How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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SupremeAC (2m)
Random attacks? Then they were amateurs. Watch this video. The Bowser player is a tournament pro (this is Melee, BTW).
Nah they were so good that Hamster puny eyes could not follow them, hence he thinking the attack were random! Hamster eyes can only see up to 30 frames per second, the game is a blur to him!
Beaver how is the Brawl tournament scene? Are the characters more balanced compared to Melee, and did people find new exploits? And how do the battles compare to Melee?
These two kids define Spike's audience.
Since, after all, GTA IV won their best game award.
I enjoyed Spike TV's VGA show. Jack Black was hilarious.
Brutal Legend with Jack Black and Rob Halford/Judas Priest = Epic win. The bit leading into the trailer for the game was awesome.
Kiefer Sutherland rules and now I want to get Call of Duty World at War even moreso plus it's a great game anyway.
The new Gears of War 2 maps looked great and I definately can't wait to pick them up.
While I thought GTAIV was a great game Gears 2 should've won GotY. The Lost and Damned episodic content looked awesome though and I'm really looking forward to playing it.
Why was Brawl not nominated for best music? This is the BS meter for every GoTY award show, if Brawl does not win best music, you know the GoTY awards were shit.
I'm not the best person to ask, since I'm not actively competitive. Brawl and Melee are just like any other game to me, except that I like to get good with my characters, though tournament-level skills are excessive for who I play against, anyway. Don't mistake my enthusiasm for the game (seemingly greater than that of anyone else here) as being a measure of skill.
Anyway, I'm not sure about the tournament scene. For the most part, Melee players who didn't quit due to disgust with Brawl's mechanics, and Melee players who otherwise didn't retire, seem to have moved on to the Brawl tournament scene. There are still Melee tournaments (with participants probably being those who dislike Brawl but still wish to play in Smash tournaments), but good luck finding them in comparison. People have decided, by and large, to move on to the newer installment of Smash Bros. These are just my impressions due to what I've seen on If you want an even clearer impression of what's going on, consider that the number of Melee forum boards in there is only a handful, while there are many boards for Brawl... and that site seems to be the one where Smash tournaments are predominantly organized.
Some people think the Brawl roster is more balanced, but my impression is that most serious players who played Melee competitively think that Brawl's characters are more unbalanced. I happen to think Brawl is more unbalanced, though take that as you will, since I'm not a professional or competitive player. Metaknight and Snake are among the top characters, whereas (if the tier list is still as I remember it) Ganondorf, Link, and Captain Falcon are the bottom three, with Falcon being the worst (he was one of Melee's best).
Metaknight is the nemesis of most of the characters, I'd say. He's too fuckin' fast and agile and has at least two moves that are extremely hard to defend against. Snake is just plain too physically strong. His standing normal attacks have knockback rivaling other characters' smash attacks. I'd say that whoever is in the top one--or maybe even two--tiers in Brawl has too much going for them. A professional Metaknight player can absolutely fuck up most other characters. But watch that video I linked to, where one of the lower-tiered characters (Bowser) beats one of the highest-tier characters (Fox). I don't know if the Fox was a pro tournament player like the Bowser (sorry, too lazy to check right now), but it shows what can happen in Melee.
That really wasn't much evidence of anything, though. Take that last paragraph with a grain of salt. You'd have to go read the forums to really see why Brawl is more unbalanced. And keep in mind I never said that Melee is balanced... it's just more balanced than Brawl, in my opinion.
There are new exploits, but I don't think there's anything on the level of what was found to be useful in Melee, such as Melee's ground slide (sorry, the technical term slips my mind at the moment).
Battles are much slower, which is one thing I dislike. I do like the fact that I can now more easily pull off the fastest characters' attacks than I could in Melee, but I don't count myself to have thumbs fast enough to take advantage of those characters in Melee. Certainly players who mained Fox, Falco, and Captain Falcon in Melee are disappointed in what was done to their characters this time around. I know I was with my main, Ganondorf, who is much slower and even less agile than he used to be. I prided myself in being able to make the ol' G-dorf move quickly in Melee (though not at tournament-level speed), but I have to devise new tactics with his new incarnation--play the wait game more often instead of approaching my opponent, for example; stay near the center of Final Destination and other flat stages because G-dorf is no longer very good at edge-guarding. It really does suck, what was done to him. Plus, his running animation makes it seem like Link shoved the Master Sword up his ass and left it there... but that's just a cosmetic gripe. One positive way to look at the slowed gameplay is to see it as more leisurely and less frantic and stressful, which I do like sometimes, but in my opinion, Melee's speed made it into something really special in comparison. I don't know how exactly to say it, but I think its speed let people acquire and show off more skill.
