Wow, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: the Crystal Beares (what a mouthful) looks awesome. I agree with Steel about Alan Wake and Mario and Luigi 3 is pure sex!
Foolz said:
We seriously need to have an all steel, gg and Leo podcast.
Ha good old Mark Coleman. Check out his reaction after he lost to Fedor. Pay special attention to the guy in fron of him. Always a calm guy that Coleman!
Damn haven't been here in a two days ok what is going on.
FFXIII OMGWOWOWOW! The combat looks just like the target render way back, incredibly cinematic and the way it works sounds awesome. Very excited for that one.
Killzone 2 reviews, I am not surprised, I knew this game would live up to the hype when the beta impressions came out. Its a must buy.
Alan Wake, all that wait and we get a FPS. Well hopefully its more a game that just uses the FP perspective than a shooter. Looks great graphically, cant tell anything else.
Boom Blox 2, from what I played of the first one its a blast, especially with two players so this game is going to be awesome. And hell yes to actual downloadable levels.
Batman Arkham preview at GS, lets hope this game is as good as the previews make it out to be.
I totally forgot that FFCC game even exsisted. Decided to check out the trailer, dont expect much...
GREAT SCOTT!!!! Thats fucking crazy amazing!!! Best looking Wii game? Combat looks to make all sorts of use out of the wiimote. Awesome awesome awesome. Easily my most anticipated Wii game for now (until Nintendo shows off something thats good)
WTF with these goddamn installs. 5 gig for Yakuza3? You all (now) know that I bleed Yakuza, so this is not about that, but... is this developer laziness or a requirement of the PS3? Why is this happening?
I want my gaming content to go from the spiny disc into my HDTV and that's it. Too many things can go wrong with these installs.
WTF with these goddamn installs. 5 gig for Yakuza3? You all (now) know that I bleed Yakuza, so this is not about that, but... is this developer laziness or a requirement of the PS3? Why is this happening?
I want my gaming content to go from the spiny disc into my HDTV and that's it. Too many things can go wrong with these installs.
Curious, did Kenzan require an install?
Do installs suck? Well...yeah, but I can actually tolerate them more than most people. I guess being a PC gamer and the fact that there's plenty for me to do around the house to kill time have allieviated those problems.
I don't get why people think Rare is with the "wrong" company or are developing games for the "wrong" audience. A goal of any hardware manufacturer is to have your system a prospect for as wide of an audience as possible. Microsoft needs developers like Rare to attract different consumers. There's getting to be a pretty decent selection of games like Nuts and Bolts that should start making the 360 more attractive to these types of consumers but they do need to bring out a few more and keep them coming. The recent price cut should start to bring in more of this crowd as well. I'm very glad Rare is with MS because Nuts and Bolts is not only just a great game in general and lot's of fun it looks freakin' marvelous as well.
Well then MS fails I guess to do that. Obviously they are developing games for the "wrong" audience or they'd be selling like they use to sell on the N64.
MS has nothing to do with Rare's games. They could do the same thing on another platform and likely get much better profits.
Anyway thanks to the wonders of a new router I can now play Brawl online (and I assume PS3 too, but I'll wait until power here is more stable to update). Oh god, that means i have to find my FC doesn't it?
IGN: Have improvements been introduced to the physics / graphics engines as a whole? Are you able to output greater explosions or draw bigger levels?
Amir: The graphics engine has undergone an overhaul and the results will speak for themselves, but I will say that the game looks fantastic. We have brand new worlds and very unique environments, each of which will employ cutting edge rendering techniques. The team has done a great job of getting the most out of the Wii's rendering capabilities.
Cutting edge? The pics look the same quality as the first game. But I don't care, it suits the game world perfectly.
IGN: What is your favorite new feature about the game and why?
Amir: I am really excited about all the possibilities that will open up now that people can submit and download new levels via the Internet. We saw tons of creativity with the original Boom Blox, with fans sharing their levels with friends and even posting them on YouTube. Now, not only do we offer access to loads of free levels online, but we have made major improvements to the game's Create Mode. Early on in the development of BOOM BLOX Bash Party, our designers committed to building every one of the over 400 levels in the game using the Create Mode feature. To make this possible, we added some key features to the Create Mode that makes level creation much more robust. This means that the community will have access to the same tool that we used to build all of the game's levels. So we anticipate an explosion of great new content available for the world to download.
That's ballsy.
