Gaming Tech to Watch in 20093D gaming, brain computer interfaces, OLED screens, Wii MotionPlus, the DSi, Windows 7, 48-core GPUs and more. The future is... soon! Iga_Bobovic
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Global Agenda Ready for Closed BetaInnovative game architecture combines fast-action character creation and personal interaction on a massive scale, eliminating geographic and server Iga_Bobovic
BattleForge Free MusicJust five weeks until March 24th launch of epic action RTS and fantasy gamers are gearing up to play online with Iga_Bobovic
EVE Online Retail DetailsExtras include exclusive new ship, 60 days of free game time, instant war access and Iga_Bobovic
Evolution of Dual ScreenThe Nintendo DS was among many two-display systems in the company's history. Here's a look at the early Iga_Bobovic
Thankfully, Nyko has already fixed this problem two years ago with a $5 clip-on hand grip. It works perfectly too.
LOL, maybe they are making it now that the nunchuk dispute is settled? I find the controller okay to use. I would prefer harder shoulder buttons though. Why has this new controller got extra shoulder buttons though? I dont want to live in a world with four shoulder buttons and a Z trigger.
Archangel3371 said:
Yeah GG I just kept the old 20 GB HDD and swap it out. I still haven't picked up the 120 GB HDD but will likely bite the bullet real soon.
What's this red and green problem you're having with your Wii? Didn't you get that fixed before or was that a different problem? Can you get this problem fix by Nintendo now?
Same problem from using WiiConnect 24 and a launch machine. The problem varies depending on the game and the section you are playing. On HOTD Overkill the swamp level literally coats my entire screen in red and green speckles. On other games its barely noticible so I've come to live with it as the cost of getting it fixed is the price of two games.
Look closely at this pic, you can see it on the helmet and on the top left of the text bubble. Imagine on COD WOW, some explosions set it off to cover the whole screen. It ruins the immersive atmosphere of Endless Ocean too, although its minor.
robio said:
PSP2 being fully digital? That's kind of cool, though they better plan on releasing their games in stores as well. People like their hard media way too much.
I like the idea of a fully digital console, but worry about download speeds and capacity. Even with 360 game demos they would take ages to download on my connection. Sony have the right idea now, they have a high powered handheld and that means they can keep cutting component costs for years without updating hardware at a cost. They can slim down the components, or introduce a touch screen. Long term, they have it set right now. Nintendo have to either keep on pushing the DS for ages, or introduce a new handheld and try to restart the cycle.
Did you guys hear about the lesbian Microsoft banned from Xbox Live? Her being a lesbian offended other people I hear and their complaints got her kicked off.
What the hell is Excitebots? It must be Monster games new title that they've been working on since Excite truck released, but what the hell? Pics?
That sure is a bummer GG. I hope my Wii doesn't do that. *knocks on wood*
That Pro controller looks good. I really like the Classic controller but the Pro looks to make access to the shoulder buttons a little easier.
I'm liking the sound of the PSP 2. I think the DSi is a pre-cursor to Nintendo's next handheld with the cameras, picture editing, and sound file manipulation. I also expect some new DS games to use these new features and they will be DSi-only games. I'm planning on grabbing a DSi when it launches, it looks very cool.
Why has this new controller got extra shoulder buttons though? I dont want to live in a world with four shoulder buttons and a Z trigger.
What extra shoulder buttons? From the look of that new controller, it has the same amount of buttons as the current Classic Controller. It has standard left/right triggers (back row), and two Z-buttons (front row); both of the left/right Z-buttons do the exact same thing.
What the hell is Excitebots? It must be Monster games new title that they've been working on since Excite truck released, but what the hell? Pics?
How do you not know about Excitebots? Excitebot's is one of Nintendo's greatest old-school franchises!
From article above:
Excitebots: Trick Racing has elements that make it one of the more unique racing games on the market. It launches April 20 and lets everyone in the family use the Wii Wheel™ accessory in unique and changing environments, play fun minigames and perform crazy tricks in a game that builds on the Excitebike™ and Excite Truck™ franchises.
Why has this new controller got extra shoulder buttons though? I dont want to live in a world with four shoulder buttons and a Z trigger.
What extra shoulder buttons? From the look of that new controller, it has the same amount of buttons as the current Classic Controller. It has standard left/right triggers (back row), and two Z-buttons (front row); both of the left/right Z-buttons do the exact same thing.
Oh yeah.
I see what you mean now.
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:
What the hell is Excitebots? It must be Monster games new title that they've been working on since Excite truck released, but what the hell? Pics?
How do you not know about Excitebots? Excitebot's is one of Nintendo's greatest old-school franchises!
From article above:
Excitebots: Trick Racing has elements that make it one of the more unique racing games on the market. It launches April 20 and lets everyone in the family use the Wii Wheel™ accessory in unique and changing environments, play fun minigames and perform crazy tricks in a game that builds on the Excitebike™ and Excite Truck™ franchises.
