Eidos strikes again!!
Blocking Tomb Raider Underworld scores that are lower than 8.0
Nintendo Power: Eiji Aonuma Interview
Talks about the design process of Ocarina of Time. Awesome interview, download NOW!
Rumour: 2009 sony blow-out
PS3 pricecut, LBP and Motorstorm PSP, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and GoW3 info
Taliban destroys video game shop
Oh, it's on! Fanboy vs Terrorist! Round 1! Fight
Sherlock Holmes coming to the Wii
Highly-acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series coming to the Wii
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Partying up is a great new feature that keeps everyone together no matter what. Avatars while devoid of having many sliders and are a little sparse on clothing/accessories is still very cool and nicely detailed. Online avatar games should be alot of fun.
The install feature is an awesome additition. So far I've played Gears of War 2, Fable II, and Ninja Gaiden II with installs.
Gears 2 loads a touch faster but is relatively the same.
Fable II showed good improvements with load times and eliminating the moments of lag in the game.
Ninja Gaiden II also showed nice improvements and playing through the first chapter was smooth and flawless.
Excellent update overall and makes me sooooo happy that we have upgradeable systems like we have now.
GG agreed.
On sonic the Wii version is being developed by someone else, so while the levels take place in the same location the actual design of those levels are different. Its also missing levels and content. Which is why I dont get why GI says the Wii version is better unless the Wii levels are far superior.
Rented Mirror's Edge as well, I am enjoying it but holy crap its the same thing over and over. Now I know why this game is short cause we would be bored to tears if it kept on going. Oddly I find the time trial modes to be more addicting, its like a race where your body is the car and you have to pull insane tricks to get the best time. Don't get me wrong its a cool game, never played anything like this its just a one trick pony. Oh and its beautiful, the colors are so nice.
NXE is looking cooler all the time. When you download a video clip you also have a nice backdrop for that particular game when it's highlighted in your video library. Nice touch.
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix looks freakin' awesome by the way. I just checked out a couple clips from Marketplace for it. Next week baby, woo hoo!
Wait, so the wii version isn't being developed by Team Sonic? That'd be why it's better.
Still don't have a computer, it should be coming via courier this very morning. I've been hopping between other peoples computers. Want to read them soon. Thanks very much for all the updates Iga, I only managed to post the Boom Blox and Demon Soul stories.
I do enjoy it overall, it can be really fun as I've said many times. It just lacks polish and the overworld is pretty horrid. I really don't agree with the stupid one hit missions and its over. Did everyone see the real ending that sets up NMH2? It's great. I only recentley completed the game.
Do you have a big hard drive archie?
You know when you buy 360 games online, they never state whether the hard drive is required. I find myself picking through boxart in store to spot a tiny little rectangle that is barely possible to see. How much are the installs to make these games load faster and how long do they take?
I know that DIMPS did the day levels and sonic team the night ones in the wii version. The only difference I heard was that some of the werehog levels were smaller and tighter with less enemies, but in the preview I read it said that that made the game better in that there wasn't this pointless slog through enemies and that combat seemed more focused. Otherwise all I've read is that the Wii version actually has a stable framerate while the other versions don't. And in a game about speed, I guess the reviewers would rather have a smoother version.
I still want to try Mirrors edge.
I was thinking about rentals the other day. Doesn't anyone else think that something is wrong when there are so many games constantly being released that take ages to complete that cost so much, that the only possible way to keep playing is to rent games? There is just this relentless churning of content and rather than looking back, getting games you missed or replaying great games, it's like being strapped to a train and having to go along for the ride. I sound like an old man
I see some gamers here and there on other boards saying that there is nothing out, they have nothing to play. But unless you own every good game for a system there is always something to play. Always something you missed and always something to try. I don't see why something has to be newly released to appreciate it. If I missed a game 9 months ago, get it and try it out.
Someone on YouTube posted the music for the final boss battle in Sonic Unleashed.
It's easily become the single best part about the game to me. There are some retards commenting that it's not proper 'Sonic' music (i.e. no Guitars). They've been promptly given negative comments by myself.
Oh nose! The Xbox Experiance update bricked my 360!

Just kidding!
I was actually very worried about that happening, but the update when smoothly and was surprisingly quick. It is a definate improvement over the previous interface, but it's also filled with a lot advertisments. Not a big deal, though. Avatars is okay. Overall, this is a slick improvement.
Here's Mii--er, my Avatar!
Little Big Planet
The Media Molecule title went on sale on November 5, and entered the UK's All Format chart in fourth place, the same week as the company's MotorStorm: Pacific Rift came in at 29. The following week both titles dropped in the charts to 19 and 35 respectively.
Not only that, Banjo failed to enter the top 40 and Disaster failed to hit the top 50. Disaster you can understand as there is ZERO marketing/hype/info and a quick unexpected release. The rest are big games that are bombing. Interestingly, Call of Duty World at War became the 3rd fastest selling game ever after two GTA titles and is selling twice as much as COD4 at the moment. Also, Mirrors Edge isn't doing too well either. Gears 2 is though.
Got the link?
Nice, thanks. I did some extra updates. There is some good news about High Voltage.
But check this out.....
Phoenix Wright the Musical.
It's a orchestrated version of the games main theme - Endless Possibilities.
OLD, saw that one years ago!
People the new podcast is up, listen to it NOW!
Why even post that, are you trying to give us nightmares?