Eidos strikes again!!
Blocking Tomb Raider Underworld scores that are lower than 8.0
Nintendo Power: Eiji Aonuma Interview
Talks about the design process of Ocarina of Time. Awesome interview, download NOW!
Rumour: 2009 sony blow-out
PS3 pricecut, LBP and Motorstorm PSP, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 and GoW3 info
Taliban destroys video game shop
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Sherlock Holmes coming to the Wii
Highly-acclaimed Sherlock Holmes series coming to the Wii
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LOL, short but completely spot on. My problem is not peoples opinions but the way they express them and if they can just recognise and respect the tastes of others. On a gaming forum you have a bunch of guys who all play the same games either ignoring or belittling that which doesn't suit their tastes, with no sort of acceptance for differing tastes or even the quality of some titles.
Resistance 2 (PS3, Sony): 8 / 8 / 8 / 9 - (33/40)
Naruto Shippuuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX3 (Wii, Takara Tomy): 7 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Hataraku Hito (Wii, Hudson): 8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)
Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Wii Deluxe (Wii, Bandai Namco): 7 / 7 / 8 / 7 - (29/40)
Rune Factory Frontier (Wii, Marvelous): 8 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (29/40)
Moe Moe 2-ji Taisen [Ryoku] Deluxe (PS2, SystemSoft Alpha): 6 / 5 / 5 / 6 - (22/40)
Major League Baseball 2K8 (Xbox 360, 2K Sports): 6 / 6 / 6 / 5 - (23/40)
Far Cry 2 (Xbox 360, Ubisoft): 8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)
Patapon 2: Don-Chaka (PSP, Sony): 8 / 8 / 8 / 9 - (33/40)
Layton Kyouju to Saigo no Jikan Ryokou (NDS, Level 5): 9 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (33/40)
Tamagotchi Kira Kira Omisecchi (NDS, Bandai Namco): 7 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Simple DS Series Vol. 45: The Misshitsukara no Dasshutsu 2 (NDS, D3): 6 / 7 / 6 / 7 - (26/40)
Keiki J.B. Harold Jikenbo: Manhattan Requiem & Kiss of Murder (NDS, fonfun): 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
Higurashi no Nakukoru ni Kizuna: Dai-Ni-Kan - Sou (NDS, Alchemist): 7 / 7 / 6 / 6 - (26/40)
The Conveni DS: Otona no Keiei Ryoku Training (NDS, Nippon Ichi Software): 6 / 5 / 5 / 6 - (22/40)
Moe Moe 2-ji Taisen [Ryoku] Deluxe (PSP, SystemSoft Alpha): 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 - (24/40)
Kenka Banchou 3: Zenkoku Seiha (PSP, Spike): 8 / 8 / 7 / 7 - (30/40)
Fuck categorizing. I understand having divergent opinions, but dismissing someone as a sheep for agreeing with reviews on any game is just as fucked up as dismissing someone for liking niche games. And I say this even though I don't give a flying FUCK about reviews. There is more than enough room for everybody's tastes.
I wish the game industry saw it like that too, but that is sadly not the case. Fans of 2D games where left out in the cold when the n64/PS1 generation was started. There are many genres that died, because developers were blindly following the next big thing. First it was 3D platformers, then sandbox games, than FPSs etc.
The gaming industry follows a trend blindly leaving the old trends to die. In other words, the game industry is filled with Sheep!
No whats going on is that someone is questioning someone else opinion, actually wondering if its geniune. Thats where it gets me frustrated when someone dismisses a ton of reviews and others opinions just cause THEY think they are right and everyone else is wrong. That is what Yoda hinted it with when saying that reviewers of hyped games just award games a high score just to do so, cause of graphics, and he mentioned all who follows is the same way. Sorry but that is BS.
Of course everyone has a right to an opinion, everyone should always be honest with themeselves and others but respect others. What I was saying is that if a grand majority of people think about a game one way and you think another you are in the minority, your goal should not be to belittle everyone elses opinion, explain yourself you can counter others arguments all you want. You can express it without acting like there is some grand conspiracy with reviewers and players. There is a big difference between disagreeing with an opinion and dismissing an opinion.