The items... man, no question, they are far more unbalanced. I like to beat other people with pure character skill, which is why I generally dislike using items. They do make things more interesting, but at the same time, they make things less fair. Hearing that the same sort of thing happened to Mario Kart Wii dismayed me, but at least I'm not into Mario Kart (and I seem to suck at it, anyway; I'm not a fan of racing games in general).
In regards to Melee, I was talking about the cpu fighters.
Wait. There are Smash Bros tournaments?
LOL. Yes, there "are" tournaments... since years before Brawl was released. I swear I've mentioned them here before.
The AI is inconsistent shit. It's what I fight against most of the time I play Smash, though, which isn't good for when you go up against people because you're accustomed to AI patterns and quirks not found with humans. But I still like it. It's still fun.
I've had characters spawn in and immediately fall down pits, with each of their lives, until I win the match, having put forth little effort. I've had characters spaw in and make the same stupid jump into a pit over and over again And I've seen just how stupid the AI is with Luigi, because when the CPU needs to make him recover vertically, it'll use his horizontal recovery move until he finally falls off the bottom of the screen. It's stupid. But if you want to get faster, fighting against the computer is fine, I suppose. And the computer can be pretty good, too, it's just that sometimes its stupidity shines through much more. Sometimes it seems to adapt to your patterns and even use patterns you've used previously for the character it's using against you. I've never seen at least the latter in Melee. "Stupid good" now has a new meaning.
You need to try Smash again, and for real this time. You can probably get a used copy of Melee for cheap somewhere. Just remember that Melee and Brawl, while both the same type of game with many of the same characters, are very different. I prefer Brawl because of some of the moveset changes and because of all its new features (like the stage creator, as lacking as it is), but Melee is unarguably better for fast, competitive fighting (and the characters will never fucking trip). I was, in fact, greatly disappointed with the fighting in Brawl for a long while this year, but I appreciate the game for what it is, and can go back to Melee at any time if I want speed and more balance.
Yes, kinda
Actually there is a video where Aniki uses Link to defeat the best Marth player in Melee. Link is lower tier while Marth is higher tier if I remember correctly. So you can see there stategy used to beat a stronger opponent.
I have noticed that in Brawl the are some heavy characters that are quite good. DK, and King Dedede are both high tier if I remember correctly. If only Meta Knight and Snake were not god tier, the game would be actually quite balanced, but there is still hope. People may find weaknesses in their game. Shame that C. Falcon is so low, he is mister Smash Bros. All his moves came from Smash. Smash did more for his character than the F-Zero series ever did!
My favorite character Samus is gimped a bit, but not too bad. Her neutral flying kick has no knock back effect, charge beam is weaker and the flying back kick is more difficult to time! But her air down is easier to do now without fast falling, grapling beam goes faster and I can easier to the up tilt attack without jumping. So it even out. I know that Samus was tremendously helped with wave dashing, so she is gimped in high tournament play. But it does not matter because I could not wave dash anyways.
I agree about the items though. There are some items like the cracker launcher that can kill dozens really fast. The Golden hammer is another overpowered item. But luckily you can turn those off. The smash ball is a stroke of genius. When one appears a mad dash to the ball happens. It does not break super fast, so it the chaos that ensues can last a bit longer
Here is the video I talked about
Aniki (link) vs Ken (Marth)
I actually have Melee. I'd have to dig it out of my closet, though. My sister got a free copy with her Gamecube a few years back. She didn't like it, so she gave it to me. I never played it after that first time, so I put it in storage just in case she ever changed her mind and wanted it back.
After I finish playing The Orange Box, I may give it another go.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHere look IGN officially saying Sonic Unleashed 360 and PS3 versions are better than the crap fest that is Unleashed on Wii.