Yeah I mean WTF? So Monster games has been working on this since what? End of 2006? 2007 at least. And they announce it now and set to release it in a couple of months? What the hell is Nintendo doing? They are ruining the whole traditional games journalism watching for years thing I enjoy so much. And other companies are following this method too.
Dvader said:
New classic controller = best controller ever.
Its really damn nice.
Did you read the Killzone 2 review a couple of pages back? You getting that tommorrow?
If the weapons include any kind of blades or blunt objects MotionPlus could provide real time action that the old controller could not.
I never even bought the saw weapon in Dead Space. Maybe I should do it to try and not save it?
The only interesting part of the Extraction announcement for me was the welding tool, which I assume works like the bit in Metroid Prime 3. I love welding
It would break up the shooting sections and extend the life of the game, if they worked welding into some sort of satisfying puzzle I suppose. Since you weren't here for the games unveiling, I'm curious to know your initial reactions?
Nice updates Iga. Especially Excitebots. WTF is Excitebots?! I need screens.
LOL, maybe they are making it now that the nunchuk dispute is settled? I find the controller okay to use. I would prefer harder shoulder buttons though. Why has this new controller got extra shoulder buttons though? I dont want to live in a world with four shoulder buttons and a Z trigger.
Same problem from using WiiConnect 24 and a launch machine. The problem varies depending on the game and the section you are playing. On HOTD Overkill the swamp level literally coats my entire screen in red and green speckles. On other games its barely noticible so I've come to live with it as the cost of getting it fixed is the price of two games.
Look closely at this pic, you can see it on the helmet and on the top left of the text bubble. Imagine on COD WOW, some explosions set it off to cover the whole screen. It ruins the immersive atmosphere of Endless Ocean too, although its minor.
I like the idea of a fully digital console, but worry about download speeds and capacity. Even with 360 game demos they would take ages to download on my connection. Sony have the right idea now, they have a high powered handheld and that means they can keep cutting component costs for years without updating hardware at a cost. They can slim down the components, or introduce a touch screen. Long term, they have it set right now. Nintendo have to either keep on pushing the DS for ages, or introduce a new handheld and try to restart the cycle.
Did you guys hear about the lesbian Microsoft banned from Xbox Live? Her being a lesbian offended other people I hear and their complaints got her kicked off.
What the hell is Excitebots? It must be Monster games new title that they've been working on since Excite truck released, but what the hell? Pics?
That sure is a bummer GG. I hope my Wii doesn't do that. *knocks on wood*
That Pro controller looks good. I really like the Classic controller but the Pro looks to make access to the shoulder buttons a little easier.
I'm liking the sound of the PSP 2. I think the DSi is a pre-cursor to Nintendo's next handheld with the cameras, picture editing, and sound file manipulation. I also expect some new DS games to use these new features and they will be DSi-only games. I'm planning on grabbing a DSi when it launches, it looks very cool.
What extra shoulder buttons? From the look of that new controller, it has the same amount of buttons as the current Classic Controller. It has standard left/right triggers (back row), and two Z-buttons (front row); both of the left/right Z-buttons do the exact same thing.
Agreed. I may look into importing one if it isn't too expensive.
How do you not know about Excitebots?
Excitebot's is one of Nintendo's greatest old-school franchises!
From article above:
Excitebots: Trick Racing has elements that make it one of the more unique racing games on the market. It launches April 20 and lets everyone in the family use the Wii Wheel™ accessory in unique and changing environments, play fun minigames and perform crazy tricks in a game that builds on the Excitebike™ and Excite Truck™ franchises.
New classic controller = best controller ever.
Its really damn nice.
Oh yeah.
I see what you mean now.
Yeah I mean WTF? So Monster games has been working on this since what? End of 2006? 2007 at least. And they announce it now and set to release it in a couple of months? What the hell is Nintendo doing? They are ruining the whole traditional games journalism watching for years thing I enjoy so much. And other companies are following this method too.
Did you read the Killzone 2 review a couple of pages back? You getting that tommorrow?
Dead Space to have motionplus. Wonder what for?
If the weapons include any kind of blades or blunt objects MotionPlus could provide real time action that the old controller could not.
I never even bought the saw weapon in Dead Space. Maybe I should do it to try and not save it?
The only interesting part of the Extraction announcement for me was the welding tool, which I assume works like the bit in Metroid Prime 3. I love welding
It would break up the shooting sections and extend the life of the game, if they worked welding into some sort of satisfying puzzle I suppose. Since you weren't here for the games unveiling, I'm curious to know your initial reactions?
Nice updates Iga. Especially Excitebots. WTF is Excitebots?! I need screens.
Updates done
Or a laser whip
Okay I made that one up
No you don't. No one likes welding, it is hard and dirty work.
No screens yet! Maybe transforming robots, or futuristic shit!
I like hard and dirty work
Oh snap, I should have seen that one coming!
Okay it is settled
From now off on...
American Football will be called handegg!
One of the site's forefathers.