Damn I just watched the Batman trailer I love Batman, it looks like Chronicles of Batman though. What's up with Mark Hamill's VA as the Joker? He sounds different from the cartoon. Kevin Conroy is ace though.
edgecrusher said:
"At least one big industry name has questioned whether developer Rare's skillsets are still applicable in today's market"
Rare's skills are fine. If Rare's skills aren't "applicable" then Nintendo's shouldn't be either, as they basically make the same style of games.
Rare's problem as I've said time and again, is the audience they're making games for. They got bought by the COMPLETE wrong company for the style of games they make. I have no doubt in my mind that if they were making the same games on either PS3 or Wii, their sales would triple. Why? Because Nintendo and Sony's audience actually like console-style, family-friendly platformers and quirky games like Viva Pinata. Microsoft's doesn't.
Instead, they're trying to sell these games to people who basically just want PC shooters and WRPG's on a console. Trying to sell Banjo to the Xbox crowd is like trying to sell the new 50 cent CD at a Slayer show.
When they got bought by MS, they left their fanbase behind. I feel sorry for them, as until they get away from MS they games are doomed to fail no matter what.
Well I own a 360 and I like cutesy N64 style platformers and all. But I haven't been tempted to buy Rare's 360 games except for Kameo on a whim. I think their problem is that they are making games which have a friendly appearance yet gameplay that may seem too demanding for the audience. I've seen Banjo and Viva reviews saying the same thing - how is the audience suppossed to play this? If these games were one Wii I would think: hey using the pointer would make it easier to build or create so I may give this a try.
Archangel3371 said:
I don't get why people think Rare is with the "wrong" company or are developing games for the "wrong" audience. A goal of any hardware manufacturer is to have your system a prospect for as wide of an audience as possible. Microsoft needs developers like Rare to attract different consumers. There's getting to be a pretty decent selection of games like Nuts and Bolts that should start making the 360 more attractive to these types of consumers but they do need to bring out a few more and keep them coming. The recent price cut should start to bring in more of this crowd as well. I'm very glad Rare is with MS because Nuts and Bolts is not only just a great game in general and lot's of fun it looks freakin' marvelous as well.
I agree with both of you guys. That was MS's idea, to expand their audience, but it looks like that didn't happen in the way they might have envisioned. But Rare is only one company and who apart from them and Nintendo are good at consistently making quality family fare these days? What I would say is that if Rare had stuck with Nintendo their games would have stood out more among the crap on Wii. Look at 2008 winter, you had hardcore gamers looking at the only big nintendo game and shrugging, Animal Crossing what? If Nuts and Bolts had been there, with Rare's technical proficiency making the game look better than 90% of the crap out there. They would have had a shot at better sales.
Imagine if PD0 was a Wii launch game? Not only did they already have experience making cube games, they could have been one of the first to perfect FPS controls. Then start working on the sequel and have it out by now to follow through for more sales.
Damn haven't been here in a two days ok what is going on.
FFXIII OMGWOWOWOW! The combat looks just like the target render way back, incredibly cinematic and the way it works sounds awesome. Very excited for that one.
Killzone 2 reviews, I am not surprised, I knew this game would live up to the hype when the beta impressions came out. Its a must buy.
Alan Wake, all that wait and we get a FPS. Well hopefully its more a game that just uses the FP perspective than a shooter. Looks great graphically, cant tell anything else.
Boom Blox 2, from what I played of the first one its a blast, especially with two players so this game is going to be awesome. And hell yes to actual downloadable levels.
Batman Arkham preview at GS, lets hope this game is as good as the previews make it out to be.
I totally forgot that FFCC game even exsisted. Decided to check out the trailer, dont expect much...
GREAT SCOTT!!!! Thats fucking crazy amazing!!! Best looking Wii game? Combat looks to make all sorts of use out of the wiimote. Awesome awesome awesome. Easily my most anticipated Wii game for now (until Nintendo shows off something thats good)
LOL I watched the English trailer for FFXIII and still didn't understand it. What was this focus business about? Got to love translations.
I really want to try Killzone 2, it sounds like my kind of game, I just hope its not too punishing. I'm glad that Alan Wake footage is fake because it looked boring to me and after the wait I want something decidedly more adventurish.
Boom Blox is fun in multiplayer, I was suprised, it's not OMG this game is awesome but its clever and is supreme value for money with the hundreds of levels and then I tried the multiplayer and the level create was like: hey this is almost a complete package. With the downloadable levels, this will be great, 400 new levels too. Did you unlock all the levels yet in the original? I have a cheat code if you want it. It just unlocks them, doesn't skip anything.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles trailer. I wasn't bowled over at first because of the godawful music and dancing cactus at the beginning. And the visuals looked strangely muted. Then I realised that it was bad quality video. If you watch the 2007 trailer (which is still poor quality) you can see the colour and detail are much better and it shows the same sky falling scene.