So never bring up those damn review scores again.
Speaking of Unleashed super awesome HD version, I played more of it at a friends, I played the snow level, wow! The Sonic levels are so freaking well done. I played the first level over and over and I still cant get an S rank, I do amazing runs but you have to be nearly perfect, and I LOVE THAT. It controls well, it has its hiccups here and there but its not bad at all, I mean even SA 1 and 2 had issues, especially with the camera (which in this game is awesome). I love the Rush dash mechanics and how it fits, Sonic has never moved this fast, adds a whole new level of depth to the levels, knwoing when to boost and when not to. These Sonic levels are every bit as good as the SA levels, if not better.
And the bonus levels, I did the first worlds act 3, omg! Its basically an all rails run up in the sky, there is no floor, its just a huge series of rails with the ring boosts and enemies all over. Its actually freaking tough, its actually fantastic platforming. The Wii version had nothing like this.
Granted I got to just hop into Sonic levels tonight cause my friend had unlocked them, so I avoided running around the city talking to people or playing long werehog levels. If this was just all Sonic it would be one of my favorite games of the year. But I have seen enough so it will be a game I get using christmas money. Bravo Sonic Team, best game the have made in ages, I think this maybe the best Sonic game since SA2.
I will update news with the Spike Videos, GoW 3 was cool, not eyes melting amazing but still awesome. Uncharted had a great trailer but it was all a cutscene. I think Mafia 2 had the best trailer.
GTA4 won GOTY.
Wow, you're still defending Sonic Unleashed.
Just kidding, Vader. I'm glad you're enjoying the HD version.
So that's what happens when you try and stop people screwing in the navy?
I knew it wouldn't be a massive initial hit the way Sony wanted it to be. Forumers thought that people would be wowed, it would be a massive triple AAA success. As a game, yes it is, but there is more to working out a games sales than just quality. In a perfect world, the quality would win out but that's just not how it works.
LBP had the odds stacked against it, yes it's on a console with a smaller userbase comparitive to other platforms, but the console also happens to still be an expensive purchase and the world economy is in turmoil too so it's not a system selling property. What will sell the system is a cheaper price. The game is a 2-D platformer and those only seem to sell well on handhelds these days, despite the gorgeous visuals, it's still belongs to an old, almost niche genre the same as Muramasa does.
Yes it has dazzling UCC but joe public wont care and maybe wont even understand how its all made.
User content creation is fantastic, but truth be told, people are lazy about these things and the presentation is at odds with the relatively complex (for the general public to digest) concept of connecting online and creating your own stuff. It doesn't even matter that you can just download other peoples levels and play, even connecting a console to the internet is too much for a lot of the general consumers out there. So who does LBP appeal to with its presentation? How do games like Banjo and Viva Pinata sit at odds with deep, complex gameplay and presentation that seems to indicate that anybody can play it? It's an uphill struggle all the way.
Sony Europe recently tried to put a brave spin and a brave face on the games UK sales, but it's unlikely that it's going to get anywhere near the 9 million predicted sales, to be the massive system seller than Sony initially envisioned.
It's a new IP.
And to top all that off, they release it in the most stuffed part of the gaming year: winter!
Did anyone read this about Nintendo R&D BTW?
"In 2003, Nintendo declared that $34 million was spent on R&D. This figure steadily climbed to $103 million in 2006 and the following year bumped dramatically to $370 million. - WhatTheyPlay"
What could cause a jump like that in 2007? Wii and DS already out, I'm pretty sure that the DSi didn't cause that.
Honestly, Gary Oldman doesn't get the credit he deserves as Resnov in COD World at War. His voice over can bring tingles to the back of your neck in the russian campaign. Whilst alot of the time with the instant deaths I just wanted Kiefer to STFU. He keeps egging you on "Come on people!!!!!! Do it!!!!!!!! Smoke em out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It's like being at school and not being able to do the cross country and having some asshole drill instructor yelling constantly in your ear.
WHY THE HELL IS GOD SO CRUEL?! Firstly the mafia 2 trailer didn't load... then I couldn't find the remote to mute the tv and THEN it plays for 22 seconds and then needs to buffer!!!