High Voltage to Announce More Wii Games
High Voltage to Announce more Wii games in the "near future"
Punk Rebel Ecks
Sony and Universal Pictures to release a "PoP Mach
Games, Movies and More - at a Vending Machine!
David Hasselhoff Red Alert 3 commercial
Because Archie is too lazy to post it himself
EA: Solution if your key is only has 19/20 chars
Brute force hack your activation key
Broken Pixels Episode 20
Episode 20: The gang takes Peter Perfect's phallus-mobile out for a ride, in a racing game made for your grandparents.
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Damnit. So you and Phantom both owe me for VC games. And I owe Punk for Battle Royale.
What did Leo recommend that you didn't like?
Beyond Oasis. How long does it take to make a car in banjo on average?
Oh, that's right. I remember now. I haven't played that one. I had the sequel on Sega Saturn, and I didn't care for it.
It depends on what you're trying to build. I've spend no more than a 5 minutes on a cart in the demo. The first cart only takes a minute. It's pretty easy to do once you get used to how everything goes together; the game has a very good tutorial. Also, I forgot to mention that you can find blueprints for other carts, planes, and whatnot which makes building those vehicles a lot easier. With blueprints, vehicles just load into the garage automatically done, and you can modify them later as needed. I'm still playing around with the demo, so I haven't tried everything fully yet. The demo is surprisingly huge.
Whoa What!? Sega delaying Sonic Unleashed?
Wow. Here's hoping they're going to spend the time actually making that game good. Though it's Sonic Team...so it might be making it worse.
But seeing this one image has already made my day..
WANT. I love how you can make this thing HOVER.
Oh yeah there are definately alot of brutal ways to die and to kill your opponent in this game.
I did check out your thread on Disaster and while the game does sound pretty fun there are so many games I want to play that are ahead of it right now I doubt I'll play it anytime soon. I may at least give it a rental sometime down the road.

Includes the hit single "smell yo dick"
Is that in Burnout Paradise?
I downloaded a couple more Xbox 360 demos tonight:
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Stunning game visually, and it plays very well too. Lara moves more smoothly and quicker than before. The only issue I had was with the game's camera. It isn't bad, but it is a bit jerky, and doesn't work as well as it should in tight quarters. Combat is faster, and is more fun too; I only wish they'd get rid of the auto-aim (thankfully, the Wii version doesn't have auto-aim). The enviroment seems more natural than ever before. I like how the plants move when Lara passes through them; Lara often automatically pushes large plants and vines out of her way which helps create a more believable world. The platforming is excellent, and challenging. It takes some thought to figure out how to progress. So far, I really like this game a lot. I was planning to get the Wii version, but now I may have to get both versions if they are different enough.
Mirror's Edge
Wow! Mirror's Edge demo is awesome! Back on the original Xbox, I played a game that's similar to Mirror's Edge, and that game was Namco's Breakdown. I had a lot of fun with Breakdown mainly due to its unique first-person viewpoint which more closely emulates real human movements and vision. Mirror's Edge shares this concept, and adds to it ten fold. Playing through the game is a breeze. It's not exactly easy, but when you have the Faith's actions down, the game just flows around you. It has a more unique visual style than what most 360/PS3 games have (no ugly, post-apocalyptic brown and grey enviroments here, thank God), and looks absolutely fantastic. I love the use of the color red that's spred thoughout the demo; red is used to guide the player through the game's levels, and works extremely well in preventing players from getting lost (something that Breakdown could've used). Combat is a little weird, though. The game focus' on avoiding combat or disarming enemies quickly. That's not a bad thing, and works pretty well. You can kick, punch, disarm, and do a sliding kick or jump kick into enemies. However, you do not want to be doing much hand-to-hand fighting since your character can be killed very quickly. Instead, the game pushes you to run up to an enemy, quickly disarm or knock them down and continue running in smooth, nearly non-stop motion; it feels great too! I'm definately looking forward to playing more of this game soon.
Note to Namco: borrow this engine, and make Breakdown 2!
Wow lots of news today, great stuff GG. Sucks to hear about Sonic though.
Today I saw the movie The Forbidden Kingdom and loved it. It felt like the type of movies I used to love as a kid, the big fantasy epics. Its a huge martial arts movie but at its core its a kids fantasy movie, it mixes the two so well. So many great fights in that movie, none better than the Jackie Chan vs Jet Li battle, well worth the wait.
I just watched the RE4 Zelda clip. LOL why does Link's hat stand erect? Wow, Legendary got a 2.3 out of 10? Woooooooooooooooooow.
It's definetely a game people should play through, whether they buy it or not. It can be really fun, despite not being a AAA game.
A lot of people were bummed out that the first Jet Li and Jackie Chan movie turned out to be an english language pic with that annoying kid in it. Not that its thought of as a bad film, but in general asian movie fans either wanted a wuxia pic or contemporary badass film.
You better fucking believe it!
Hey Raven, for a guy who constantly talks about selling his 360, you sure do play a lot of demos?
I was worried about Mirror's Edge being too easy to play or too helpful, having aids because of the first person view that is. I don't really understand the concept of free running in the first person. I'm wondering if it's just a combination of vaguely jumping towards something and hitting a button at the right time to either latch on or perfom a combination move. It just makes more sense for the game to be in the 3rd person so I find it really intesting. I will have to check out some videos on gametrailers.
In what ways is it better or different than the first game?
Pretty much everyway really. Graphics are better, the music might be better not sure though, the AI of both friendlies and enemies is better, online might be better although I haven't played against humans yet. The game now has bots so you can play all the online stuff offline too. The roadie run and cover mechanics feel touched up and more comfortable to use. More branching paths. The first game was fantastic but this improves on everything just like a sequel should.
Oh yeah and there is more variety in the levels.
Well check this out.
I posted my anti-piracy comics at gamespot. And people were actually being modded by answering a question about piracy.
You can see the thread here!
Demo's are free, GG.
Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with my Xbox 360. I one side, I hate a lot of Microsoft's business practices, but on the other, I like many of the games on the platform. I haven't purchased a game since my RRoD last summer, and I've really been debating whether I should ever buy another game for it. I even went so far as to take pics of my 360 and wrote up an Ebay auction listing a couple months back. Yeah, that RRoD nonsense really pissed me off, but I also have to admit that Microsoft fixed my Xbox quickly and for free, so I probably shouldn't be that pissed off. TBH, I'd love to just own the Wii and be happy, but I know I wouldn't be happy with only the games that are released on that platform.
As far as Mirror's Edge, I wouldn't call it easy because I died a lot until I got used to the controls and flow of the game. I'm certain later levels will be very challenging, and a lot more fun too. Most of the fun comes from that realistic viewpoint.
Wow, another Breakdown fan! I didn't know other people actually played that game.
Yeah, definately give Mirror's Edge a try. It's a lot of fun. I can't wait to play the full game. 
Rare Interview (above)
I like how Rare said that if they do release Killer Instinct on XBLA, then it will be exactly the same as the original coin-op, no remake. I haven't liked any of the XBLA Remakes, so I'd much rather have the original arcade game untouched. Thanks, Rare! Now release it, you lazy bastards!
And KI2 as well!