This looks like FF Zelda style. Along with Monster Hunter 3 this is really showing the results of a Japanese company investing in a project early and with the right attitude. Please, it has to release this year in the west....
A big, hulking guy came striding up to me with violence written all over his face, so I grabbed him before he could throw a punch and threw him into a nearby pit. On my side another suspicious individual was creeping up, trying to get the drop on me. I grabbed him by the shirt as well, punching him in the face and giving him a headbutt for good measure, before lifting him off the ground and hurling him down with his buddy. It's at that moment that- SMASH!- a giant platform with spikes on the bottom came crushing down in the pit right on top of the two guys, splattering blood all over the room. It lifted back up to its ready position high in the air, covered in gore, and I saw that the blood was starting to pool up in the pit.
"You've got to fill it up to get more points!" advised Thu Nguyen, Sega PR extraordinaire, who was guiding me through my playtime.
It was about that moment that I realized that I love MadWorld. I threw more and more enemies into the ever-rising pool of blood as the spikes came down and crushed them to bits and just laughed and laughed. This game is insane.
-There are 1,000 ways to kill people, from environmental kills to finishing moves performed once you punch people around and dizzy them up, so you definitely won't get sick of the violence anytime soon.
GG I have not unlocked everything yet, only a few hours into Boom Blox. Oh and yeah that FFXIII translation was horrible. I agree about Hamill, it didn't even sound like him.
Nintendogs - 21.67 M (3.00 M) New Super Mario Bros. - 17.63 M (3.47M) Brain Age: Train your Brain in Minutes a Day - 16.82 M (3.84 M) Pokemon Diamond / Pearl - 16.48 M (1.71 M) Mario Kart DS - 13.79 M (3.34 M) Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day - 13.27 M (2.44 M) Animal Crossing: Wild World - 10.57 M (1.04 M) Super Mario 64 DS - 7.16 M (1.04 M) Mario Party DS - 5.49 M (1.87 M) Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Darkness - 4.40 M (2.82 M) Pokemon Platinum - 2.40 M (2.40 M) Kirby Superstar Ultra - 2.19 M (2.19 M) Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - 1.80 M (1.26 M) Rhythm Heaven - 1.71 M (1.71 M) Personal Trainer: Cooking - 1.68 M (1.68 M)
Wii Sports - 40.50 M (18.95 M) Wii Play w/ Remote - 20.91 M (9.40 M) Wii Fit - 14.01 M (12.16 M) Mario Kart Wii - 13.67 M (13.67 M) Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 8.10 M (3.24 M) Super Mario Galaxy - 7.66 M (1.56 M) Mario Party 8 - 6.28 M (1.42 M) Link's Crossbow Training w/ Zapper - 3.44 M (1.74 M) Animal Crossing: City Folk - 3.22 M (3.22 M) Wii Music - 2.50 M (2.50 M) Mario Super Sluggers - 1.21 M (1.21 M)
The number in the parenthesis are the amount it sold in this fiscal year (since april). Games like New Super Mario Bros. sold 3 million since april, thats like a 3 year old game...
Wii Sports - 40.50 M (18.95 M) Wii Play w/ Remote - 20.91 M (9.40 M) Wii Fit - 14.01 M (12.16 M) Mario Kart Wii - 13.67 M (13.67 M) Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 8.10 M (3.24 M) Super Mario Galaxy - 7.66 M (1.56 M) Mario Party 8 - 6.28 M (1.42 M) Link's Crossbow Training w/ Zapper - 3.44 M (1.74 M) Animal Crossing: City Folk - 3.22 M (3.22 M) Wii Music - 2.50 M (2.50 M) Mario Super Sluggers - 1.21 M (1.21 M)
He does it yet again
Damn haven't been here in a two days ok what is going on.
FFXIII OMGWOWOWOW! The combat looks just like the target render way back, incredibly cinematic and the way it works sounds awesome. Very excited for that one.
Killzone 2 reviews, I am not surprised, I knew this game would live up to the hype when the beta impressions came out. Its a must buy.
Alan Wake, all that wait and we get a FPS. Well hopefully its more a game that just uses the FP perspective than a shooter. Looks great graphically, cant tell anything else.
Boom Blox 2, from what I played of the first one its a blast, especially with two players so this game is going to be awesome. And hell yes to actual downloadable levels.
Batman Arkham preview at GS, lets hope this game is as good as the previews make it out to be.
