How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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robio (9m)
One of the site's forefathers.
I just wanted to check if the genital reference counter is working.
EDIT: It works.
Then it should count each instance of my username (even though it's not a genital reference).
Sounds like fun.
That the official box art? I like.
Club Nintendo
WTF? I've been a My Nintendo member since 2003, and have registered every Nintendo game/product that I have ever bought, but according to Club Nintendo, none of it counts. Basically, I got absolutely NO coins whatsoever for registering my products for all these years.
Nintendo said just a few months ago that some games would transfer over to Club Nintendo, and we'd start out with some coins. I assumed they meant Wii and DS games, but apparently not. I'm glad I didn't register my copy of Animal Crossing yet. Maybe I'll get something out of it.
EDIT: The site seems to be having a lot of problems. I registered my copy of Animal Crossing, and did a small survey, then it just logged me out for no reason. I can log back in, but whenever I click on anything, it just logs me out again.
Maybe once they get the site working properly, I'll have some coins. So far, I didn't get anything from AC either.
EDIT2: It seems that in order to recieve any coins, simply registering a product isn't enough. You also have to do a small survey about that product. Unfortunately, the survey I did for Animal Crossing isn't registering properly because it says I still need to do one.
Save yourselves a headache, and wait a week for Nintendo to fix this site before trying it. It's a mess right now.
EDIT3: Apparently, the problems I had with the site were due to me using Opera 9. It works fine with IE7.
Cool. I went over to sign-up at Club Nintendo and since I was a member at the regular registering here was a snap and all my previous info, registered games and products got switched right over plus I had linked my account to the Wii Shop Channel so all my purchases online are all registered there now as well. Too bad I don't get any coins retroactively, I guess I'll have to go and purchase new Nintendo products to get those.
Yeah, I finally managed to get Animal Crossing City Folk and Link's Crossbow Training surveys to register, and I now have 100 coins. Club Nintendo doesn't seem like Opera for some reason, but it works fine with IE7. All of my old games transferred over properly.
It sucks that it doesn't work retroactively, especially when Nintendo said some of the stuff would, but what can you do? I'm just holding out hope that they will offer a SNES Classic Controller and allow us to use coins to buy Virtual Console games soon.
X-Play's Exclusive Preview: The Conduit (link above)
I have to say, the game is really starting to look great. I like the sheer number of enemies on screen in the begining of the video, and the graphics are looking very nice as well. The gameplay looks pretty intense and fast-paced too. Hopefully, the final product will be a lot of fun.
Yeah, but I never in a million years would have guessed we would be using purple for PC.
P.S. Punk what is your opinion about our PC coverage?
It's wholly apparent from that trailer the difference between that and TOS2. I never made it through Tales on GC though so to get me to buy this one or the 360 game, well it would have to be uncomplicated and good to boot.
Pink colour for PC? It looks too close to red Nintendo. How about grey or black?
Wallachia? Isn't that in Austrailia?
I love the Uncharted 2 art. I know I'm in a minority but I would love to see the game looking just like that art.
Trash talk him for me sometime. Call him a cry baby. Or whore. Man-whore. You can say this "GG says die Manwhore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yup, twas cool when I dumped a bunch of points for VC points. I'm saving for the Mario Galaxy Soundtrack CD. It's like 5000 points and they have a special 85 track edition too for more. You get around 200-250 points per game and 500 points for hardware. I got my GC Zelda 1,2, OOT/MM disc from them for free.
You are not alone, but who cares that other people think otherwise, they are wrong plain and simple!
Yeah, I wasted all my Stars on VC-points, now I will have to save for the awesome Mario Galaxy CD. I hope they keep it in stock for years, because that how long it will take before I actually have enough stars!
It's actually been quite great club nintendo in europe for years now. But they only rarely stock great items and they usually sell out quickly. They even put up gba and DS games to get with your points. I think you should get stars/points for VC purchases.
Currently to get my Mario galaxy soundtrack CD I would need a couple thousand more points which means either 8-10 new games. Whaaaaaat? If any Europeans want to donate me their codes, please do so.
EDIT: Just watched the Ghostbusters footage, looks allright. It's done by Red Fly, Mushroom men guys ground-up so if Dvader liked that game it might be a good rental. The debris physics are great and natural looking when you explode stuff. Hey they have a proton shotgun.
Just saw the GOW3 trailer. Great visuals but Jaffe is a crayzee sucka for the hype he put out about it. Still looks like it would be epic.
OMG, Brutal Legend looks like it could be epic/total crap like Disaster. Must have this game.
Seems like it has heaps of personality but I just hope the combat is good and not repetitive. I wasn't paying much attention to this game but that has just changed.
"The Conduit is a revolutionary new shooter for Nintendo's Wii"
It looks so linear, but the one thing that it has going for it is that it looks quite frenetic and the controls and visuals are suppossed to be top notch for the system (arguably - generic art)
LOL I was just listening to the podcast "Curse you Hamster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
So I booted up Bully on 360, it looks richer in colour, obviously sharper, the flat textures have been replaced with shaders. Pretty cool. Strangely though the cartoon faces are still cartoon, but with the extra detail look weirdly deformed and distracting to me, Jimmy has squinty eyes. There are some pretty bad bugs too, characters which sort of shimmer and stick. The classes of the Scholarship edition were all made around the Wii controller, so they aren't as fun here, no trauman centre style disections or pinning flags to maps with IR or remote drumming.
Graphics wise though, great stuff. I hope my bro loves this, it's a classic I will remember for years to come. I should be getting my hands on Dead Space and Gears 2 soon. Very soon. And Assasins Creed. Did someone say that one should play the main missions only in Assasins Creed right?
Hang on, now I'm getting deja vu
Huge croc?! I thought the boss in RE4 was a huge salamander!
Never tried Bully. I think I should get the Wii version. Dead Space is great, provided you try it without any preconceived notions. It is a good, freaky game. At least the 2 or 3 hours that I could play it before MY FUCKING 360 HAD ITS ASSHOLE TURNED INSIDE OUT YET AGAIN. Lol. Needed to get that off my system. But yeah, Dead Space rules. You saw Alien? The first one? It's like being inside the Nostromo. Weird vibes, creepy atmosphere, something always moving ahead of you, feelings of unease. I think if somebody does this game with Ripley as the main and fighting aliens instead of abhorrent creatures it could be the definitive Alien videogame.
You didn't even like the first Gears, anus! What are you looking for in the second one? Besides more locust, that is. Lol. I haven't played the game, but from what I have seen it refines the gameplay and presentation elements from the first one, pushing hardware in a nice way. Don't come in here bitching about being bored with it if you willingly go out and grab it, lol. Take it like a man and ride the Cole man train, baby.
Yeah, stick to the main missions in Ass Creed and you'll be pleasantly surprised by what the game has to offer. Just remember that you don't need to do all the intel missions available to track down and kill your target. Usually doing 2 or 3 of them will be enough to unlock the assassination sequence. Remember that one of the most fun parts of the game is free roaming the city, killing guards and running away from the ones chasing you, although, knowing you, don't over do that either or you'll get bored soon.