
Look just this morning another Sonic ATBK review:
Design 7/10
Usability: 7/10
Features: 8/10
Value: 8/10
We Say:
A great game, but nothing that is too strenuous for you. Be sure to pick it up if you have had enough of those brain staking puzzles.
Turns out RE5 got leaked. And I've already had most of the story spoiled for me. As well as seen what looks like late game footage.
You didn't have to read it?
K I will do some updates.
Eh, did 34 updates. That was hard going.