I totally forgot that FFCC game even exsisted. Decided to check out the trailer, dont expect much...
GREAT SCOTT!!!! Thats fucking crazy amazing!!! Best looking Wii game? Combat looks to make all sorts of use out of the wiimote. Awesome awesome awesome. Easily my most anticipated Wii game for now (until Nintendo shows off something thats good)
BTW Alan Wake video is a fake. Its not Alan Wake its some canceled PS3 game called Redwood something.$1264398.htm
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileCurious, did Kenzan require an install?
Do installs suck? Well...yeah, but I can actually tolerate them more than most people. I guess being a PC gamer and the fact that there's plenty for me to do around the house to kill time have allieviated those problems.
LMAO.....3 red lights.
Well then MS fails I guess to do that. Obviously they are developing games for the "wrong" audience or they'd be selling like they use to sell on the N64.
MS has nothing to do with Rare's games. They could do the same thing on another platform and likely get much better profits.
I laugh, only 'cause the memories are so painful.
It's funny because it's true.
Anyway thanks to the wonders of a new router I can now play Brawl online (and I assume PS3 too, but I'll wait until power here is more stable to update). Oh god, that means i have to find my FC doesn't it?
Edit: yes, I can now play Team Fortress 2!
Did the updates. Whoa flash back to the past:
FFCC on gamecube
IGN Boom Blox interview:
IGN: Have improvements been introduced to the physics / graphics engines as a whole? Are you able to output greater explosions or draw bigger levels?
Amir: The graphics engine has undergone an overhaul and the results will speak for themselves, but I will say that the game looks fantastic. We have brand new worlds and very unique environments, each of which will employ cutting edge rendering techniques. The team has done a great job of getting the most out of the Wii's rendering capabilities.
Cutting edge? The pics look the same quality as the first game. But I don't care, it suits the game world perfectly.
IGN: What is your favorite new feature about the game and why?
Amir: I am really excited about all the possibilities that will open up now that people can submit and download new levels via the Internet. We saw tons of creativity with the original Boom Blox, with fans sharing their levels with friends and even posting them on YouTube. Now, not only do we offer access to loads of free levels online, but we have made major improvements to the game's Create Mode. Early on in the development of BOOM BLOX Bash Party, our designers committed to building every one of the over 400 levels in the game using the Create Mode feature. To make this possible, we added some key features to the Create Mode that makes level creation much more robust. This means that the community will have access to the same tool that we used to build all of the game's levels. So we anticipate an explosion of great new content available for the world to download.
That's ballsy.
Damn I just watched the Batman trailer
I love Batman, it looks like Chronicles of Batman though. What's up with Mark Hamill's VA as the Joker? He sounds different from the cartoon. Kevin Conroy is ace though.
Well I own a 360 and I like cutesy N64 style platformers and all. But I haven't been tempted to buy Rare's 360 games except for Kameo on a whim. I think their problem is that they are making games which have a friendly appearance yet gameplay that may seem too demanding for the audience. I've seen Banjo and Viva reviews saying the same thing - how is the audience suppossed to play this? If these games were one Wii I would think: hey using the pointer would make it easier to build or create so I may give this a try.
I agree with both of you guys. That was MS's idea, to expand their audience, but it looks like that didn't happen in the way they might have envisioned. But Rare is only one company and who apart from them and Nintendo are good at consistently making quality family fare these days? What I would say is that if Rare had stuck with Nintendo their games would have stood out more among the crap on Wii. Look at 2008 winter, you had hardcore gamers looking at the only big nintendo game and shrugging, Animal Crossing what? If Nuts and Bolts had been there, with Rare's technical proficiency making the game look better than 90% of the crap out there. They would have had a shot at better sales.
Imagine if PD0 was a Wii launch game? Not only did they already have experience making cube games, they could have been one of the first to perfect FPS controls. Then start working on the sequel and have it out by now to follow through for more sales.
LOL I watched the English trailer for FFXIII and still didn't understand it. What was this focus business about?
Got to love translations.
I really want to try Killzone 2, it sounds like my kind of game, I just hope its not too punishing. I'm glad that Alan Wake footage is fake because it looked boring to me and after the wait I want something decidedly more adventurish.