Oh snap!
(I still have to play the first.
Greetings, friend.
Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. So use it. And send $1 to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay; eternal happiness is just $1 away!
I may just rent it for the wii and may buy the PS3 version later cause they are both different games, Wii version is out now and I dont want to wait and I have no money so it gets a rental.
Oh and 7.2 is not bad at all.
Silence fool, Yoda is always right. He is the alpha and the omega, the creator of insert coin and the vg press. He can even embed youtube videos. A mere mortal like you has no place to question Yoda.
My penis is the alpha and the omega. All what exists in this universe gravitates around the engorged veins of my manhood.
Where the hell did this blindly following trends and reviews discussion start?
All I said was that I wish people tried to recognise and understand other peoples tastes without generalising. Which is what happens on forums. It's as much about using correct terminology and explaining yourself properly and not just throwing out exagerrations and generalisations. Or even something as simple as making clear when you are joking. It's a pet peeve of mine from being on games discussion boards for so long and NPD tends to bring it all out each month in a bitchfest.
I agree with what you are saying, but I also think it swings both ways. When popular opinion is against you and you are made to be some sort of pariah for thinking differently or the games you like just being ignored or made fun of by a majority on gaming forums. That's why - again with the whole balanced and qualified posting - I would say something like "Well I personally find the game a bit repetitive for my tastes though I can see why some people might enjoy the... etc" It's better than someone coming into a thread and telling me in a million different ways why Zelda is trash and sucks or why they don't care about Game X. Hell, why even post in a thread about a game you don't even care about? Fucking forums.
That said the best thread I ever read was an Oblivion vs Super Mario World thread where the guy was 100% serious about it and trashing Super Mario World. You guys must remember that one
Anyway, its nice to have a discussion in this place!
Even though it's usually arguing about hot issues that usually piss us off! 
How are they different games? I was under the impression that it was basically the same thing with the only difference being visuals? i.e better yet with bad framerate next gen, worse yet with steady framerate on wii? Why do Sega even do these werehog levels? Where is the sense in it?
Anyhow, don't know how many of you know it, but I posted a couple more impressions in the Call of Duty World at War thread. Turns out its quite entertaining and pretty good. Unfortunately it's rigidly scripted with spawnpoints and trigger points and littered with instant deaths. But generally, this is good shooter and now I've settled into it even the controls are good, just not really excellent like MOHH2 are. The games strength comes from movement and space and acheives an epic feeling atmosphere. For instance ducking behind your tank while it piles forward and flame throwers enemies is really cool. I even tried out the online modes, it's cool and works well, not my thing though, online fragging.
I'd peg it at around maybe 8.4, though I can understand the scores being bumped a bit for high end graphics on other consoles. Though design wise it will still have some rigid, even archaic at times design issues which I don't feel should be excused. Now that I have toyed around with ADS aiming and put everything to the highest settings, the vertical ADS movement is terribly laggy and not really that responsive, but horizontal movement works fairly well. The movement and regular aiming is probably on par with MOHH2, its just that MOHH2 has a silky smooth down the sights aiming and a couple of really advanced tricks in its repetoire: analogue lean and rotated zoom on sniper rifles.
That story should be a question and not be in gold I think. I though the link would take me to a capcom press release. Grrrrrrr.
Same here. But at least it helps that supposedly, none of the licenses are being held by anyone in particular anymore...though why post it on GameFAQS? Idiot should have posted on the fucking Capcom Unity boards...at least they'll pick it up.
Yoda, did you get the e-mail with the podcast link?
Resolved, I said it seems to be resolved, and it is gold because I really want to play this game! Still skeptical, all hope is welcome!
P.S. did you guys read LKS, Muramasa and Mad World interviews?
I've been saying this for the longest time. Hell since the begining of my GS days even.
Anyway I've been replaying No More Heroes and wow this game is a blast. I can definately see why so many people liked it in the first place.
One of the site's forefathers.