Boom Blox is fun in multiplayer, I was suprised, it's not OMG this game is awesome but its clever and is supreme value for money with the hundreds of levels and then I tried the multiplayer and the level create was like: hey this is almost a complete package. With the downloadable levels, this will be great, 400 new levels too. Did you unlock all the levels yet in the original? I have a cheat code if you want it. It just unlocks them, doesn't skip anything.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles trailer. I wasn't bowled over at first because of the godawful music and dancing cactus at the beginning. And the visuals looked strangely muted. Then I realised that it was bad quality video. If you watch the 2007 trailer (which is still poor quality) you can see the colour and detail are much better and it shows the same sky falling scene.
This looks like FF Zelda style. Along with Monster Hunter 3 this is really showing the results of a Japanese company investing in a project early and with the right attitude. Please, it has to release this year in the west....
A big, hulking guy came striding up to me with violence written all over his face, so I grabbed him before he could throw a punch and threw him into a nearby pit. On my side another suspicious individual was creeping up, trying to get the drop on me. I grabbed him by the shirt as well, punching him in the face and giving him a headbutt for good measure, before lifting him off the ground and hurling him down with his buddy. It's at that moment that- SMASH!- a giant platform with spikes on the bottom came crushing down in the pit right on top of the two guys, splattering blood all over the room. It lifted back up to its ready position high in the air, covered in gore, and I saw that the blood was starting to pool up in the pit.
"You've got to fill it up to get more points!" advised Thu Nguyen, Sega PR extraordinaire, who was guiding me through my playtime.
It was about that moment that I realized that I love MadWorld. I threw more and more enemies into the ever-rising pool of blood as the spikes came down and crushed them to bits and just laughed and laughed. This game is insane.
-There are 1,000 ways to kill people, from environmental kills to finishing moves performed once you punch people around and dizzy them up, so you definitely won't get sick of the violence anytime soon.
So did you guys hear? Ridley Scott is producing an A- Team film directed by the guy who did Smokin' Aces.
Speilberg is doing Tintin though I'm not sure if its CGI or not, Jamie freaking Bell is Tintin and Captain Haddock is Andy Gollum Serkis.
Lastly the director of....... Kung Fu Panda is doing a new live action He-man film.
New RE5 viral video showing Claire
password is badlands.
It also show El Gigante in action.
GG I have not unlocked everything yet, only a few hours into Boom Blox. Oh and yeah that FFXIII translation was horrible. I agree about Hamill, it didn't even sound like him.
Nintendo sales:
Nintendogs - 21.67 M (3.00 M)
New Super Mario Bros. - 17.63 M (3.47M)
Brain Age: Train your Brain in Minutes a Day - 16.82 M (3.84 M)
Pokemon Diamond / Pearl - 16.48 M (1.71 M)
Mario Kart DS - 13.79 M (3.34 M)
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day - 13.27 M (2.44 M)
Animal Crossing: Wild World - 10.57 M (1.04 M)
Super Mario 64 DS - 7.16 M (1.04 M)
Mario Party DS - 5.49 M (1.87 M)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Darkness - 4.40 M (2.82 M)
Pokemon Platinum - 2.40 M (2.40 M)
Kirby Superstar Ultra - 2.19 M (2.19 M)
Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia - 1.80 M (1.26 M)
Rhythm Heaven - 1.71 M (1.71 M)
Personal Trainer: Cooking - 1.68 M (1.68 M)
Wii Sports - 40.50 M (18.95 M)
Wii Play w/ Remote - 20.91 M (9.40 M)
Wii Fit - 14.01 M (12.16 M)
Mario Kart Wii - 13.67 M (13.67 M)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 8.10 M (3.24 M)
Super Mario Galaxy - 7.66 M (1.56 M)
Mario Party 8 - 6.28 M (1.42 M)
Link's Crossbow Training w/ Zapper - 3.44 M (1.74 M)
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 3.22 M (3.22 M)
Wii Music - 2.50 M (2.50 M)
Mario Super Sluggers - 1.21 M (1.21 M)
The number in the parenthesis are the amount it sold in this fiscal year (since april). Games like New Super Mario Bros. sold 3 million since april, thats like a 3 year old game...
Wii Sports - 40.50 M (18.95 M)
Wii Play w/ Remote - 20.91 M (9.40 M)
Wii Fit - 14.01 M (12.16 M)
Mario Kart Wii - 13.67 M (13.67 M)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 8.10 M (3.24 M)
Super Mario Galaxy - 7.66 M (1.56 M)
Mario Party 8 - 6.28 M (1.42 M)
Link's Crossbow Training w/ Zapper - 3.44 M (1.74 M)
Animal Crossing: City Folk - 3.22 M (3.22 M)
Wii Music - 2.50 M (2.50 M)
Mario Super Sluggers - 1.21 M (1.21 M)
I own the bolded games.